DIRECTV Receiver with Built-In Digital Video Recorder



Audioholic Intern
This is my first review I have ever written so please be kind. I bought a direct tv DVR about 3month’s ago, its ok but it has its problems.

To start off the unit only comes in silver witch is nice if all of your components were silver, but there not most components are black. Color aside the appearance of it is nice its very simple with a blue power light and activity ring, and orange record light. The front has two panels the one on the left has a usb port although I am not sure what it is for I suspect it is for maintenance or maybe for an external hard drive for more rec. time I don’t know the manual says “ For Future Use” well I guess we will just have to speculate. As for the other panel its for the access card and a reset button .

As for the back inputs it has 1 optical output , 2 rca a/v outputs, 1 s-video output, 1 RF coax output, 1 component output, 1 usb port,1 phone line input, and 2 satellite inputs you must connect both to have full functionality of the device.

Now on to the remote its not that good of a remote, its not ergonomic nor is the button placement great and its slow to respond , on the up side it has a excellent rubber non slip grip on the bottom “thank you DirecTV” also the batteries are a tight fight and none of my rechargeable will work it seems that the + end conductor it recessed into the remote and doesn’t make a good connection with my rechargeable batteries.

As far as the user interface goes its not great a lack of advanced options and customizability doesn’t help it. You cant even change the color of the on screen guide small problem you say, yes it is but for $100 come on . But WAIT there’s not more, Advanced options are non existent no real audio options or video options and there is no way to organize the recorded movies , it only puts tv shows in groups it gives the name of the show then you open it and all episodes are in there and even that could be better. I do like the rec. series option it lets you program it to rec. a specific show and rec. all episodes that air ,and you can rec. first runs, repeats or both in a series .

To summarize they put to much focus on stupid things like the activity
ring that does different light patterns according to what you are doing but they wont let me change the color of the guide something I have to look at day after day. Really now you can image how much time they put in to fluff instead of getting the important things like a good cataloging system for recorded shows. I guess that it all comes down to the fact that there is no competition in DirecTV receivers any more, there was many companies like Sony , Samsung ,RCA, Toshiba , and others all making DirecTV receivers not any more there is only one. With competition comes progress . Yes I know you are saying way not get cable or a different satellite service well I refuse to pay the outrages price that cable charges and as for a different satellite company dish network receivers aren’t any better I am told. So what to do well for me hope that they get things together at DirecTV. As for you well take this review into mind and remember this is only my opinion.

DIRECTV Receiver with Built-In Digital Video Recorder
Model: R15

Warranty - Parts 90 days limited
Warranty - Labor 90 days limited
Height 15-7/10"
Width 6-7/10"
Weight 11.8 lbs.
Depth 19-1/2"


Audioholic Intern
sorry i did not say that it is not HD Receiver, and i don't know if the HD version is Any Different.


Audioholic Field Marshall
The HD and SD versions have similarities and differences. Nice write up for your first one. I have a few comments and I own two HR20-100S HD DVR's and have been with DTV for almost seven years.

The remote - is it perfect? No. But IMO is's a lot better than the DTV/TiVo remotes by a good margin. On the HR20-100 you have the ability to use RF which is nice if your equipment is in a cabinet. But in the end I use aftermarket remotes so the stock remotes are of little importance to me.

User interface - There have been several upgrades to the software which has improved it quite a bit but it still has a way to go. It's not quite as intuitive as TiVo but it's getting close. And there are some features, like having the live or recorded show you are watching in a small screen while using the menu or guide features that were not available on TiVo.

From my perspective it's about a wash with the old TiVo DVR's. I was very anxious about making the switch but it has been an easy transition for me.

Have you ever use a different DVR before? IMO both Comcast and Dish DVR's have worse interfaces.

For much more info on DRV DVR's check out the forum.


Audioholic Intern
No i have owned any other DVRs. I am thinking of getting a tivo but don't want to pay over $200 for one.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I was once a huge TiVo fan. Now it's just a box that does basically the same thing as many other boxes. :D Best bet it to get up to speed on your current DVR by doing some research on the site I gave you and get the most our of your current DVR.


I recently purchased the Directv HD DVR HR20-700. It replaced my a standard HD Receiver. Ever since the switch, I have had weird things happen, all involving the audio. I have problems on some local and cable channels with the audio cutting out for around 5 sec sometimes. Also, I have problems with the volume turning down and then back to normal on channel 339.

This is my first ever DVR and I am hooked, even with these problems aside.


Audioholic General
Have you ever use a different DVR before? IMO both Comcast and Dish DVR's have worse interfaces.
And Verizon's UI is pretty decrepit too :D

I have an old Sony TiVo box... loved it. Lightning took out a chip on the board though, so it just says "Welcome, powering up"...

It was one of the best DVR's I've experienced: I also had a Hughes DTV SD box (bleh for looks, still had TiVo though, and the remote looked like it could cure hemorrhoids :D ), and now a Dish Network HD Recorder box (a little clunkier than TiVo IMO, but still useable).

I really hate those hemorrhoid remotes :D :D


Audioholic General
I have had DirecTV HD and DishNetwork HD and in my area, DishNetwork has the better video quality, hands down. Not sure if it is the MPEG-4 decoder or just better video processing in general. Their hardware also seems to be more stable. I have yet to lock up my DN reciever. The same could not be said for DTV. I really like the functionality of the DN DVR. It is easy to navigate and program.

Anyone need some DirecTv hardware?

Death to cable!!!!

Happy Holidays!!!!


I just purchased the HR21-700. It is the latest HD-DVR they offer. Thank goodness it is black, not silver. It seems to work very reliably, and pretty fast on screen stuff. Also, it has 2 ethernet connections. Only one is active but I guess for 'On Demand'. Also, you can have an external hard disc connected and use it for storage instead of the internal if you choose, but you can't use both I've read!


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