"...What in the H has aesthetic got to do with having no digital connections?..."
I don't get your TONE here pal. Pun intended.Maybe it's "me."
When I said "aesthetic", I was referring to the entire amplifier in general, and how it looks. I used the Yamaha A-S801 as an example of what i like, in terms of looks.
When I mentioned "digital connections", I was trying convey the fact that I am not looking for an amp with an internal DAC built in. I will connect my own separate DAC.
Correction. 2 channel amps or pre-amps with NO digital connections DO exist. Yamaha built a few just a while back, (Yamaha R-S202). Problem is, they had no pre-outs for subs or power amps.
I am also not sure of that "fashion show" comment either.
Any how, CHEERS pal.