There are still many DLP and plasma sets available. LCD certainly hasn't come far enough to push them out of the market and it will be a while before it even gets close. LCD is far from being cost effective in larger screen sizes compared to DLP or plasma. Sony's 70" XBR LCD costs $30,000.
Weell LCDs are good in the 52" or 54" size. The Sony KDL-70XBR3 actually retails for $32,9999.99 It is analogous to Ford GT-40 at $150,000 it shows off technology, but is not meant for sales to the masses, but not many Ford buyers are in the market for the GT40 either.
I will give up that in the range 60-72+ inches LCD does not currently fit in an DLP and other projection systems come into play. There are trade-offs on all technologies, but as you get larger and larger you tend to lose sharpness and color saturation. LCDs have better color saturation and better sharpness than DLP at a given resolution and the DLP picture does not appear rich and vibrant.
The persistance of LCDs has been improved so that fast motion is not longer a problem. However, they are still not as good at deeper blacks as Plama. According to one blog about 2008 CES, Plasma is giving way to LCD.
But if you want really really big get a Panasonic TH46PXZ850.