OK, nick. You're a full growed man, so I'm not gonna talk about hearing loss. There are some really good rafter-shaker subs out there, and you don't need a dedicated or 30amp circuit.
Two of them are the SVS PB13-Ultra and the Rythmik FV15HP. I have one of each in my system, and I can rupture your spleen if I want. In fact, I often watch action movies with a pillow on my lap to guard my colon from accidents.
They are connected to a Denon X4000, and I can control them separately. They can flex the windows in and out like a trampoline with a fat man on it, yet sound really good with music. If you want that visceral thump in the chest, you need power. Ported helps, but cannot substitute for power.
Get a couple big boy subs and enjoy. Oh, and keep an eye in the rear view mirror. You probably won't hear them coming next time.