Enter to Win: $100 off AV123 order!

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My first post here at audioholics. I am just getting into the audiophilia hobby so here is a my taste perhaps from a newbies palatte:

Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).

1. Extension (it really bugs me when i listen to a woofer and it's not distinguishing itself)
2. Responsiveness (give me some oomph if i want it.)
3. Correction System
4. Size (not everyone has tons of room.)
5. Aesthetics (I usually like ugly models that others find displeasing, but the pretty ones are fine too.)


responsiveness, price, extension, extension, size of box, extension, aesthetics, correction system


Audioholic Chief
Extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, finishing options, size of box, correction system. Sound is most important, and finishing options help on the WAF.


Audioholic General
1. Cost (other) -- my number one factor. I'm not made of money over here.
2. Responsiveness -- a sub that can be very musical as well as great for HT.
3. Extension -- if it can't go low, then why bother? My mains go down to 35 Hz, so it'd help to have a sub that goes down a lot further.
4. Aesthetics -- yeah, I'd like it to look good. My mains are pretty enough that people don't realize they're speakers; they look like modern furniture. I'd like the same for a sub.
5. Correction system -- it's a big help, but then again, AVIA, DVE or the like helps too.
6. Size -- can't be TOO big; got a tricky living room, and only so many places it can go.




Since my system is in a Great Room it is essential that the Asthetics are addressed. I have made my subwoofer purchase decisions (up to 11 now) based upon all of these factors and for me, they are really very close to equal in weight. I added Self Powered.

Correction system
Self Powered
Size of box


For me:
size of box
correction system

I am currently shopping for a "situation specific" sub that has skewed my perspective... I "must" find a sub to run as a second sub that has to fit in an alcove alongsize my TV in the front of the room. That sub must be less than 12" wide in order to fit. I need this second sub because my "other" sub (which I also have yet to purchase... but will probably be a giant sub like the SVS PB+) will have an excellent hiding space behind the sectional couch in the corner. That sub can be all about performance: I don't care what it looks like as it will be hidden, and the space can accomodate almost any size of sub. The problem is that due to the room layout, the big/ugly sub is probably going to be localizable unless I can find a second small sub to provide some bass from a different spot in the room. THe second/small sub doesn't have to be a monster or go exceptionally low... just needs to be accurate with decent output. And less than 12" wide.


Subwoofer factors

Here is my list:

size of box
room correction and features

Cost is always a factor, and the rest just seem like a logical sequence, but it's more of a balance of all the factors.


Full Audioholic
room correction

when i buy a component i usually set a price limit and start comparing items
i never thought much about room correction until i bought a sub that had it and it made a lot of difference
Mr. Lamb Fries

Mr. Lamb Fries

Full Audioholic
COST - first thing I llok at...band for your buck!
Extension-Has to go low
Size of Box and Aesthetics-Has to have high WAF and Has to fit the right size
Correction System-bonus but not the first thing I look at


#1. Will "ONE" sub do it all? Or do I need one for Music and one for Movies.
#2. Price really comes into play if (2) subs will be needed.
#3. Relates to (#1), How deep will it go and how fast is its response.
#4. Is there any noticiable port noise?
#5. Will it match the rest of my system visually?
#6. Aesthetics(Wife factor-Will she hate it? And kids factor-will they be able to easily damage the driver or easily mar the finish?)
#7. Size and weight(Is it sooo heavy that selling it for future upgrading will be niegh impossible.)


Junior Audioholic
$100 off AV123 Order

My list.....Cost
correction system
size of box


I can now answer my own question, yes, people do win things (like AV receivers) on this site. My prize arrived early this week, but I didn't have time to open it until last night. I agree with the review, this is a lot of receiver for the money. I haven't had an opportunity to do any critical watching or listening yet. I'll post again later when I do. For now, I'd like to send a very big thank you to Audioholics and Yamaha.

My original "problem" with this contest started with a misunderstanding. When Audioholics contacted me there was some phone trouble. They weren't able to contact me again for about a week. Also, during my original conversation, I was told that they were trying to eliminate people signing up for contests for others. When I didn't receive a call back for several days I assumed that I'd been eliminated from the contest. I can understand Audioholics wanting to be sure that the prize winner is the actual person receiving the prize. I gave it some thought, and I have a suggestion: Have the winners submit a signed affidavit. Obviously, this would be hassle to do for all of the contests. But I think that it should be considered for some of the high value prizes.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Tom Andry said:
AV123 wants your opinion!

AV123 is giving away five (5) $100 off coupons to eligible forum members. Coupons must be used within six (6) months after the drawing date.

To be eligible to win, you must: 1) Be a registered Audioholics forum member, 2) Have USA or Canadian Residence 3) Answer the question in the forum below:

Contest Question: Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).

Note this contest ends on December 31st 2006. Winners will be drawn shortly thereafter.

Have fun and good luck!
Well for me it's all about the box size and aesthetics(WAF is a must), then responsiveness and extension the more muscial the better and finally room eq or correction because more then likely it will be placed in a corner anyways!!
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