

Audioholic Spartan
Tucker, Hannity, and Ingraham, Faux, and Newsmax are pretty much all the news sources contributing to this.
The world was so much simpler when there was some old dude speaking of "Axis of Evil" but now there are so many of them :oops: the axis, that is. Even Star Trek should have some issues here.


Audioholic Samurai
I'll say that the group "uninsured under age 65" is far from homogeneous and there is a certain sub-population much more prone to this type of expectations, besides, the pandemic is just a hoax....
Oh yeah, I was making very broad brush statements.

A friend told me about a guy he knows who is in has late 50s, and suffers from extreme pain due to chronic illness, and he also has significant mental health issues. He is apparently suicidal, and also extremely difficult to deal with. He cannot drive due to his physical issues, but even his friends and family tire of bringing him food. I believe he is probably unvaccinated and "uninsured under 65." I don't know him personally, but he's an example of someone that doesn't really fit the stereotype. I'm sure there are literally millions of different situations.


Audioholic Samurai
Nakedness in public will lead to spontaneous coupling, so a hard no that "they" want that. Even if they where physically able, that is.
You had to go there!

I have found myself wondering why the self-styled freedom fighters (AKA anti maskers) seem to be okay with laws requiring people to wear clothing in public, but the masks apparently cause them a great deal of mental suffering. I wonder how the typical anti masker would react if he was required to sit between two smelly naked people on a long flight?
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
What is your source for this data? I'm having a hard time seeing how this can be correct

According to the Mayo Clinic, about 50-55% of the U.S. population has been vaccinated (partially and fully vaccinated, respectively).

According to the U.S. census, 76.3% of the U.S. population is white alone, meaning that 23.7% is not white alone (I'll call this "of color" for purposes of discussion).

Even if we assume (contrary to the known data) that 100% of the 55% that has been vaccinated is white alone, this would mean that of the 45% that is not vaccinated, about 53% would be of color. Clearly, at least some people getting vaccinated are of color, so 53% is too high. Nevertheless, even 53% is not "the vast majority of unvaccinated."

So…..if I stay away from white people( largest group of unvaccinated people) I can significantly reduce my odds of coming in contact with Covid?


Audioholic Warlord
I don't think they are pushing an agenda either. I believe they are stating the science and letting people know that the facts support that vaccinated people are much safer from the virus. So, when I use the term 'agenda', I am referring to those who are speaking out against the vaccine. They view any talk about taking the vaccine as part of some agenda and call it propaganda. It's nuts. That group is the same that can't understand that as science learns more facts, recommendations and policies may change to align with new facts.

The vast majority of the unvaccinated are people of color. Mostly Democrats. They most definitely have access to vaccinations. Every single grocery store in my area has walk-ins available and they are all free. Any day of the week that someone has off they can get vaccinated, so it would require a significant effort to NOT actually have access to the vaccine at this point. People who use that excuse are actively avoiding getting the vaccine, they most definitely have access. Perhaps my area is unique, but I'm pretty sure the people that don't have access, still go to grocery stores, where they could get the shot.

What I'm saying, is that places like Fox News and the GOP, and a certain group of their followers are the most vocal about how there is something wrong with the vaccine. How it shouldn't be trusted. Yet, the actual numbers indicate that white males and females (the core of the GOP) actually HAS been vaccinated. Those who haven't been vaccinated are more likely to be people of color... Democrats. So, it is clear that the GOP is actually waging a anti-trust campaign to try to kill people of color. They don't believe their own words because they actually are more likely to be vaccinated. Why is it, that Tucker Carlson will say that the vaccine is dangerous, but he's also been vaccinated? It's not because he's a hypocrite. It's because he is waging war. Or has he really been vaccinated? He won't say! Of course he has been. If he hadn't been he would be saying so. He would proudly declare that he isn't vaccinated and wouldn't be a guinea pig for the vaccines. No, he's taken it, and he's lying to the world about it... and he's not alone.

This isn't everyone. The reality remains that a large number of those eligible have taken the vaccine. But, to get to those who haven't and won't take it is not about access, it is about convincing them to actually care about the science and to trust something they don't currently trust, or to find that one reason they aren't willing to take it, and convince them to take it anyway.
I don't know where you got the info indicating that most unvaccinated are BIPOC Democrats. The link I provided shows that the Democrat demographic is most likely to be vaccinated, while Republicans are second from the bottom. It also says that while 9% of black adults would definitely not get vaccinated, 15% of white adults fall into the same category. If you can provide a link to support your statements, I'd be interested in seeing it.


Audioholic Jedi
I have not posted for a while, as there has been so much uncertainty. Now the fog is starting to clear. Between predicting the effects of the vaccine roll out and the variants, especially the Delta Variant, made reliable predictions next to impossible, with the best minds proving fallible.

This forum has had over 1/4 million individuals look at this thread at some time. I find this quite incredible for a forum for audio and home HT!. The point I am trying to make is that it makes it all the more imperative to try and provide accurate information. This has been more difficult of late, for a variety of reasons. I think it is safe to assume that many in that number have looked to this forum to obtain trusted information. In any event I hope that is the case.

First the Delta variant. The original form of the virus, had an R factor of around 1.4. A number over 1 means the epidemic will grow. Other variants had had R in the same range. The SA, or Beta variant, does seem to have a degree of vaccine escape.

The Indian Delta variant is the one currently of most concern. R is estimated at 4 to 5 most likely, and just might be as high as seven.

In addition this variant is one we know for sure, causes more serious disease, infects a younger population and even more children than previous strains.
The only benefit is that it is so transmissible that it outpaced the Beta variant, except in France for some reason that is not at all clear, although Delta is gaining ground.

The reason for the higher virulence, seems to be that it causes cell fusion and more rapid dissemination of the virus and increased rate of cellular death.

In the US we have very uneven vaccine uptake. Because the vaccines only have slightly reduced efficacy to this strain it is causing a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Florida is badly infected, where they have an idiot for a governor. Other areas of the South seem to have populations prepared to die for their political beliefs, which I find unfathomable. I note they are getting a really good scare now, as vaccines are starting to tick up again. Yes, it is time to balme the unvaccinated. France is going to crackdown on antivaxers, of which they have a large number. France is going to make life truly miserable for the unvaccinated. President Macron told the antivaxers today, "it is time for you to stay home and not us."

Minnesota released the state of the pandemic here. The Metro has a high vaccination rate, it is highly variable in out state Minnesota, I feel largely driven by political ideology. The percentage fully vaccinated is 53.5% which is not good enough.

There have been 3,900 breakthrough cases from 3 million vaccinations, which is a breakthrough rate of 0.1%. However we are seeing an exponential rise in cases with over 400 a day now. Hospitalizations and deaths are almost exclusively in the unvaccinated.

So it really is now time, and appropriate, to make life increasingly miserable for the unvaccinated. Employers using the threat of dismissal is an appropriate and large stick, and being increasingly applied.

The UK started mass vaccination about a month ahead of most. In addition they have had a largely successful vaccine roll out. 88% of the population have had at least one dose and 70.5 two doses. Before the Delta variant, modelling predicted the infections would decline rapidly at that 70% number, but with the Delta variant modelling predicted that 90% would be required.

The UK pretty much unlocked on July 19. However the NHS have an app on peoples cell phones when they are in contact with a case. This has resulted in what has become known as the 'Pingdemic." This has resulted in significant chaos and labor shortages with so many in isolation. Some critical workers are now exempt, and require daily testing. However the angst over this is high, with increasing number deleting the app.

Well until six day ago cases were rising exponentially with the sharpest spike rise yet seen. Then six days ago cases started to fall just as fast, which was totally unexpected and is defying the modellers. The reasons for this are not clear. For certain the vaccine program gets credit. However the number of people pinged and isolating may be a factor as well as the app deletion, causing missed cases, and a false fall in cases.

However there is increasing optimism that the UK is approaching, or has reached herd immunity from vaccines and recovered cases. There are early studies that show 90% of the population may now be immune.

In any event the UK is the most likely to be the one to tell us, the point at which vaccinations alone, result in declining case numbers, as the only intervention. This is a number we really need to know.

Finally the booster issue. The UK program is now seven months out. There is now evidence that immunity wanes in the immune compromised and those over 65 at six months post vaccination. The older the age, the greater the fall in immunity. So it looks that more likely than not, boosters will be required shortly, for the immune compromised and those over 65 years of age, and for all at some stage. In addition the hope is that the vaccines can be tweaked to increase immunity to the known variants.

The biggest risk to the success of the vaccine rollout, which has been truly spectacular, is a variant with vaccine escape.

About 10 days ago there was an article in JAMA detailing avenues of approach to a universal SARS vaccine targeting the nucleus of the virus rather than spike antigens. One such vaccine in the US has shown good effectiveness in animal studies, and phase 1 human trials have started.

This pandemic has been absolutely awful on many levels, taking lives and livelihoods throughout the world. So now the purse strings are wide open to this research.
Clearly pandemic preparedness has to move to the top of the agenda, along with climate change, which unfortunately may well be approaching the tipping point sooner than predicted. Unfortunately I fear controlling the latter, will be a much tougher nut to crack than the pandemic.
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
I have not posted for a while, as there has been so much uncertainty. Now the fog is starting to clear. Between predicting the effects of the vaccine roll out and the variants, especially the Delta Variant, made reliable predictions next to impossible, with the best minds proving fallible.

This forum has had over 1/4 million individuals look at this thread at some time. I find this quite incredible for a forum for audio and home HT!. The point I am trying to make is that it makes it all the more imperative to try and provide accurate information. This has been more difficult of late, for a variety of reasons. I think it is safe to assume that many in that number have looked to this forum to obtain trusted information. In any event I hope that is the case.

First the Delta variant. The original form of the virus, had an R factor of around 1.4. A number over 1 means the epidemic will grow. Other variants had had R in the same range. The SA, or Beta variant, does seem to have a degree of vaccine escape.

The Indian Delta variant is the one currently of most concern. R is estimated at 4 to 5 most likely, and just might be as high as seven.

In addition this variant is one we know for sure, causes more serious disease, infects a younger population and even more children than previous strains.
The only benefit is that it is so transmissible that it outpaced the Beta variant, except in France for some reason that is not at all clear, although Delta is gaining ground.

The reason for the higher virulence, seems to be that it causes cell fusion and more rapid dissemination of the virus and increased rate of cellular death.

In the US we have very uneven vaccine uptake. Because the vaccines only have slightly reduced efficacy to this strain it is causing a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Florida is badly infected, where they have an idiot for a governor. Other areas of the South seem to have populations prepared to die for their political beliefs, which I find unfathomable. I note they are getting a really good scare now, as vaccines are starting to tick up again. Yes, it is time to balme the unvaccinated. France is going to crackdown on antivaxers, of which they have a large number. France is going to make life truly miserable for the unvaccinated. President Macron told the antivaxers today, "it is time for you to stay home and not us."

Minnesota released the state of the pandemic here. The Metro has a high vaccination rate, it is highly variable in out state Minnesota, I feel largely driven by political ideology. The percentage fully vaccinated is 53.5% which is not good enough.

There have been 3,900 breakthrough cases from 3 million vaccinations, which is a breakthrough rate of 0.1%. However we are seeing an exponential rise in cases with over 400 a day now. Hospitalizations and deaths are almost exclusively in the unvaccinated.

So it really is now time, and appropriate, to make life increasingly miserable for the unvaccinated. Employers using the threat of dismissal is an appropriate and large stick, and being increasingly applied.

The UK started mass vaccination about a month ahead of most. In addition they have had a largely successful vaccine roll out. 88% of the population have had at least one dose and 70.5 two doses. Before the Delta variant, modelling predicted the infections would decline rapidly at that 70% number, but with the Delta variant modelling predicted that 90% would be required.

The UK pretty much unlocked on July 19. However the NHS have an app on peoples cell phones when they are in contact with a case. This has resulted in what has become known as the 'Pingdemic." This has resulted in significant chaos and labor shortages with so many in isolation. Some critical workers are now exempt, and require daily testing. However the angst over this is high, with increasing number deleting the app.

Well until six day ago cases were rising exponentially with the sharpest spike rise yet seen. Then six days ago cases started to fall just as fast, which was totally unexpected and is defying the modellers. The reasons for this are not clear. For certain the vaccine program gets credit. However the number of people pinged and isolating may be a factor as well as the app deletion, causing missed cases, and a false fall in cases.

However there is increasing optimism that the UK is approaching, or has reached herd immunity from vaccines and recovered cases. There are early studies that show 90% of the population may now be immune.

In any event the UK is the most likely to be the one to tell us, the point at which vaccinations alone, result in declining case numbers, as the only intervention. This is a number we really need to know.

Finally the booster issue. The UK program is now seven months out. There is now evidence that immunity wanes in the immune compromised and those over 65 at six months post vaccination. The older the age, the greater the fall in immunity. So it looks that more likely than not, boosters will be required shortly, for the immune compromised and those over 65 years of age, and for all at some stage. In addition the hope is that the vaccines can be tweaked to increase immunity to the known variants.

The biggest risk to the success of the vaccine rollout, which has been truly spectacular, is a variant with vaccine escape.

About 10 days ago there was an article in JAMA detailing avenues of approach to a universal SARS vaccine targeting the nucleus of the virus rather than spike antigens. One such vaccine in the US has shown good effectiveness in animal studies, and phase 1 human trials have started.

This pandemic has been absolutely awful on many levels, taking lives and livelihoods throughout the world. So now the purse strings are wide open to this research.
Clearly pandemic preparedness has to move to the top of the agenda, along with climate change, which unfortunately may well be approaching the tipping point sooner than predicted. Unfortunately I fear controlling the latter, will be a much tougher nut to crack than the pandemic.
Thanks for being a voice of reason in the midst of chao.


Audioholic Spartan
This Delta variant is going to be a real problem. Were lucky it wasn't the dominant strain last year or things could've gone even worse. It's way more potent and transmissable. This variant also seems to hit younger adults a lot harder as well if I'm understanding the data right. I hate to be all doom and gloom but at our level of vaccination it's very likely we're going to get another wave. My whole family is vaccinated hopefully you guys are too. This spreads even faster then the other variants and is easier to get infected. So the odds are good were all going to be at high risk to catch it. Vaccination is your only effective defense against this variant. You ll get it just won't end up very sick from it. I'll definitely probably get it working in mental health with acute patients so I'm extremely grateful to be vaccinated

Wasn't there talk from on the companies doing the vaccines of offering a booster shot for those already vaccinated. Think it was Pfizer right?


Audioholic Warlord
I have not posted for a while, as there has been so much uncertainty. Now the fog is starting to clear. Between predicting the effects of the vaccine roll out and the variants, especially the Delta Variant, made reliable predictions next to impossible, with the best minds proving fallible.

This forum has had over 1/4 million individuals look at this thread at some time. I find this quite incredible for a forum for audio and home HT!. The point I am trying to make is that it makes it all the more imperative to try and provide accurate information. This has been more difficult of late, for a variety of reasons. I think it is safe to assume that many in that number have looked to this forum to obtain trusted information. In any event I hope that is the case.

First the Delta variant. The original form of the virus, had an R factor of around 1.4. A number over 1 means the epidemic will grow. Other variants had had R in the same range. The SA, or Beta variant, does seem to have a degree of vaccine escape.

The Indian Delta variant is the one currently of most concern. R is estimated at 4 to 5 most likely, and just might be as high as seven.

In addition this variant is one we know for sure, causes more serious disease, infects a younger population and even more children than previous strains.
The only benefit is that it is so transmissible that it outpaced the Beta variant, except in France for some reason that is not at all clear, although Delta is gaining ground.

The reason for the higher virulence, seems to be that it causes cell fusion and more rapid dissemination of the virus and increased rate of cellular death.

In the US we have very uneven vaccine uptake. Because the vaccines only have slightly reduced efficacy to this strain it is causing a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Florida is badly infected, where they have an idiot for a governor. Other areas of the South seem to have populations prepared to die for their political beliefs, which I find unfathomable. I note they are getting a really good scare now, as vaccines are starting to tick up again. Yes, it is time to balme the unvaccinated. France is going to crackdown on antivaxers, of which they have a large number. France is going to make life truly miserable for the unvaccinated. President Macron told the antivaxers today, "it is time for you to stay home and not us."

Minnesota released the state of the pandemic here. The Metro has a high vaccination rate, it is highly variable in out state Minnesota, I feel largely driven by political ideology. The percentage fully vaccinated is 53.5% which is not good enough.

There have been 3,900 breakthrough cases from 3 million vaccinations, which is a breakthrough rate of 0.1%. However we are seeing an exponential rise in cases with over 400 a day now. Hospitalizations and deaths are almost exclusively in the unvaccinated.

So it really is now time, and appropriate, to make life increasingly miserable for the unvaccinated. Employers using the threat of dismissal is an appropriate and large stick, and being increasingly applied.

The UK started mass vaccination about a month ahead of most. In addition they have had a largely successful vaccine roll out. 88% of the population have had at least one dose and 70.5 two doses. Before the Delta variant, modelling predicted the infections would decline rapidly at that 70% number, but with the Delta variant modelling predicted that 90% would be required.

The UK pretty much unlocked on July 19. However the NHS have an app on peoples cell phones when they are in contact with a case. This has resulted in what has become known as the 'Pingdemic." This has resulted in significant chaos and labor shortages with so many in isolation. Some critical workers are now exempt, and require daily testing. However the angst over this is high, with increasing number deleting the app.

Well until six day ago cases were rising exponentially with the sharpest spike rise yet seen. Then six days ago cases started to fall just as fast, which was totally unexpected and is defying the modellers. The reasons for this are not clear. For certain the vaccine program gets credit. However the number of people pinged and isolating may be a factor as well as the app deletion, causing missed cases, and a false fall in cases.

However there is increasing optimism that the UK is approaching, or has reached herd immunity from vaccines and recovered cases. There are early studies that show 90% of the population may now be immune.

In any event the UK is the most likely to be the one to tell us, the point at which vaccinations alone, result in declining case numbers, as the only intervention. This is a number we really need to know.

Finally the booster issue. The UK program is now seven months out. There is now evidence that immunity wanes in the immune compromised and those over 65 at six months post vaccination. The older the age, the greater the fall in immunity. So it looks that more likely than not, boosters will be required shortly, for the immune compromised and those over 65 years of age, and for all at some stage. In addition the hope is that the vaccines can be tweaked to increase immunity to the known variants.

The biggest risk to the success of the vaccine rollout, which has been truly spectacular, is a variant with vaccine escape.

About 10 days ago there was an article in JAMA detailing avenues of approach to a universal SARS vaccine targeting the nucleus of the virus rather than spike antigens. One such vaccine in the US has shown good effectiveness in animal studies, and phase 1 human trials have started.

This pandemic has been absolutely awful on many levels, taking lives and livelihoods throughout the world. So now the purse strings are wide open to this research.
Clearly pandemic preparedness has to move to the top of the agenda, along with climate change, which unfortunately may well be approaching the tipping point sooner than predicted. Unfortunately I fear controlling the latter, will be a much tougher nut to crack than the pandemic.
I assume the vaccination numbers you cited from the UK are for the eligible population? According to this website: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases - Statistics and Research - Our World in Data the numbers are 55% and 68.6%.

Along with the UK, it appears that the USA, France and Israel are well into their 4th waves. Even though Canada is currently getting <500 totaI new cases each day, I fully expect that we will end up going through the same experience. It's bad enough to open up early before sufficient vaccination has been accomplished - it's a whole other level of stupid to see it happen elsewhere and fecklessly do the same thing.

I can't say that I was supportive of compulsory vaccination before, but I don't think we have the luxury of indulging the anti's and the hesitant any longer. Enough with the carrots - it's time to bring out the sticks.


Audioholic Jedi
I assume the vaccination numbers you cited from the UK are for the eligible population? According to this website: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases - Statistics and Research - Our World in Data the numbers are 55% and 68.6%.

Along with the UK, it appears that the USA, France and Israel are well into their 4th waves. Even though Canada is currently getting <500 totaI new cases each day, I fully expect that we will end up going through the same experience. It's bad enough to open up early before sufficient vaccination has been accomplished - it's a whole other level of stupid to see it happen elsewhere and fecklessly do the same thing.

I can't say that I was supportive of compulsory vaccination before, but I don't think we have the luxury of indulging the anti's and the hesitant any longer. Enough with the carrots - it's time to bring out the sticks.
You are correct, that is the eligible population. They have not done any children under 16. School is out at the moment. The regulator is reluctant to give emergency approval for children and there is enormous public resistance to vaccinating children there, which will likely prove to be a big problem come the fall.


Audioholic Warlord
You are correct, that is the eligible population. They have not done any children under 16. School is out at the moment. The regulator is reluctant to give emergency approval for children and there is enormous public resistance to vaccinating children there, which will likely prove to be a big problem come the fall.
The Pfizer vaccine has been approved in Canada and in the US since May for children aged 12 and over. I assume the UK authorities are keeping an eye on our experience to guide them with regard to approval for that age group in the UK? Is the general populace completely ignoring what is happening elsewhere?

As I've learned recently - and I'm sure you already knew - side effects from vaccines manifest relatively quickly. There should be plenty of data available to support vaccinating British kids. I haven't seen any reports of problems with this vaccine in this age group. There wouldn't be time to get them fully vaccinated before starting school, but one dose would be better than no dose.


Audioholic Warlord
This Delta variant is going to be a real problem. Were lucky it wasn't the dominant strain last year or things could've gone even worse. It's way more potent and transmissable.
The Delta variant already is THE problem, as we've seen in the US in Florida, Arkansas, Missouri, Nevada, Texas, and to a lesser extent elsewhere. It didn't exist a year ago, but as long as the virus kept spreading, it's frequent mutations made Delta's existence inevitable. Other variants probably also exist now, in small amounts. We won't know about them until one or several reveal themselves by being more infectious than the Delta variant. The longer we delay fully vaccinating the entire population, the more variants we will see.
Wasn't there talk from on the companies doing the vaccines of offering a booster shot for those already vaccinated. Think it was Pfizer right?
Yes. I don't know what public health decisions will be made about giving boosters in the future, but the vaccine makers are preparing now for that possibility.


Audioholic Warlord
Yesterday, the US Veterans Administration announced it will make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for VA health care personnel — including physicians, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, registered nurses, physician assistants, expanded-function dental auxiliaries and chiropractors — who work in Veterans Health Administration facilities, visit VHA facilities, or provide direct care to those who the VA serves.

The VA runs one of the USA's largest health care groups, with more than 100,000 front-line workers.

The state of California (>2.2 million employees) and the city of New York (>45,000 employees) gave workers a choice: Get vaccinated or face weekly testing. And an array of hospitals from coast to coast, including the prestigious Mayo Clinic, declared they would require staff to get vaccinated, following a joint plea from the nation’s major medical groups.


Audioholic Samurai
I started to wonder why so many people who are refusing the vaccines say they are worried about future side effects. I've been hearing it everywhere. It struck me as being odd because I don't think anyone would wake up in the morning and say to themselves "I'm really concerned about potential long term consequences of vaccines!"

I figured there must be source of this, which led to "The Anti-Vaxx Playbook." A .pdf can be downloaded at the link below. According to this report, back in October of 2020, the online anti-vaxxers organised themselves around a “master narrative” comprised of three key messages: Covid is not dangerous, the vaccine is dangerous and vaccine advocates cannot be trusted.

What's interesting is that possible long term consequences is listed at page 14 of the .pdf report along with other antivaxx talking points. Many of these talking points have fallen away because so few real world issues have developed despite widespread vaccinations.

So, it appears that there is indeed a source of "possible future side effects" fearmongering.

As an aside, it occurs to me that the antivaxxers have an advantage compared to regular medical establishments because they can spread misinformation anonymously using Facebook memes, etc. If a meme is discredited, the source can avoid being discredited because he/she is not known. It's somewhat similar to Steve Bannon's strategy of "flooding the zone with sh*t."



Audioholic Spartan
Does anyone know how long your original vaccines last? When should we be thinking about going back in and getting revaccinated?
Is it a year 6 months?


Audioholic Warlord
Does anyone know how long your original vaccines last? When should we be thinking about going back in and getting revaccinated? Is it a year 6 months?
No one yet knows the answer. But scientists are actively looking now.

Vaccines first became available in December, but only to front-line health care workers. They became more widely available in March and April. The people in the earliest clinical trials were vaccinated as early as last August. So, we are just beginning to have some 1-year-later-data about how long immunity might last. Stay tuned.

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