DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Junior Audioholic
OK maybe Bernie Madoff was a little over the top …

Mark does engender amazing loyalty from his fans. I like his personality too, but with the preponderance of evidence mounting against him it doesn’t look good.

The “rumors” of misappropriation of charitable funds (I participated in several of his raffles) is the show stopper for me. Mark needs to clear that up pronto.
I saw that referenced somewhere, where is the thread on that subject. I really hope that it isn't true. That would certainly be a good reason to not do business with someone and allowing the grouping with Madoff


Audioholic Chief
I saw that referenced somewhere, where is the thread on that subject. I really hope that it isn't true. That would certainly be a good reason to not do business with someone and allowing the grouping with Madoff
It was from the AV123 Subwoofer Thread. This is the post Iwas alluding to:

Originally Posted by graphicguy
Chu....interesting questions. To my knowledge, any charity raffles MLS did were taken care of. There are others who are closer to the situation that have a better feel for this, though. I know I've made contributions and haven't heard that any of mine didn't go to the people who they were supposed to go to.
Why would you believe Mark over two people who told the world that they didn't get the money? I don't want to drag these people into it again because I know they feel terrible about it, but they shouldn't. We should feel terrible for them, not defend Mark or act like we still don't think it happened because he is too much of a coward to take responsibility and apologize.
This hardly constitutes reliable information but there is so much smoke around this that combined with Marks silence it is easy so start drawing conclusions.


Junior Audioholic
yes, definitely a lot of things being thrown around without concrete facts.



It was from the AV123 Subwoofer Thread. This is the post Iwas alluding to:

This hardly constitutes reliable information but there is so much smoke around this that combined with Marks silence it is easy so start drawing conclusions.
Look at post #90 in this thread and read the responses. DWayland is one of the raffle recipients; I at least consider his information to be reliable.


Junior Audioholic
well it is obvious that he hasn't, but we aren't getting the whole story either. maybe Mark had a arrangement with the man and did his usual thing of disappearing, etc.

It would be nice if people provided all the information rather than just enough for people to make possibly incorrect opinions. know what I mean? now people are running with the fact that Mark is scamming people on these raffles, unless that was the intention of that gentleman.


well it is obvious that he hasn't, but we aren't getting the whole story either. maybe Mark had a arrangement with the man and did his usual thing of disappearing, etc.

It would be nice if people provided all the information rather than just enough for people to make possibly incorrect opinions. know what I mean? now people are running with the fact that Mark is scamming people on these raffles, unless that was the intention of that gentleman.

I am DWayland, one of the raffle recipients. Please know this: Neither myself NOR Mark are involved in "scamming" anyone. I 100% believe Marks intentions to be good and true. While things are taking a much longer than expected, I have complete faith, that all aspects of the raffles in which I have personally been the recipient, will reach closure in the near future.

End of line...


Audioholic Ninja

I am DWayland, one of the raffle recipients. Please know this: Neither myself NOR Mark are involved in "scamming" anyone. I 100% believe Marks intentions to be good and true. While things are taking a much longer than expected, I have complete faith, that all aspects of the raffles in which I have personally been the recipient, will reach closure in the near future.

End of line...
I wish you and your family the best of health and hope you can get through this stressful time financially and emotionally.


Junior Audioholic

I am DWayland, one of the raffle recipients. Please know this: Neither myself NOR Mark are involved in "scamming" anyone. I 100% believe Marks intentions to be good and true. While things are taking a much longer than expected, I have complete faith, that all aspects of the raffles in which I have personally been the recipient, will reach closure in the near future.

End of line...
Thank you for this post. I hope you understand I wasn't implying either of you were, just hoping for clarification. It would seem that maybe there are extenuating circumstances and of course we aren't privy to all that is going on. I hope it all works out in the end.


Junior Audioholic
on the brighter side, at least craigsub has been banned so that we don't have to listen to his B.S. :)


Junior Audioholic
Actually, I believe it was over something pretty dumb like having a link to his tca site here. I guess the audioholics guys expect him to advertise in order to have that right.

I'm not sure this site is as relevant as it use to be years ago before they started their store. I learned a lot initially as a newbie but then found the reviews of products more scarce, etc. Now it seems like a place to buy stuff under the guise of a informational audio site. Seems like a conflict of interest to me.

But I digress, I just like it when craig stays on his site to belittle people because he thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else. I will say this though, his site has some interesting threads.


Junior Audioholic
On a positive note, my check for my returned ufw's went out a day or so ago and I asked to have a replacement center channel sent. It was suppose to be swapped out when they bmf's came. anyway, I received the return receipt information and my new center channel ships out monday.

Everything was handled smoothly, without any hassle, etc.

I even got an email from MLS which was unexpected but appreciated. It sounds as if his health still isn't looking good. Although things are moving slowly, and sometimes much slower than we'd like, but possibly in the positive direction we'd all like to see.

have a great weekend everyone
Cruise Missile

Cruise Missile

Full Audioholic
It's great to hear some good news about this. I hope everyone involved gets a resolution. This kind of stuff hurts our hobby, including these forum wars that happen as a result.


Audioholics Master Chief
Actually, I believe it was over something pretty dumb like having a link to his tca site here. I guess the audioholics guys expect him to advertise in order to have that right.

I'm not sure this site is as relevant as it use to be years ago before they started their store. I learned a lot initially as a newbie but then found the reviews of products more scarce, etc. Now it seems like a place to buy stuff under the guise of a informational audio site. Seems like a conflict of interest to me.

But I digress, I just like it when craig stays on his site to belittle people because he thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else. I will say this though, his site has some interesting threads.
Craigsub got banned for single reason:
  • He publically posted my PM to him on a forum without my permission to instigate a flame war against this site

I originally sent him that PM as sort of a friendly warning / joke (hence the term pimping) b/c people were complaining about him promoting his own products on our forums. Not even our advertisers do that!

As for him advertising, actually I wouldn't allow it on my site. A company has to be well established with our community of readers for more than 1 year before I would even consider it. We've turned down many advertisers in the past that don't qualify as a result.

If you feel the integrity of this site has been compromised by the separately run E-store, than I strongly encourage you to read other A/V websites. In fact, regardless of what you think of us, its always a good idea to get other opinions.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Craigsub got banned for single reason:
  • He publically posted my PM to him on a forum without my permission to instigate a flame war against this site

I originally sent him that PM as sort of a friendly warning / joke (hence the term pimping) b/c people were complaining about him promoting his own products on our forums. Not even our advertisers do that!

As for him advertising, actually I wouldn't allow it on my site. A company has to be well established with our community of readers for more than 1 year before I would even consider it. We've turned down many advertisers in the past that don't qualify as a result.

If you feel the integrity of this site has been compromised by the separately run E-store, than I strongly encourage you to read other A/V websites. In fact, regardless of what you think of us, its always a good idea to get other opinions.
The only reason IMO he came back here was to pimp his site! I recall the reason he strayed from this site the last time was because you guys didn't back him up when someone question his finding and he pouted...:rolleyes:.

Regards, Bill


Audioholic Chief
As for him advertising, actually I wouldn't allow it on my site. A company has to be well established with our community of readers for more than 1 year before I would even consider it. We've turned down many advertisers in the past that don't qualify as a result.
Thank goodness Monster (glow in the dark) Mini Golf was able to meet your strict criteria for advertizing.:p
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