Don't usually pay much attention to Bill Maher, but he mirrors my thoughts on this one....



Audioholic General
Well I'm not going to be able to obviously. It's my opinion based on no evidence of fraud in '20 coupled with a statistic stating blue's vote by mail more often.
Things are complicated. No evidence of fraud is not an accurate statement. There is evidence of voter fraud in every election. The question is was it enough to turn the election? That, we do not know the answer to.



Audioholic General
Curious to your response on the media. George Floyd and Bishop Evans. Given their lives and records Prior to their most unfortunate deaths, one excessive use of police force and one drowning, which life will the media hold up as an example. Will there be in any demonstrations for Mr. Evans life and heroics? I suspect it will disappear down the Media memory hole because it does not fit their narrative. Anyway, I salute the memory of Mr. Evans. RIP to both of them.



Audioholic Warlord
Curious to your response on the media. George Floyd and Bishop Evans. Given their lives and records Prior to their most unfortunate deaths, one excessive use of police force and one drowning, which life will the media hold up as an example. Will there be in any demonstrations for Mr. Evans life and heroics? I suspect it will disappear down the Media memory hole because it does not fit their narrative. Anyway, I salute the memory of Mr. Evans. RIP to both of them.

Kind of a moot point to be talking about BLM with the Trump fiasco stuff. Complaining it wasn't covered followed by Patriot Purge and the general silence on Trump.


Audioholic General
Kind of a moot point to be talking about BLM with the Trump fiasco stuff. Complaining it wasn't covered followed by Patriot Purge and the general silence on Trump.
You brought up the Floyd riots and looking away at the steal. So now it's inconvenient to the argument.
In the words of dear Emily.



Audioholic Warlord
Curious to your response on the media. George Floyd and Bishop Evans. Given their lives and records Prior to their most unfortunate deaths, one excessive use of police force and one drowning, which life will the media hold up as an example. Will there be in any demonstrations for Mr. Evans life and heroics? I suspect it will disappear down the Media memory hole because it does not fit their narrative. Anyway, I salute the memory of Mr. Evans. RIP to both of them.

Not a very good comparison IMO. Floyd was murdered by a cop. Then you had the right trying to undermine Floyd's death with his police record. Fair in the sense of reporting, but it didn't have an effect on the people on how he died. Also Tucker's Floyd died of a drug overdose. Classic Tucker.

I don't have the answers, but you can, as a conservative, look inward and reflect on why it is (or you believe) the left have a majority of the news outlets. What you can do to change that? Improving politico comedy, journalism, and teaching/broadcasting the key differences between the two parties. It's not my job, or the left's, to do it for you. I see an abundance of conservatives using leftist sources to make their points, but I don't see much demand in the way of seeking improvement from their own.


Audioholic General
Not a very good comparison IMO. Floyd was murdered by a cop. Then you had the right trying to undermine Floyd's death with his police record. Fair in the sense of reporting, but it didn't have an effect on the people on how he died. Also Tucker's Floyd died of a drug overdose. Classic Tucker.

I don't have the answers, but you can, as a conservative, look inward and reflect on why it is (or you believe) the left have a majority of the news outlets. What you can do to change that? Improving politico comedy, journalism, and teaching/broadcasting the key differences between the two parties. It's not my job, or the left's, to do it for you. I see an abundance of conservatives using leftist sources to make their points, but I don't see much demand in the way of seeking improvement from their own.
It's a valid comparison when you are contrasting media attention or indifference. Both were tragic in the sense that both would not have died for the fault of others. Murderous policeman vs. bad policy at the border. Why did the Texas National Guard have to be doing the Federal Border Patrol's job?

To see, one has to open one''s own eyes and become an independent thinker for themselves. People that rely on the corporate media, politicians, and their feedback loop to be informed will be not be. And when they see the actual results of the bad ideas and policies they were sold, to rephrase Twain, their own egos stand in the way of them acknowledging it. Believe what ever makes you comfortable.


Audioholic Warlord
It's a valid comparison when you are contrasting media attention or indifference. Both were tragic in the sense that both would not have died for the fault of others. Murderous policeman vs. bad policy at the border. Why did the Texas National Guard have to be doing the Federal Border Patrol's job?

To see, one has to open one''s own eyes and become an independent thinker for themselves. People that rely on the corporate media, politicians, and their feedback loop to be informed will be not be. And when they see the actual results of the bad ideas and policies they were sold, to rephrase Twain, their own egos stand in the way of them acknowledging it. Believe what ever makes you comfortable.
Ah now you're an "independent" thinker. One who wants to replace Floyd with Evans to benefit their narrative. In one of your paragraphs above you highlight the differences between the two prior to their deaths. Then you state Evans was a hero because he served. Then you throw in some faux care for them both by saying RIP. (What were they suppose to do? NOT protest and just say 'ah what a loser Floyd is. truck him.)

It would seem to me what an independent thinker might say is:

Floyd had a prior criminal record, but that doesn't obfuscate the fact he was killed by a police officer. No-one deserves that fate, and there's video evidence to prove this. However, what transpired directly after was unacceptable: the billions in property damage and Defund the Police chants made what was a legitimate conceen over police overreach, a wasted effort.


Audioholic General
Ah now you're an "independent" thinker. One who wants to replace Floyd with Evans to benefit their narrative. In one of your paragraphs above you highlight the differences between the two prior to their deaths. Then you state Evans was a hero because he served. Then you throw in some faux care for them both by saying RIP. (What were they suppose to do? NOT protest and just say 'ah what a loser Floyd is. truck him.)

It would seem to me what an independent thinker might say is:

Floyd had a prior criminal record, but that doesn't obfuscate the fact he was killed by a police officer. No-one deserves that fate, and there's video evidence to prove this. However, what transpired directly after was unacceptable: the billions in property damage and Defund the Police chants made what was a legitimate conceen over police overreach, a wasted effort.
Replacement is your word and along with your projected faux care comment. Obfuscation? It's clearly stated above that it was a murderous police officer that caused Floyd's death. Its very easy. They could have protested peacefully and not torn their cities apart. And let's not forget the politicians and the media who encouraged or looked the other way as this was going on. Helping to pay for their bail was the cherry on top.

It was not a wasted effort for them. The Defund the Police movement and the policies that followed has cost lives in the poorest neighborhoods. No obfuscation there just blood.


Audioholic Warlord
Replacement is your word and along with your projected faux care comment. Obfuscation? It's clearly stated above that it was a murderous police officer that caused Floyd's death. Its very easy. They could have protested peacefully and not torn their cities apart. And let's not forget the politicians and the media who encouraged or looked the other way as this was going on. Helping to pay for their bail was the cherry on top.

It was not a wasted effort for them. The Defund the Police movement and the policies that followed has cost lives in the poorest neighborhoods. No obfuscation there just blood.
So here's your quote that I'm referring to.....

Curious to your response on the media. George Floyd and Bishop Evans. Given their lives and records Prior to their most unfortunate deaths, one excessive use of police force and one drowning, which life will the media hold up as an example. Will there be in any demonstrations for Mr. Evans life and heroics? I suspect it will disappear down the Media memory hole because it does not fit their narrative. Anyway, I salute the memory of Mr. Evans. RIP to both of them.

You first start by asking which life will the media hold up due to their records "Prior" to their deaths. The problem is you're trying to wedge the two together in some comparison. One died heroically. Basically you're resentful that the media didn't cover the riots. Fair enough. The problem though is now you want Evans' story to become a bigger one and overshadow Floyd's even though a cop fucking placed his knee on a handcuffed guy for 8.5 minutes. Fair or not, the latter will make frontpage headlines. Cause yanno it was a cop, someone who is suppose to extol standards above the rest of us losers. But you don't care about that. It's basically Floyd (L) vs Evans (R). Then you just add in the RIP at the end to cover your tracks (ie faux care for both).
After that, I tried to do a brief paragraph as an example of what an independent (ie not partisan) might say, but guess this: it wasn't enough for you as independent thinker (ie conservative). So ok. We'll add those things into the history. But really at the end of the day you just want Floyd's history erased for Evans'. It was why I said 'What were they suppose to do? NOT protest.'

In the future I'd just concentrate on Evans' story and the media.

Edit: like 2/3 of it I see where you're coming from. The vandalism etc. But the other 1/3 is still there. Floyd's death , the non-violent protests, Tucker's Floyd died of a drug overdose. Mix the 1/3 into the 2/3 and wa-lah! It's magically gone and we can get back to the politico game of leverage.
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Audioholic General
Resentful? Erase? Again your words and projections. I expect little from the media so resentful would be a useless emotional response. God, that sounds like Spock. Again the Evans story came to mind because it just happened and the media and the White House was ignoring him. The question remains valid as a temperature check on what the media chooses to focus on and how it portrays it.

Don't really care what Tucker or any talking head has to say. Tucker is in the business for ratings just like Stelter or Maddow. They maybe right or wrong on particular issues but I still won't give them my rating points. Make up your own mind. That's why I always tell you, my conservative as well as my leftwing friends to change the channel, think independently, debate and exchange points of view. The media is divisive and soul destroying.


Audioholic Warlord
Resentful? Erase? Again your words and projections. I expect little from the media so resentful would be a useless emotional response. God, that sounds like Spock. Again the Evans story came to mind because it just happened and the media and the White House was ignoring him. The question remains valid as a temperature check on what the media chooses to focus on and how it portrays it.

Don't really care what Tucker or any talking head has to say. Tucker is in the business for ratings just like Stelter or Maddow. They maybe right or wrong on particular issues but I still won't give them my rating points. Make up your own mind. That's why I always tell you, my conservative as well as my leftwing friends to change the channel, think independently, debate and exchange points of view. The media is divisive and soul destroying.
Yep, basically resentful of the media coverage on the riots. So you're trying to sandwich in Evans to make some type of vein attempt in hoping it will garner the kind of headlines Floyd did. But the events in 2020 did happen on a national scale. That's what you're up against. Like your argument makes sense if Floyd was just some random criminal who died unaided by a cop. Why spend so much time on a loser who died by his own will???? But you're throwing the entire kitchen sink into this one. Jarring events typically make our history books etc. Evans' might make headlines for a day. Plus you're never not thinking in terms of having a political advantage.
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Audioholic General
Yep, basically resentful of the media coverage on the riots. So you're trying to sandwich in Evans to make some type of vein attempt in hoping it will garner the kind of headlines Floyd did. But the events in 2020 did happen on a national scale. That's what you're up against. Like your argument makes sense if Floyd was just some random criminal who died unaided by a cop. Why spend so much time on a loser who died by his own will???? But you're throwing the entire kitchen sink into this one. Jarring events typically make our history books etc. Evans' might make headlines for a day. Plus you're never not thinking in terms of having a political advantage.
We disagree on the coverage of Evans. Not so sure on the middle bit.
That last sentence is rather priceless given the previous points made on the media's corruption.


Audioholic Warlord
We disagree on the coverage of Evans. Not so sure on the middle bit.
That last sentence is rather priceless given the previous points made on the media's corruption.
Seems to me your aim was to marginalize Floyd's death.


Audioholic Intern
Ah Bill. He made some interesting points...
I'll take everyone's word for it - I'm not going to give that ugly bigot a second of viewing time.

Certainly before Repubs reaction to the results in 2020, there were no examples of Dems disagreeing with election results prior.
Certainly before the January 6th, 2021 putsch attempt...the only other American attempts to violently overthrow representative government came from people who would be Republicans today: the white supremacists of Wilmington, NC.

To believe that one would have to ignore just about every Hillary (and close Dem colleagues) interviews since 2016 which she states straight up that the election was stolen.
Cite? Secretary Clinton's inner circle (which includes good personal friends, FWIW) will fume about Comey's 11th hour firebomb, and REALLY damn that worthless pervert mofo Tony Limpdick for shooting our whole country in the balls. They will also, reasonably, note the role of the massive Russian disinformation attack campaign, and Putin's American quislings who helped it along. But do they falsely claim voter fraud? No. Did Secretary Clinton urge her supporters to storm Congress while they were certifying the vote? No. (And perhaps if even if in an alternate universe she had done so, more to the point, her supporters would've abandoned her.)

Stacey Abrams? She's made a career of it.
That's an asinine false equivalency worthy of the GRU. There is a relevant and material distinction between falsely asserting the existence of material fraud (the Big Lie) and the noting the adverse impact of a self-serving manufactured tilt in the electorate. In Stacey's first run for governor, the eventual victor, Brian Kemp, was Secretary of State. In that position he and his people were in charge of certifying voter eligibility. His office used that power was to disenfranchise Georgia voters, especially voters with less Wonderbread names. For example, if someone had a spelling of her name with a dash on one form and one with a space in some record, that voter was thrown off the list. This was a not longstanding standing policy of his office, but an 11th hour change in procedure. Legal, but oh so dodgy. The result was close enough that it is more likely than not these efforts to warp the electorate swung the election to Kemp. And yet - nobody put on horns and stormed the Golden Dome as a result, either. Nobody pissed in Speaker Ralston's office or erected gallows with the stated intent of lynching an elected official.
Disclosure - we lived in Atlanta at the time and were strong supporters of the Abrams campaign. Our eldest daughter was in an Abrams campaign commercial. Also, to learn more about this remarkable human being, it's well worth watching her Oxford Union address in full.

That said, we also have good friends who are Kemp appointees and serious, capable public servants in their appointed positions.

Now, we do know Gov. Kemp's moral red line. While he has shown himself wiling to use all available legal means to damage democracy to his benefit, unlike many Republicans he was principled enough to draw the line at conspiring to commit fraud.

Likewise, go back to 2000. The Supreme Court stopped the count for electoral purposes, but subsequent work by NGOs showed Vice President Al Gore won Florida when it was finally counted. Does it need to be said the Vice President did not spend the next three years whining in public. He also did not incite a putsch attempt, or even make moves to throw out Florida's electoral slate. He accepted the decision of the Court, wrongly decided though it was, and moved the eff on.

They should be educated so they can decide who to vote for themselves.
Speaking of education, it's worth noting which party has pulled stunts such as banning math textbooks for some alleged support of "Critical Race Theory," whatever the hell they mean by that. (When these neo-Soviet apparatchik thugs rant about CRT, they never seem to actually know what it is.) I think the real reason was the competing publisher is a Party supporter. We really should rename the modern GOP to CPSU-West..
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Audioholic General
A real partisan take, my compliments on that and you seem to swim in high circles. Am curious, do you ever ask these people in or close to power why they support policies that lead to bad results for the poor and lower classes? My comments on your comments:

Americans have a violent history. It does not excuse what happened on Jan 6. That was deplorable.

One of many Hillary quotes, the rest on on Youtube:

I would imagine that you believe that her campaign did not pay for the Steele Dossier and start the whole Russia Hoax machine?

We'll see what happens with the Durham investigations. On one level, I do feel for Hillary. Her time to be president was ideally 2008, but that was taken away from her by the DNC.

Stacey Abrams disagreed with the election results. I will take your word on the local circumstances of high jinks before the election. Unfortunately it happens to all sides.

Al Gore, I still feel for him. In the 2000 election he should have been running as an incumbent president against Bush and would have probably won. But Bill did not do the right thing and resign before the election.

The banning of books in recent times has been quite the obsession and practice by the left more than conservatives. That's no surprise though, it's Year Zero thinking. As for CRT, I think Terry does a good job here not defining it. He is insisting its not taught in Virginia, so is it bad?



Audioholic Warlord
The banning of books in recent times has been quite the obsession and practice by the left more than conservatives. That's no surprise though, it's Year Zero thinking. As for CRT, I think Terry does a good job here not defining it. He is insisting its not taught in Virginia, so is it bad?

But burning? Hehehe.....

Al Gore, I still feel for him. In the 2000 election he should have been running as an incumbent president against Bush and would have probably won. But Bill did not do the right thing and resign before the election.

I'll trade you a Bill for a Trump (election scam).;)


Audioholic Warlord
Not at all. Floyd's death was tragedy with the repercussions being more so. Was focusing on the media.
which life will the media hold up as an example.

Looks to me like you were saying it was a choice between one life or the other to fit your narrative.
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Audioholic General
which life will the media hold up as an example.

Looks to me like you were saying it was a choice between one life or the other to fit your narrative.
First it's marginalize, now it's choice. The media chose Floyd and did not chose to do so with Evans. Why not have 'chosen" both? Its priceless that you speak of a person having a narrative but there is consistency for sure. The narrative is that the media is corrupt as stated many times.

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