Funny thing is Amir has said this exact same thing to me about Gene's testing. Guess he forgot about that before I blocked him.
That's because Gene wants to test ACD in receivers. Oddly enough when Amir was at a training program for the AP analyzer he struggled to grasp some of the things they were trying to teach in that class. He's had similar problems figuring out the MiniDSP HD as well. Performance standards are not just for the testing equipment.
Testing receiver DAC's against phone dongles and using words like sad all the time to describe lesser performers doesn't trump peer reviewed articles and a completely open process as to AH's testing methods IMHO. You can literally watch Gene on video showing what he does testing amps and pre pros and how ho does it.
Gene's "lowered standards" literally pushed one AV make into totally revamping its line and offering a series aimed at higher sound and build standards assembled on a dedicated production line and more recently cajoled Denon into offering a full pre amp disconnect mode which they did on all models within about a year of his asking for such a feature.
Pushing Gene doesn't seem to ever go very far. Think Denon knows that by now after decades of dealing with him. This is all just getting a bit silly. Gene has been testing and notifying AV manufacturers about issues with their gear for over 20 years. Difference is Gene has turned AH into a fully formed business and business's need revenue to pay employees to test and review gear and publish articles, travel to trade shows, interview manufacturers etc... and when you aren't selling actual products you need ad revenue to pay the bills. If a forum sponsor like RBH built an inferior speaker and tried to get Gene to measure it in a favorable manner I have no doubt what the response would be and several expletives would have to be edited out of the transcripts for the family hour for sure. Having relationships with manufacturers doesn't automatically make you a shill anymore than not having relationships makes you a truth teller. It's your personal integrity that determines how you act and if I remember right Gene's integrity got him banned from a recent trade show for not going along with the Koolaid crowd holding the event. What a shill
