Enter to Win: $100 off AV123 order!

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Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
AV123 wants your opinion!

AV123 is giving away five (5) $100 off coupons to eligible forum members. Coupons must be used within six (6) months after the drawing date.

To be eligible to win, you must: 1) Be a registered Audioholics forum member, 2) Have USA or Canadian Residence 3) Answer the question in the forum below:

Contest Question: Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).

Note this contest ends on December 31st 2006. Winners will be drawn shortly thereafter.

Have fun and good luck!
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Audioholic Warlord
Tom Andry said:
Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).[/I]
COST (other)
Accuracy (other)
System Blending (other)
Correction System
Size of Box

EDIT: I added cost as the most important factor. Yes, cost matters most. I have a budget and when I have that budget, it is then and only then that I can even begin to think about what I will be able to get with that money. Sure, I may want that 18" killer sub, but if my budget is $300 and that sub is $3,000 then what does ANYTHING else matter? It doesn't! But, when getting back to what I consider after determining my budget...

Hands down the most important factor for me is getting accurate sound from the sub. Not one that is boomy or artificial sounding, but has a nice tight controlled response. This plays directly into items 2 and 3 which is the low end extension and how well it responds when send the frequencies it is supposed to handle.

Now, all that bass and power must be able to blend in with the other speakers in my system perfectly. Simply giving me 100dB of great sounding bass won't do it if it jumps out from the rest of my system completely. It really must simply be there as an extension of the rest of my system.

The last 3 items are way down there for me. As I think a nice looking box is somewhat important for both selling it and showing it off to friends. Then the correction system will matter most I would think in a poorly designed room or at a poor location. If the correction system greatly ties into the accuracy of the sub, then I might just move this up to number two. But I don't have enough info on correction systems to say how much of an improvement they truly make. So, some more honest info from reviewers on correction systems would be an article I would like to read.

Finally - the sub should be as big as it needs to be. That is, for some size will matter a great deal as they need it small to be hidden or they want it huge to compensate for personal misfortunes. But, regardless of size, it should be the best possible sounding sub that can be made at that size. I will use a 3 foot tall subwoofer though if it gives me better sound for the money.


Audioholic Ninja
Subwoofer factors

Here is my list:

Size of box / aesthetics
Frequency response / extension
Room correction and features.


Audioholic Jedi
Contest Question: Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).

Cost [other]
- Factor #1 in nearly all cases
Responsiveness - Any decent sub should be able to keep up well with most music without sounding "one note"
Extension - I'm spoiled now, I like the ability to dig deep with my sub.
Aesthetic - up until now, I didn't care, but in my new setup, the sub will be visible. I can hide it discretely though.
Correction system - I've heard a few in action and they are beneficial in most cases. Current room isn't an issue, we'll see how the new room does...
Size of box - size isn't an issue to me. Current sub is 48" tall :D


COST - always most important to me
Extension-Has to go low
Size of Box-Has to fit the right size
Correction System-Almost always a benefit
Aesthetics-Has to have high WAF

Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic

It's got to be musical and hit low. EQ is a great tool, but I've been lucky, so the benefit is marginal. I'd like a smaller footprint, but screw WAF, I'm a man....


Junior Audioholic
cool....I am shopping for my sub right now.

"Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank). "

Balance - is it good for Music as well as HT

Cost - does the Sub justify the price

Build Quality - you can be an ugly sub. Just be one that had good fit and finish, good components, and what ever attempt of finish you go with make it consistant and uniform

Extension/responsiveness see balance

Aesthetics - if Wife ain't happy ain't nobody happy

correction system - not so critical I like to tinker with things so setup and experimenting with posistions/settings is something I enjoy

Size - WAF if you can make something big with a High WAF then hats off to you. I think it's like shoes and jeans....she swears she's a 6 even though the 8's fit better.

Weight - Heavier doesn't always mean better (see size and wife comment), but I don't want my kids to be able to push the thing around either.


Junior Audioholic
$100 off AV123 order

Quality of construction,Size, aesthetics
Frequency response - extension
Room correction, (upgradeable)-features


Junior Audioholic
Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).

cost (other)
correction system
size of box

Cost is always the first considereation. If it is out of the price range, then there is no reason to even consider it. Besides that, the capabilities of a subwoofer below 20hz is the second most important for me. If a sub can do this low then I do not have to worry about having output at low frequency range. Second is responsiveness and the ability to correct the response. Last are the looks for WAF.


Junior Audioholic
For me

correction system
size of box


Contest Question: Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).
Correction system


Junior Audioholic
Tom Andry said:
Contest Question: Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).
Size of Box
Correction System

Basically, I want it to sound good, but it also has to look good. I have a designated SW corner that can accommodate a pretty big subwoofer, but it should be smaller than a dog house.


Audioholic Intern
Cost [other] - cause it limits all the other options :)

Responsiveness - essential for a good sound

Extension - Well, that is somewhat the purpose of a good sub...

Correction system - Should help in most situations

Aesthetic - Not the most important, but should be available in the same colors/finish as speakers.

Size of box - not that important, I've got a dedicated room


Senior Audioholic
Correction System
Size of box

Seem to be a trend :D



My order:

correction system
size of box

All factors are relative and will follow eachother when any one input is changed. It just depends on the budget to get the most out of the speaker. There are some companies that offer more speaker/technology per dollar. An example is Bose v. Infinty/Polk etc. You will pay A LOT more for Bose because the consumer covers the cost of Bose's name and especially marketing campaign.


Audioholic Intern
Contest Question: Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank)

1) Cost
2) Sound detail
3) Accuracy
4) Aesthetics
5) Extension
6) Size
7) Correction system


Junior Audioholic
Integration (other)
Cost (Other)
Size of box (this also part of aesthetics for me)
Correction system

First, I'd want something easy to integrate into my existing speakers, and easy to place and tweak. It should not be obvious there is a sub along with the normal speakers, because it should just disappear and be noticed by sounding natural, not causing listening fatigue. It must also integrate into the look of the home, preferably hidden behind/under something. Quality/depth of the sound are important, and like everybody, I can stretch a budget somethings, but I'll never buy a $2000 sub, even though I could afford it, I wouldn't be able to justify it. Maybe I don't know how important a correction system is, but I don't mind manually tweaking crossovers.


Audioholic Intern
1. extension (because i'd only get a sub for that last octave i'm missing, 20Hz-30Hz)

2. correction system (because my small room can catch bass bloat like a virus).

3. size of box (small room needs a small sub)

4. aesthetics (because i have wife who isn't blind)

5. responsiveness (last, because it seems redundant with the first two already listed).


Contest Question: Put these subwoofer factors in order of importance to you and explain why you placed them in that order. Size of box, extension, responsiveness, aesthetics, correction system, other (fill in the blank).

1. Cost
2. Size of box - Important to the extent that has to work in the room chosen. If there is nowhere to put the sub the rest doesn't matter.
3. extension
4. responsiveness
5. aesthetics - Nice to have a good looking sub, but sound is more important.
6. correction system - Nice to have but not a high priority.


Size of box
correction system
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