Don't go hunting with the V.P.!!



alandamp said:
Yes, that's why I brought it up. Like I said, something to laugh about later.
Yeah yer right. my wife is always telling me to light'n up.


race4aliving said:
Yeah I have been shot before more then once and it does hurt like hell, and you ?
Rock salt in the butt and in my youth:eek:


Has anybody seen todays headlines?

Only this administration could almost kill somebody with birdshot!

A pellet of shot traveled through his blood system and lodged in the heart. He had a small heart attack so they performed a cardiac catheterization.

The chances of that are a billion to one.

EDIT: a quote from the doctor, "He’s not had a heart attack in the traditional sense, Whittington did not experience symptoms of a heart attack or any other problems. They left the birdshot in place and said he could live a healthy life with it there."
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

A word to the wise: if you shoot a lawyer, make sure he's dead!:p


Senior Audioholic
mike c said:
can you please explain that to me? :confused:
why would the deaf mute (who can see) hammer a nail into the blind man's thumb.
Why would the VP shot his hunting partner? Because he didn't see him, or he missed his intended target.

Same with the deaf mute hitting the nail improperly and driving it into the blind man's thumb.

I have no idea where the statement came from. The first time I heard it was when I was a Boy Scout, and the adult leader exclaimed "I see said the blind man while the deaf mute hammered the nail into his thumb" after one of our finest Boy Scouts had tried to hammer a nail through the hand of the other Boy Scout who was holding the nail cupped in his hand. The best part .... this was these two guys SECOND try and hammering the nail.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
sjdgpt said:
Why would the VP shot his hunting partner? Because he didn't see him, or he missed his intended target.

Same with the deaf mute hitting the nail improperly and driving it into the blind man's thumb.

I have no idea where the statement came from. The first time I heard it was when I was a Boy Scout, and the adult leader exclaimed "I see said the blind man while the deaf mute hammered the nail into his thumb" after one of our finest Boy Scouts had tried to hammer a nail through the hand of the other Boy Scout who was holding the nail cupped in his hand. The best part .... this was these two guys SECOND try and hammering the nail.
ok. thanks for explaining it to me ... im gonna sleep on that.



I'd rather go hunting with the VP, than riding with Ted Kennedy. ;)
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

As a fellow forum junkie said, "I'd rather hunt with **** Cheney, than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy...." :p


Clint DeBoer said:
According to the news report, the hunter returned to the group unannounced after having left previously (that's not good) and Cheney was following a duck up and to his right... he swept across the place where the guy (who had previously left their group and came back without saying anything) was, and ended up hitting him across the face and chest.

At first it sounded funny and stupid, but when you read more you can see how it happened - and even the ranch owner (present at the time) isn't blaming the VP but the guy who walked back up unannounced.

news article

Following a duck was he? Funny, I thought they were Quail hunting.:p


Audioholic Warlord
Rob Babcock said:
As a fellow forum junkie said, "I'd rather hunt with **** Cheney, than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy...." :p
Pure Awesome certified. PAC. The new THX..

SheepStar (a forum junkie yadda yadda yadda...)
Well, it was just my assumption based on them calling it a "bird".

What I find amusing is that the news media is simply offended they didn't get spoon fed the story. Period. Some po-dunk newspaper in Texas got it 22 hours before they did and they are mad as anything because they were basically snubbed.

It's a mass pity-party taking place on the front pages of the news, the Internet and talk shows and I'm surprised more people don't see it for what it is. They didn't make nearly as much fuss when Ted Kennedy took over 9 hours to report the death of a woman he drove into the water and left for dead with a fire station less than 15 minutes away - reported only AFTER the car had been spotted by 2 fisherman and called in to the authorities the next morning? I'd put a smiley face, but it's not really funny.


Audioholic Chief
Clint DeBoer said:
What I find amusing is that the news media is simply offended they didn't get spoon fed the story. Period. Some po-dunk newspaper in Texas got it 22 hours before they did and they are mad as anything because they were basically snubbed.
I heard some of the questions that were asked by the media about this situation. They were beyond embarrassing and stupid. An example was, "has the vice president considered resigning over this incident?" Yes, because every time someone is involved in an accident the first thing they should do is quit their job. I accidentally broke a glass yesterday so I gave my 2 weeks notice at work. I thought it was the right thing to do :eek: .


Senior Audioholic
~JC~ said:

I'd rather go hunting with the VP, than riding with Ted Kennedy. ;)
In either case, bring your vest.

Bullet proof, or Floation Device


I've heard they are marketing a new bullet-proof floatation device. That way you can socialize with either party.

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