Ok Tim,
It's a fact that you think all amps/equipment sound the same. As long as they are of reasonable design and operated within their limits.
Yep, the evidence, real evidence, not urban legends, supports this. But you would not know that, Joe.
You have been shouting this from your soapbox,
You don't have a soap box?
trying to get someone to agree with you for as long as I have been on this forum.
Hey, I don't need your agreement, the evidence supports this and that is why I claim it, not my priory claim. Follow the evidence.
Spec sheets tell you next to nothing about equipment.
No, of course not. It is just there to fool the gullible tech type people. thanks for the revelations.
That’s why people go and audition equipment.
I suppose audio bs, urban legend, voodoo has nothign to do with it, not to mention human gullibility. sure, how could I have missed it in all my research?
Equipment reacts differently in different situations.
Maybe yours do, excluding speakers, of course.
For instance I bought a camera for $75K last month.
Now you think this corrollary is applicable? You should have mentioned cars, I might have fallen for those lame parallels, Joe
If people think they can hear a difference between components who are you to say they don’t?
I am a nobody, Joe. Who are you?
I suppose then when Sylvia Brown, John Edwards, et al, convince gullible people that they talk to their beloved dead who am I to tell them they are just being skammed?
But, hearing differences can be tested, or you disagree? Would it not be better to know than to speculate and not know, Joe???
You either have one huge set, or are a flaming lib, those are the only people I know that are as stubborn as you.
I just have a hard head that needs credible evidence for things, not speculations, maybe this or that, or imaginations taking over reality, or gullibility, or hype controlling. No, I try not to fall for the lates craze, th elates urban legends, wives tales, bs, etc. You???
Quit embarrassing yourself, get off of your engineering cloud and grow a clue. You deaf putz.
Hey, Joe, What did I claim for my hearing prowess? I am deaf. Does that matter what you can hear or what you imagine instead??? As to that clue, well, you would like to know, wouldn't you, Joe.