I'm feeling unsure now. One of my reasons for mating the 3930 with a 3806 was to use the denonlink feature, thus freeing the ext. in jacks for a future hd dvd or blue ray upgrade. I would then have the best of both worlds, top tier sd video performance and sacd/dvd audio playback, plus HD capabilities. Clint also states in his review of the 5910ci that the proper place for signal management is at the processor, not the player, which is exactly what denonlink provides. I realize the 3930ci is NOT the 5910ci, and the 3806 is NOT the 5805, but i hoped the differences would be mainly in amp sections and processing power. I may have made a mistake then by not installing the ext in cables at this time, because my main concern is highest quality audio playback. As i stated in the earlier post, i think denonlink sounds fantastic, but if i'm missing something, that bugs me. I guess i need to hook 'em up and listen to see if the 1796 dacs in the 3930 are better than the 1791 dacs in the 3806. Clint, tell me it ain't so!!!