Don't usually pay much attention to Bill Maher, but he mirrors my thoughts on this one....



Audioholic General
The banning of books in recent times has been quite the obsession and practice by the left more than conservatives. That's no surprise though, it's Year Zero thinking. As for CRT, I think Terry does a good job here not defining it. He is insisting its not taught in Virginia, so is it bad?

But burning? Hehehe.....

Al Gore, I still feel for him. In the 2000 election he should have been running as an incumbent president against Bush and would have probably won. But Bill did not do the right thing and resign before the election.

I'll trade you a Bill for a Trump (election scam).;)
I think you misread banning for burning or maybe you did to fit your "narrative".
As for you last line, I am sure you would. But if you were looking for a babysitter for your teenage daughter, who would you pick?


Audioholic Warlord
First it's marginalize, now it's choice. The media chose Floyd and did not chose to do so with Evans. Why not have 'chosen" both? Its priceless that you speak of a person having a narrative but there is consistency for sure. The narrative is that the media is corrupt as stated many times.
You were marginalizing Floyd's death by making it a choice for the media between the two. It isn't that b&w. Yet there you are trying to because it fits your broader agenda of shoe horning Evans into Floyd's death and making it an ultimatum.


Audioholic General
You were marginalizing Floyd's death by making it a choice for the media between the two. It isn't that b&w. Yet there you are trying to because it fits your broader agenda of shoe horning Evans into Floyd's death and making it an ultimatum.
Marginalize, choice, shoehorning, ultimatum. Whatever makes you feel good. The media is corrupt, change the channel.


Audioholic Warlord
I think you misread banning for burning or maybe you did to fit your "narrative".
As for you last line, I am sure you would. But if you were looking for a babysitter for your teenage daughter, who would you pick?
No my point was the TN Republican wanted to burn them LOL. Reminds of the time the Dixie Chicks singer spoke out against southern religion. It was a great example of freedom to speak and freedom to speak out against. But then they started piling the CD's and burning them and running over them with bulldozers and what have you. Like ok you made your point LOL.


Audioholic General
No my point was the TN Republican wanted to burn them LOL. Reminds of the time the Dixie Chicks singer spoke out against southern religion. It was a great example of freedom to speak and freedom to speak out against. But then they started piling the CD's and burning them and running over them with bulldozers and what have you. Like ok you made your point LOL.
Go it. In the 1980s, Tipper Gore's campaign to put labels or ban certain musicians made me go out and buy Metallica records as well as Prince records. I am grateful to her!


Audioholic Warlord
Marginalize, choice, shoehorning, ultimatum. Whatever makes you feel good. The media is corrupt, change the channel.
Well your MO is about the disadvantage Republican have when it comes to the media. Floyd/Evans was an example of it's one or the other when the former's death is a little more nuanced than that. Had you just focused on the riots and policy etc than you'd have been spot on.


Audioholic General
Well your MO is about the disadvantage Republican have when it comes to the media. Floyd/Evans was an example of it's one or the other when the former's death is a little more nuanced than that. Had you just focused on the riots and policy etc than you'd have been spot on.
It's safe to say we disagree on my take.
On the Repubs, it's certainly a disadvantage that costs them a few points every election. But trust in media has continued to erode and is at an all time low. Maybe that helps them in the long run but that will depend on the candidates they run. Dems see Fox as an arm of the RNC, Repubs see the rest of the corporate media as an arm of the DNC. Then there is the middle and the beat goes on as viewship declines. .

If you read the 10K's of these companies, one of their largest risk factors the mention is loss of advertising revenue. They sink or swim by the numbers of viewers watching and some are suffering badly as viewers go elsewhere to other platforms. Another rising factor over the last two years is legal liability. The Nick Sandman lawsuit settling for $275m echoed loudly in news rooms across the country. Any news media outlet could be hit with similar lawsuit including Fox.


Audioholic Intern
I would imagine that you believe that her campaign did not pay for the Steele Dossier and start the whole Russia Hoax machine?
So much bullshit there it's hard to know where to start unpacking it.

First, the only “Russia hoax" was the hoax that Putin's Russia was ever a first rank global power and not just a stagnant petro-kleptocracy that happened to inherit a nuclear arsenal. In the middle of last decade there was a coordinated series of Russian propaganda and disinformation attacks using hacked data against free world institutions. Some of these were coordinated through public statements by Putin’s vassals ("Russia, if you're listening..."), and others likely went through through various quislings (Farange, Le Pen, Manafort/Stone, Strache, and so on) or their underlings. Russia's attacks were initially very successful in advancing Russia's goals of creating/exposing fractures in the free world: Brexit, propulsion of Putin's boy into our White House. However, the free world developed countermeasures to these attacks, and the potency of the Russian assault began to fade starting with the French election before last, where Russian leaks of hacked data and attempts to lever French election laws for maximum damage failed to provide much boost for Putin's girl over Macron. Thankfully, Putin's girl again lost to President Macron last week, though it is damn scary that such a wretched monster could get 40+ % of the vote shortly after her patron launched war in Europe.

Second, the Steele dossier is a sideshow, not the start of American knowledge of Russia's propaganda and disinformation offensive against the free world, or central to it. I believe official US counterintelligence investigations started after one of Putin's boy's half-wit pipsqueaks (don't remember the name -I believe it sounded Greek though) bragged to some Australians while drinking, and Australian intelligence warned their US counterparts.

Third, the origin of the Steele dossier begins with Republican operatives and the GOP primary. I don't remember if it was Sen. Rubio's official campaign, or someone close to him. Regardless, I think it would be consistent to lump it in to Russia's general "flood the zone with poop" offense. Remember, the primary Russian objective was to create chaos in the free world. I'm also not aware of anything in said dossier being actually disproven, though it's also peripheral enough to the actual story of Russia's attacks on the free world that hasn’t really worth my time to follow.

We'll see what happens with the Durham investigations.

What an embarrassing farce!

On one level, I do feel for Hillary. Her time to be president was ideally 2008, but that was taken away from her by the DNC.
I love all these conspiracy theories that just happen to delegitimize achievements by people of color... It was we pesky voters who preferred the Senator and constitutional law scholar from Illinois over Sen. Clinton in 2008. Even in 2016 there was a lot of antipathy towards Secretary Clinton's campaign. It's mostly the contrast against her opponent that has led to her current glow. I think if she had faced off against a patriotic American in 2016, she would've lost badly and would not have her current reputation.

Stacey Abrams disagreed with the election results. I will take your word on the local circumstances of high jinks before the election.
Don't. Verify the facts instead. Here's a good start: 2019 [edit] Georgia Purge Removes Nearly 309,000 Voter Registrations.

The banning of books in recent times has been quite the obsession and practice by the left more than conservatives. That's no surprise though, it's Year Zero thinking.
That's an odd perspective - I'd like to see you defend it.

In my lifetime at least, knowledge has constantly been fighting to beat back the barbarians at the gates: white supremacists and christian KKKrusaders. When I was a middle schooler the barbarians forced taxpayers such as my parents where we lived at the time (Cobb County, GA) to pay for printing and installation of stickers in biology textbooks that evolution was "just a theory" (not that these creatures were smart enough to know what “theory” means, but anyway), were constantly battling to prevent any meaningful sex ed, and so on. They are continuing today with attacks on education regarding the nature of institutions, non-mythological history texts, sexuality, and so on. It should be quite embarrassing for them to be so stupid. And self-evident that keeping the population as stupid as possible is a sad attempt to keep their power

As for CRT, I think Terry does a good job here not defining it. He is insisting its not taught in Virginia, so is it bad?

Gov. McAullffe's answer is accurate and appropriate for his position, though I think he was a little too mild in his pushback. I don't know if he even has a JD, but regardless his actual career path has been "political operative" not "legal scholar." Why the hell should he try to define an academic legal theory when chances are he's unfamiliar with the formative texts?

More importantly, the disgusting racists who have latched onto “CRT” as their favorite new dogwhistle have certainly not engaged with the academic legal writings either. Braying "CRT!" in the current political context is nothing but shorthand for "I'm a white supremacist!"
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Audioholic General
Agree with your take on Russia and its playing at being a "global superpower" with a second world economy. Many who should have known better made the mistake of taking their eye off the ball thinking that old Soviet tactics would not be used by "modern" Russia. Especially as Russia is run by an ex KGB colonel. As concerned as we are should be on Russian activity, I am more so with Chinese cyber warfare and related activity in both the private and public sector.

Russia was certainly playing both sides in 2016. Don't remember either which of the Republican campaigns engaged Fusion initially(could have be Rubio, I doubt it was Jeb) but that dropped as the primary ran down. It is alleged that not much work was done on it prior to Fusion being re-engaged by Perkins Cole on behalf of the Clinton campaign. Once Steele started contacting his old network in Russia well that opened to door to all kinds of BS by the Russians. On one hand, I am sure that Steele was right that the Russians were trying penetrate Trump's Campaign and did make contact. Steele did not come up with anything that proved collusion. The whole arc of the story from Steel to the Hillary Campaign to the FBI, getting wiretap permission for Page, on and on, for four years. Millions of tax dollars wasted only to have Mueller say there was no evidence of collusion. Was that a farce? Will Durham be a farce as you say? We'll have to see on that. It will be no surprise that whatever the outcome, either side will cry foul. You may find this article of interest from last year on the dossier.

I don't think the Hillary vs Obama "conspiracy" had to do with color. I think it more to do with sex. I remember working during that period with many female NYC lawyers who were livid at Hillary not being nominated and the DNC. Also, I remember primary was especially bruising and allegedly giving rise to the "Birther Question" by a campaign staffer. Personally, despite the law, I don't care what country someone was born in.

Quite a stark picture the description of the Cobb County of your youth. Growing up in the NY area in the 60/70s we were lucky enough not to have to deal with the 6000 year old clock of the devout. Urban areas certainly had these type of people but they were a significant non factor. With the diversity of races in NYC, we were too busy fighting each other.

Banning books: This category I will use the expanded definition of banning, as in the removal from university curriculum, schools and censorship. Let's start with authors because is easier. Mark Twain, JD Salinger, Harper Lee, Steinbeck, Rushdie, London, Chaucer, Milton or English Poets at Yale. I remember reading an article about students at Notre Dame wanting to delete all European authors. The Scottish economists. The free market economists. The Chicago School of the 60s and 70s. How about any conservative author or idea. I am sure we'll cancel JK Rowling soon. How about we ban the burning and censorship of all books and let ideas stand and fall on their own?

Gov. McAullffe was asked a legitimate question and should have at least some sort of answer with detail if he's going to govern a US State or even the board of education of a small town.

Your definition of white supremacist is quite broad but it fits the times we are in if the objective is to cause division and rancor. I would condemn any "supremacist", white, green, blue, Russian, Chinese, or any traditional definition but not by the one in use now. The current definition in the field of education would seem to include "all of what was defined as Western Civilisation". In addition to the names detailed above, does that include the great neglected figures such as Fredrick Douglass, Booker T Washington, WEB Dubois, or the used to be famous journalist George Schuyer? All names we had to be familiar with in high school in the 70s. Jesus and the apostles?

Been tracking CRT for a while. To me, like any "theory" should be taught along side other competing theories or historical narratives. It should also be taught, along with many subjects, at an age when they can appropriately grapple with the concepts. A couple of years back, I found a rather well rounded discussion here.

As you probably have determined by now, I am devotee of Sowell and have been since the 1980s as my then university Economics Department followed the Chicago School. He is much more than an "economist" he is a great "human" with a great life story. In another country and time, he would have been a great president.

I'll close this volley with a quote by him channeling Lincoln but putting his stamp on it:

"Ours is the first civilisation destroyed not by the power of outsiders, but by the ignorance of our teachers (and elite) and the nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity".

Over to you. Apologies for spelling and grammar at these lengths. English is not my first language.

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