Definitive Tech Speaker Owner's Thread



Audioholic Field Marshall
Wow. I have my DT's in a 20x17 living room, placed well away from any room boundaries, with the sub gain set at about 10 o'clock, and it's flat to the depths of any music I listen to. I can't imagine needing more sub than those built into the 7006's, even for my large room. (Then again, my system is strictly 2 ch music, with less need for subsonic theatrics.)

For strictly two channel music, I can't believe how much the tubes opened things up. Maybe it's the Decware amps, but I'm getting holographic imaging on par with the best I've heard (and I've heard quite a bit over the years).

Anyone thinking of getting huge, ugly horn monstrosities for their tube gear should consider DT supertowers.


Audioholic Spartan
I use mine for music and for HT, but for HT I love loud, low, deep, bass, and the small subs built in to the towers just don't cut it for that. Plus, since it's in my bedroom I'm somewhat limited with my placement, although they do sound good where they are.


I finally became the owner of some dt today. I bought the pm800's and a 1000 center for my bedroom. I love the sound. in a few months and more 800's has surrounds.


Matching Boston VR40 with Mythos 3

I have a pair of Boston VR40 and one VR12 for center. I now need to mount the center speaker to the wall and VR12 is too big. I am looking at Mythos 3 as the replacement for center speaker. Anyone know if they will match?


Audioholic General
Forcemany, no they will not match. For best timbre matching, you want all the speakers the same all the way around, since this isnt an option fo rmany, the next is to buy speakers that are from the same company, but from the same "class" for example not many mix up Mythos with the BP series (even though DT claims they will all match). Timbre isnt as important from front speakers to rear (it is, but it isnt if you catch my drift) but what is important is that your center and mains all match up with the same driver sizes and company. Because you have Bostons all the way around, i would lok at buying another Boston with the same size drivers as the mains for the center.


Thanks Matthew, I do not think there is a good match even from Boston since they changed the line from VR series. Thank you for comment.


Audioholic General
Forcemany, since your center is too big, I would suggest going to Home Depot and buying a TV shelf. These are easily mounted to the wall via one "pole" and it has a shelf that sticks out, it is made for small TV's but can easily hold a center speaker and the shelf is tiltable so that you can aim the speaker directly at you. i would just install that on the wall behid the TV (have the shelf hover above the TV and place your center on that. The avarage shelf can hold like 40 pounds and it is not that large. Home Depot sells three sizes and they cost about 40.00


Thanks for your idea, Matthew. I'll take a look on the shelf. What it might bothers me is the look of having a big speaker on the top of a flat screen.


I have narrowed my HT speaker search to def tech product (except the sub) and was wondering if anyone knew whether any of the authorized dealers offered any decent package discounts or if anyone knew a good place to get a discount on def tech product? Thanks!


Audioholic General
Gravy, 6th avenue electronics has aan awesome deal on Studio Monitor 450's bookshelf speakers, you can get a pair now for 248.00 a pair (normally the go for 650.00/pair) So you could easily buy three pair for 750.00 for a 6.1 (with extra sub) for a great price. Because the 450's can easily get down to 50Hz without breaking a sweat, they can match with a sub for an awesome HT system. Don't think you have to have towers to get awesome sound. I have BP7001sc towers with built in 1500 watt subs and guess what. I don't even come close to using them to their potential, becasue when set to "Large" the bass becomes boomy and overpowering so I cross them at 40Hz (something I could do with non powered towers or gotten some 450's and crossed them at 50hz for the same quality sound. Oh well lesson learned.

Anyway I have 7001sc (mains) Studio 450's (sides) Mythos Gems (rear channel because of space constraints otherwise I would've gone with another pr of 450's) and a LCR2002 for center with SVS NSD12/2 sub. DT makes great speakers and right now the 450's are a great price. Also this week, 6th avenue is having a "name you own price" sale, so if you want other DT speakers, I would ask for say 40% off list and see what they say. Doesnt hurt to ask. what's the worst they can say. No. But it's this week only (ends Sunday) Otherwise most e-tailers and stores allow up to a 25% discount off list.


That is an amazing deal, but it is for retail pick up only, and I can't get to NJ or NY by Sunday. I will call them tomorrow and see if I can wrestly that deal out of them if I buy additional items. Thanks for the heads-up!!!


Audioholic General
Gravy, trust me I live in AZ, what 6th ave will do is tack on a 50.00 shipping charge to each pair, so you will still get a great deal 248.00 + 50.00 =298.00/pair delivered to your house on the 450's. So 900.00 for 3 pair, still a fantastic deal for great speakers. And since they are an authorized dealer, you get the warranty. I ordered a pair last month and had it delivered (took about a week) for 298.00 for the pair.

Oh one more thing, 6th Ave won't do a "name your own price" on the Studio 450's because they are such a great deal right now (believe me I tried) But by buying three pair, 6th ave may give you a discount on shipping. BTW what is your budget? You may be able to get a pair of towers on the sale and use the 450's for rear, center and sides.
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How can you compete the SM450 against other bookshelf brand such as B&W, Paradigm or KEF? I'm not too familiar with Def Tech but it seems a steal deal. So far, I'm looking into floor standing speakers such as Infinity Primus P362, tSc TST2 and Axiom M50 v.2, with of course much more money above SM450.

It's my first system so I cannot spend too much yet. So is the SM450 good as the main speaker? I think I should add a sub to complete the low end freq if I get these SM450.

I use it 60% music 40% movies and I love theatrical sound.
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Audioholic General
GomGom, I recall a review I read where the sound quality of the mid range and upper frequency of the DefTech 450 matched the B&W 800 series speakers, natrurally the 800 series had way lower deep end because of the huge woofer, but just adding a sub to the 450 series should give you awesome sound and many many people are using the 450 as mains with awesome results. Now remember you will need a good sub to get the lower end of the audio spectrum, but a great sub and 450's will be a very good match because the 450's can easily achieve 50Hz. I say go for it. I love my 450's and the blend perfectly with my far powerful 7001's (which are crossed at 40Hz). I had an audiophile who has designed speakers at my house a few weeks back and even he was impressed with how well the450's blended with my mains for sound.

Mtn. Steel

Junior Audioholic
I was looking at getting 6 gems and a center to go with a velo sub 3750/10"/650watt. Pioneer vsx03 and a JVC HDTV. My speakers MUST be on wall (WAF) and do 70/30 split of movie to music. Room is 24x15 and 7.5' ceilings. Will the gems be able to fill this space?


Audioholic General
I know I'm gonna get bashed for this, but in a word NO!! I own a pair of gems and if I could go back in time I would never have bought them. I use them as rear channel. surrounds literally two feet from my sitting position They have to be crossed over at 120Hz otherwise they clip, so you would have to have your sub at 120Hz (which is not a good level to have them. ) As mentioned for the cost I would go with the 450's (might be cheaper than the gems) and those will fill your space with room to spare. Don't get me wrong I like the gems for nearfield rear channel duty, but to fill a space larger than a smallish bedroom system, then you are far better going with the stuido monitors. The gems with their dual 3.25" drivers just can't fill a large space with authority. they are good at high frequencies, but start to drop like a rock below 150Hz (according to HT Mag and Sound and Vision reviews) the 450's can at least get down to 50Hz


Audioholic General
Mtn Steel, I found this exchange over at the AVS forum between two members, one who sells DefTech and the other an expert in installing DefTech and their response to somebody who asked the same question on if they should buy Gems.

Don't get the GEMs. For the same money as the Gem or the larger XL, go instead for either the SM350 or SM450. Its an awesome traditional bookshelf speaker with a lot of "Def Tech" flavor and sound to it. Resolution and dynamics are in a different league and will sound ALOT better especially at lower listening levels. I think a few of our resident experts here on the Owners Thread would agree with this one.

I agree wholeheartedly. though, both the 350 and 450 will provide a much fuller, richer sound than the Gem or XL, and coupled with a good sub, they make for a great 2.1 music channel speaker system, as well as hold their own with HT use.
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GomGom, I recall a review I read where the sound quality of the mid range and upper frequency of the DefTech 450 matched the B&W 800 series speakers, natrurally the 800 series had way lower deep end because of the huge woofer, but just adding a sub to the 450 series should give you awesome sound and many many people are using the 450 as mains with awesome results. Now remember you will need a good sub to get the lower end of the audio spectrum, but a great sub and 450's will be a very good match because the 450's can easily achieve 50Hz. I say go for it. I love my 450's and the blend perfectly with my far powerful 7001's (which are crossed at 40Hz). I had an audiophile who has designed speakers at my house a few weeks back and even he was impressed with how well the450's blended with my mains for sound.
Wow... that's quite a shock that Def Tech 450 can match B&W 800 series (I assume the same bookshelf speaker). I like how the B&W683 sounds and do you think a pair of 450 plus Definitive Technology Pro Sub 60 will beat the quality that B&W 683 gives? Can they produce theatrical sound? I'm quite new in audiophile world, so I suppose that floorstanders always give a better theatrical sound because of the resonance they have. Am I correct on that statement?


Audioholic General
Well you have to remember that this reviewer was comparing the mid range and upper frequencies when he stated that the 450's matched the 800 series speakers. I wish I could find that link to the review (it was posted in the lengthy AVS DefTech thread, but I'm not going through over 400 pages to find it.) But I recall reading the review and how if you took out the the bass capabilities of the B&W 801 speaker that the 450 matched it with the mid range and tweeter sound. I have never heard a DT Prosub 60. I have only tested the Trinity, Reference, Supercube 1,2,3 and although I wasnt that thrilled with the supercubes (as compared to internet subs) the reference and Trinity were very good (the Trinity was jaw dropping, but for the money I'd get the SVS PB13 Ultra and save some coin.) I don't like comparing the B&W 801's with the 450's because I have never heard both of them side by side in fact I have never heard them together in the same store, but i have heard both and both are fantastic for what they were designed to do.

Personally i would want the 801D's but if I bought those, I would need to sell them for reconstructive surgery to have the "boys" put back on after my GF would find out how much I spent on speakers and would promptly "cut em off with a dull butter knife" (yes that's an exact qoute-sigh) :eek:

I think for 300.00/pair you would be hard pressed to find a speaker with that fantastic of a sound quality and constructive build. Not even the Gems which cost slightly more even comes close.

But I would hurry and order em, I have no idea how long 6th will be offering this great deal. For those who live within driving distance of 6th ave. How they can't be driving there and clearing them out is beyond me. I mean sheesh 248.00 :D


Well you have to remember that this reviewer was comparing the mid range and upper frequencies when he stated that the 450's matched the 800 series speakers. I wish I could find that link to the review (it was posted in the lengthy AVS DefTech thread, but I'm not going through over 400 pages to find it.) But I recall reading the review and how if you took out the the bass capabilities of the B&W 801 speaker that the 450 matched it with the mid range and tweeter sound. I have never heard a DT Prosub 60. I have only tested the Trinity, Reference, Supercube 1,2,3 and although I wasnt that thrilled with the supercubes (as compared to internet subs) the reference and Trinity were very good (the Trinity was jaw dropping, but for the money I'd get the SVS PB13 Ultra and save some coin.) I don't like comparing the B&W 801's with the 450's because I have never heard both of them side by side in fact I have never heard them together in the same store, but i have heard both and both are fantastic for what they were designed to do.

Personally i would want the 801D's but if I bought those, I would need to sell them for reconstructive surgery to have the "boys" put back on after my GF would find out how much I spent on speakers and would promptly "cut em off with a dull butter knife" (yes that's an exact qoute-sigh) :eek:

I think for 300.00/pair you would be hard pressed to find a speaker with that fantastic of a sound quality and constructive build. Not even the Gems which cost slightly more even comes close.

But I would hurry and order em, I have no idea how long 6th will be offering this great deal. For those who live within driving distance of 6th ave. How they can't be driving there and clearing them out is beyond me. I mean sheesh 248.00 :D
Yeah but if you can compete these speakers with B&W 800 series, I can assume that these speakers are definitely amazing. The spec said that it has 10" pressure driven subwoofer. Do I still need an additional sub? DT Pro 60 is in the same class as the 450, is it enough for my apartment?

I will research more about these speakers as well and I will consult it more here..

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis