

Seriously, I have no life.
The UK have an app on your smart phone that can be scanned to show proof of vaccination. Many venues like night clubs, concert halls and theaters have to use it.
Some states have this as well, that square block with black and white squares to express your data when scanned. Recently got mine and is on my iPhone.


Seriously, I have no life.
Same way businesses ensure folks are 21 to drink and severe penalties like loss of business license if you’re caught ignoring the rules. Not perfect and may require a vaccine passport, but the Europeans managed to pull this off so amazing we can’t.
My state has the digital card for your smarty phone. So, it is getting there here as well.


Senior Audioholic
This is not a vaccine. Go do your research. However, with that being said. If you feel that it's good for you, take the jab, but stop trying to bully, shame, and starve other people that don't want to do it.
It is absolutely a vaccine of it elicits an immune system reaction.


If you feel that it's good for you, take the jab, but stop trying to bully, shame, and starve other people that don't want to do it.
If I didn't have to pay for your/their stupidity, if I didn't have to look at my child whose not of age for vaccination, I would gladly let every one last of you take your chances with your immune system and let god sort you out.


Audioholic Warlord
if I didn't have to look at my child whose not of age for vaccination,
THIS. This is what is making me so angry. I have to think so much about taking my kids anywhere because I can't trust people to have some damn common decency to their fellow man. Get vaccinated to protect those that can't. If you don't, I'll assume you're a selfish asshat.


Audioholic Field Marshall
edited... the stoopid has already been acknowledged and dealt with. I'm not going to pile on.
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Audioholic Spartan
edited... the stoopid has already been acknowledged and dealt with. I'm not going to pile on.
The Candians know how to deal with them: Defence lawyer praises judge's decision to dismiss non-vaccinated jurors (bold added):

>>>The defence lawyer in an upcoming first-degree murder trial in Ottawa is applauding the judge's decision to only allow jurors who've said they've been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

The trial of Martin Frampton is set to begin next month. He's facing one count of first-degree murder in the death of Kenneth Ammaklak, who was found dead on Donald Street in 2019.

In a pre-trial ruling, Justice Kevin Phillips said he'd ask all potential jurors if they are vaccinated and would dismiss those who said they're not. He will not ask for proof of vaccination.

Phillips said the fourth wave of COVID-19 and the spread of the contagious delta variant pose too big a threat, and that if someone were to be exposed to the virus it could potentially delay the proceedings.

"It's an excellent idea," said James Harbic, Frampton's defence lawyer.

Harbic said courts have been struggling to minimize exposure to COVID-19, and he has no concern about potentially excluding certain jury members.

"The defence wants intelligent people on the jury [that] understand complicated notions like the presumption of innocence, concepts like proof beyond a reasonable doubt," Harbic said.

"In my own [opinion] the great majority of people who are not getting their double vaccination do not trust science ... I think [they] lack a considerable amount of sophistication, and also lack a certain amount of social responsibility to other members of the community. So they're not the kind of jurors I would want on my jury anyway."


Audioholic Samurai
The Candians know how to deal with them: Defence lawyer praises judge's decision to dismiss non-vaccinated jurors (bold added):

>>>The defence lawyer in an upcoming first-degree murder trial in Ottawa is applauding the judge's decision to only allow jurors who've said they've been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

The trial of Martin Frampton is set to begin next month. He's facing one count of first-degree murder in the death of Kenneth Ammaklak, who was found dead on Donald Street in 2019.

In a pre-trial ruling, Justice Kevin Phillips said he'd ask all potential jurors if they are vaccinated and would dismiss those who said they're not. He will not ask for proof of vaccination.
I think they're doing this wrong. Isn't everyone always trying to get out of jury duty, anyway? Now, they're giving them an easy out. Make them show proof of vaccination and if they don't put them on the jury. They can all sit together in a separate room and have the case streamed to them. Maybe put a few extra jurors on for when some of them do get covid. ;)


Audioholic Spartan
I think they're doing this wrong. Isn't everyone always trying to get out of jury duty, anyway? Now, they're giving them an easy out. Make them show proof of vaccination and if they don't put them on the jury. They can all sit together in a separate room and have the case streamed to them. Maybe put a few extra jurors on for when some of them do get covid. ;)
But they probably would smart a little if they where to be dismissed because they were not smart enough :D


Audioholic Spartan
A study by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Vaccine effectiveness against infection with the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant, Norway, April to August 2021:

>>>Some variants of SARS-CoV-2 are associated with increased transmissibility, increased disease severity or decreased vaccine effectiveness (VE). In this population-based cohort study (n = 4,204,859), the Delta variant was identified in 5,430 (0.13%) individuals, of whom 84 were admitted to hospital. VE against laboratory confirmed infection with the Delta variant was 22.4% among partly vaccinated (95% confidence interval (CI): 17.0−27.4) and 64.6% (95% CI: 60.6−68.2) among fully vaccinated individuals, compared with 54.5% (95% CI: 50.4−58.3) and 84.4% (95%CI: 81.8−86.5) against the Alpha variant. <<<

There is also some supplementary material to the article.


Seriously, I have no life.
Although this is preliminary data, it is indicative of the costs associated with hospitalization due to COVID in Canada. Price tag: On average, C$23,000 - about the same as a kidney transplant. The irony is that the typical anti-vaxxer (as it pertains to the COVID vaccines, at least) is an anti-socialist, respect my individual rights kinda person, who has no problem availing themselves of publicly funded hospital care.

Would you expect them to say "OK, you can treat me, but only under protest"? Individual rights and public health care aren't mutually exclusive and they're totally different topics- individual rights has to do with being forced to do thing that someone doesn't believe in (treating someone who identifies as a Rutabaga as if they're actually a Rutabaga) or to give up/be denied freedoms that all should have (not going to get into the gun debate here). I personally haven't seen anyone denied the right to vote, extremely long lines or people being removed from the lines- I don't know all of the claimed tactics, but I think that voters should be able to cast their ballot in a relatively short time but I also think that if someone needs to eat on a schedule or if they think it will take some time to get through, bringing a snack or water bottle isn't an extraordinary task. I don't think the polling place needs to supply these and if someone needs to get water from a drinking fountain or use the restroom, they should be able to return to the line in their original place.

These are two hot button issues that are surrounded by a lot of BS and it needs to stop. Too many people hoard guns & ammo because they think the gubmint is coming for them or because they'll be invaded by a hoard, when they live in the mean streets of a cushy suburb. My cousin's husband is one of those and he's ridiculous. If someone came for him, he'd crap himself- 'all hat, no cattle', as they say. Rampant voter fraud doesn't exist, but the care needed when handling ballots really needs to be improved- that's probably where the worst problems exist and I can't think of an election where bins full of ballots WEREN'T found in someone's car, basement,
dumpsters, in a landfill, etc.

Since I put voting on the table, let me ask you this- are you required to show photo ID when you go to vote? That's something the Left is vehemently opposed to, even though it's hard to go through life without proof of identification and it's not aimed at any particular group. If someone were to use my name and address to vote, I would be seriously PO'd.
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Seriously, I have no life.
If I knew that was the case I wouldn't have gotten vaccinated ;-)
You didn't know that you can just walk in and say "I hate everyone!"?

I got out of jury duty because the case involving an insurance claim for saying that I had a claim within 12 months of the trial- apparently, they thought I was biased against the insurance industry. They have no idea how right they were but it goes back much farther than my previous claim.
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Seriously, I have no life.
The Candians know how to deal with them: Defence lawyer praises judge's decision to dismiss non-vaccinated jurors (bold added):

>>>The defence lawyer in an upcoming first-degree murder trial in Ottawa is applauding the judge's decision to only allow jurors who've said they've been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

The trial of Martin Frampton is set to begin next month. He's facing one count of first-degree murder in the death of Kenneth Ammaklak, who was found dead on Donald Street in 2019.

In a pre-trial ruling, Justice Kevin Phillips said he'd ask all potential jurors if they are vaccinated and would dismiss those who said they're not. He will not ask for proof of vaccination.

Phillips said the fourth wave of COVID-19 and the spread of the contagious delta variant pose too big a threat, and that if someone were to be exposed to the virus it could potentially delay the proceedings.

"It's an excellent idea," said James Harbic, Frampton's defence lawyer.

Harbic said courts have been struggling to minimize exposure to COVID-19, and he has no concern about potentially excluding certain jury members.

"The defence wants intelligent people on the jury [that] understand complicated notions like the presumption of innocence, concepts like proof beyond a reasonable doubt," Harbic said.

"In my own [opinion] the great majority of people who are not getting their double vaccination do not trust science ... I think [they] lack a considerable amount of sophistication, and also lack a certain amount of social responsibility to other members of the community. So they're not the kind of jurors I would want on my jury anyway."
OK, it may be a good idea to exclude those jurors, but doesn't that imply that they (the Court and lawyers) aren't sure the vaccine and masks are effective enough or was it a ploy for public sentiment? What if those potential jurors are otherwise intelligent, well-read, logical and reasonable? They may not want THIS vaccine, but still trust science. AFAIK, masks are supposed to be worn once and tossed but I see people wearing masks made of thin cloth (like the material used to make a bandana) and most of the ones given at the door of places where people are free to take one aren't N95. I have also seen some masks that were filthy, as if they had grabbed them after changing the oil in their car and had been used for far too long.

I know of people who haven't been vaccinated, but they all have allergies to many substances or some other underlying condition- they're all intelligent and knowledgeable in science, too. The CDC has info about those who shouldn't be vaccinated and these people are definitely afraid of the possible consequences. They have been vaccinated for other diseases, too. After the 2nd dose, I had swollen feet for two weeks and that had never happened before.

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Audioholic Spartan
OK, it may be a good idea to exclude those jurors, but doesn't that imply that they (the Court and lawyers) aren't sure the vaccine and masks are effective enough or was it a ploy for public sentiment? What if those potential jurors are otherwise intelligent, well-read, logical and reasonable?
What if these potential jurors is exactly what the lawyer had in mind as unsuitable by his remark "I think [they] lack a considerable amount of sophistication, and also lack a certain amount of social responsibility to other members of the community. "?

I know of people who haven't been vaccinated, but they all have allergies to many substances or some other underlying condition- they're all intelligent and knowledgeable in science, too. The CDC has info about those who shouldn't be vaccinated and these people are definitely afraid of the possible consequences. They have been vaccinated for other diseases, too. After the 2nd dose, I had swollen feet for two weeks and that had never happened before.

He said "In my own [opinion] the great majority of people who are not getting their double vaccination do not trust science" which, of course, excludes those with allergies or other medical conditions averse to vaccination. One of the major reasons to vaccinate as many as possible is to protect those that cannot be vaccinated.


Audioholic Samurai
This wired article about covid-19 possibly being in Italy in 2019 is somewhat interesting. The gist of the article is that the studies purporting to show early circulation of the virus in Italy are based on questionable science (I'm just paraphrasing the wired article, I'm stating that I agree or disagree with the statements in the article).

>>>In early August 2021, a preprint reported a potentially huge discovery. Researchers had looked at samples that were collected as part of measles and rubella surveillance in Italy. They reported the detection of evidence of Sars-CoV-2 genetic material in the samples of 11 subjects taken before the pandemic—with the earliest case going back as far as late summer 2019. This would mean that the virus was circulating in Italy much earlier than December 8, thought to be the date of the first known case in Wuhan.

The findings were potentially game-changing. . . . In other words—huge if true. There’s just one problem: All of this science could be riddled with mistakes.<<<



Seriously, I have no life.
If I didn't have to pay for your/their stupidity, if I didn't have to look at my child whose not of age for vaccination, I would gladly let every one last of you take your chances with your immune system and let god sort you out.
And who will be the collateral casualties to deaths but all the others needing hospital care without COVID. They are already collaterals. Unfortunately the unvaxed cannot be place in the back of the line but up front. ;)


Seriously, I have no life.
I think they're doing this wrong. Isn't everyone always trying to get out of jury duty, anyway? Now, they're giving them an easy out. Make them show proof of vaccination and if they don't put them on the jury. They can all sit together in a separate room and have the case streamed to them. Maybe put a few extra jurors on for when some of them do get covid. ;)
Or, just force them to be vaccinated. We force other vaccines on the population now why not this one? It is absolutely legal to do that per the supreme courts of the past at least.


Audioholic Samurai
Or, just force them to be vaccinated. We force other vaccines on the population now why not this one? It is absolutely legal to do that per the supreme courts of the past at least.
I've already stated that I have no issue with the government mandating vaccines.


Audioholic Spartan
Here in Northeast Florida people are starting to wear masks again indoors at stores both customers and employees. Unfortunately I get the feeling that most non maskers are also anti vaxers. Why is it so hard to get a vaccine? I had to get every shot in the book when I joined the USAF back in the 70s. This is not political its just common sense. If you want to make a statement then just quit wearing a seatbelt and disable the air bags in your car. Freedom for you and you won't be endangering anyone else.

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