“I picked up my Cyberbeast yesterday afternoon, drove two hours home, and had a blast driving it last night with friends and family. This morning, I defrosted it and drove to work. At lunchtime, the defrost did not engage(46% battery left), would not go into Drive or Reverse, started giving me errors/warnings, and then shut right down.”
“I Spent the next 4 hours on the phone with Tesla service, trying to revive it by “boosting” it. We did revive power, and some things activated, but others did not. Eventually, nothing worked…even with boosting. I went back to meet the tow truck driver, and we were able to get some power with boosting again(maybe it’s because we boosted frunk again?) and got it in some sort of emergency mode and was able to limp drive it onto the tow truck.”
“I am unsure what happened, but I noticed later at night that the fan noise under the dash seemed louder than before. I just assumed it was because of the cold temperature (-18C) (-0.4F), but maybe something else was going on?”
“Anyhow, I sure hope Telsa makes me whole on this. I feel like spending this type of money and having this sort of hassle within 24 hours is unacceptable. In love to heartbroken on the same day.”