Question 1:
This "SVS Bill of Rights" is SVS's pledge to its consumers. It consists of 11 detailed promises in regards to customer service and satisfaction.
My favorite is promise #4, FREE shipping!
Question 2:
I would love to see the SVS subwoofer lineup include some more alternate styles, such as rosenut with a deep glossy finish. I wouldn't mind paying extra for a premium appearance, within reason of coarse.
Question 3:
I am a true believer that you pay for what you get. Most of the time this is true. I look for a balance in performance, quality, craftsmanship, style and features all at a reasonable price. When purchasing sound equipment for my home I only go with the best within my budget. In a good woofer I would expect to see various features. For example, variable tuning, DSP control, and high quality components that will last as long as the home I am putting it in are important. It is also nice to have an energy efficient setup, such as a power saving mode that will minimize power consumption when the components are not being used. Other features like LCD displays and such are nice but do not really weigh heavily on my purchasing decision... It all comes down to sound quality.