

Audioholic General
jonnythan, you're always impressed!

Looks like my Sigma 30 1.4 is going to get exchanged, hopefully the second one doesn't backfocus a lot. If that one is junk I'm getting something else.


Audioholic General
I find the hardest part with shooting planes isn't the exposure (in a lot of cases you can set it and forget it) but keeping the plane in the frame! Especially with a 500mm lens I can imagine that's quite tricky but I imagine also something you get better at with practice.


Audioholic Warlord
That depends on how high of an f-stop you are using. The higher the f-stop the more depth of field and the sharper the detail in the distance will be. For example start out with a higher one at around f/11 and then do -2 and +2. You will notice that you will have a lot more detail in the distance than using a lower one.
F/11? You should read up on the Camera I'm using. I top out at F/8. I did try however a few stops below and it worked alright. I think I'm being limited by the camera, not Photoshop.



Audioholic Samurai
F/11? You should read up on the Camera I'm using. I top out at F/8. I did try however a few stops below and it worked alright. I think I'm being limited by the camera, not Photoshop.

Ahh well that's a whole other story. Although from the three pictures you used, the last one in HDR sequence does not look that much overexposed compared to the final shot. You want to take a picture with the right amount of light and then two that are very over and under exposed. If you look at the two darker shots they actually look underexposed compared to what the the real shot should be.

HDR as a whole though is pretty hard to do with a point and shoot though. Once you get a DSLR your options will increase substantially.


Audioholic Warlord
Ahh well that's a whole other story. Although from the three pictures you used, the last one in HDR sequence does not look that much overexposed compared to the final shot. You want to take a picture with the right amount of light and then two that are very over and under exposed. If you look at the two darker shots they actually look underexposed compared to what the the real shot should be.

HDR as a whole though is pretty hard to do with a point and shoot though. Once you get a DSLR your options will increase substantially.
My camera has a scale on the side that tells you the white balance of the image. I took 1 in the middle, and 1 on each end. If I end up having a huge craving for HDR, I'll pick up a Fuji S5.



Audioholic General
My camera has a scale on the side that tells you the white balance of the image. I took 1 in the middle, and 1 on each end. If I end up having a huge craving for HDR, I'll pick up a Fuji S5.

That is your exposure indicator scale, not white balance.

Also, S5? I'd go with something a little more recent than that personally.


Senior Audioholic
Thanks for your comments. I like shooting air shows, and get to a 2-3 a year. Its a lot of hit and miss, generally start out at about 3oo mm to start my track then gradually zoom in more. It can be hard to find something at 5oo mm, especially at 400+ mph!



Audioholic General
It can be hard to find something at 5oo mm, especially at 400+ mph!
I bet, it took me a couple seconds to find them sometimes even at 200mm!

I'd love to shoot more airshows, they're a lot of fun. The one I put some pictures up from a couple pages ago was the first air show I had been to since I was a kid!


Audioholic Spartan
DTS, those are some great photos!

Did you by any chance make it to the Oshkosh show this year? My friend is an engineer and test pilot for Icon, and he was just there. He used to work for Scaled for many years, and was the head engineer for the Global Flyer. :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
How do you do these shots?

My camera has a macro setting so it can focus on objects very close to the lens. When I took the eyeball picture, I could feel some eyelashes touching the camera. :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
How about a puppy shot?

I already posted this in another thread.....


Audioholic Field Marshall
You have seen my golf shoe pictures.

This is the net result of those shoes....



Senior Audioholic
No puppies, but how about a cat with attitude-

Nice pictures all. I love sharing pictures about as much as talking HT stuff. I never have made it to Oshkosh, some day maybe.

This one is from Lake Michigan, try to see how slow I could go hand held, and still maintain reasonable focus. I think 30th/sec if I remember right.

My sunflower seed thief. He can unlatch the handle in few seconds.

More Michigan



Full Audioholic
I can't get my images to display that big. My files are too large and have to be compressed a lot to fit.

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