Come On, All You "Unfortunate Souls" That Must "Suffer" with a 50" or Less TV...



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Due to budget and space constraints, we are forced to continue using our 50" rear projection set even in the new house we're in, although the HT living room we're in now is bigger and can take a substantially bigger screen...

We bought the 50 for an apartment we had before buying the house -- once moving into the house, we bought a massive wooden wall unit for the HT living room, which can house maybe a 58" screen...the room can definitely take larger, as we're sitting 13 or some feet away from the screen at the primary sweet spot, but we simply can't justify scrapping this wall unit that was a good deal of money in order to accommodate a new display, and I don't really want to "upgrade" to a 55 or 58" because I just don't think it will make much of a visual impact...

So, we're stuck with the 50. Anyone else care to chime in about their "small display" dilemmas? Who else is running a 50" or under in their main rooms? Finding it's "good enough" for your needs...or not?


Audioholic Spartan
I went from a 50" to a 73" in my main room, and just bougt a 58" to replace the 46" in my bedroom, so I know what it's like to not be happy with the sreen size you have... just keep saving up and you will eventually get a bigger tv. Holiday season is right around the corner, so there will be plenty of good deals to be had.


I went from a 50" to a 73" in my main room, and just bougt a 58" to replace the 46" in my bedroom, so I know what it's like to not be happy with the sreen size you have... just keep saving up and you will eventually get a bigger tv. Holiday season is right around the corner, so there will be plenty of good deals to be had.
Thanks for checkin' in, Glocks!

Well, I wish it were only about money -- unfortunately, we also have the space constraint due to the wall unit we bought (actually, that's what is stopping us more than the money somewhat); it seems nothing more than a 58" will fit in this space. This was a rather expensive, nice unit that we don't want to replace for our living room, so I have to live with the mistake of not planning for a larger screen before we bought the wall unit...

I was hoping for some other "50-inch screen and under" poor souls who have to live with their sets to clock in, to share some of the pain...:( :eek:


Audioholic Field Marshall
Mine is only 42" :( (cue alex)

My roommates and I split the cost of our current tv, so if I wanted to sell it and upgrade, it would be a lot of hassle and money. I want to get a projector though, because that would be sweet :D


Mine is only 42" :( (cue alex)

My roommates and I split the cost of our current tv, so if I wanted to sell it and upgrade, it would be a lot of hassle and money. I want to get a projector though, because that would be sweet :D
I hear ya, Kane...;)

What I really wanna do is have the screen and projector installed over the TV, like you see in those multi-purpose rooms, so the wife can have her screen for regular soap opera viewing, and at night we can drop down the screen for cinema, but the cost of that is just too overwhelming...:mad:


As much gaming as I do, I don't want to spend a fortune on lamp bulbs. The way the room is set up I'd have had to run an ungodly amount of HDMI anyways.

A nice, large, (essentially) lag-free television seemed like a far superior choice. 58" and I sit about 8' away - feels about right to me. Wouldn't want to go much bigger for multiplayer FPS's.


As much gaming as I do, I don't want to spend a fortune on lamp bulbs. The way the room is set up I'd have had to run an ungodly amount of HDMI anyways.

A nice, large, (essentially) lag-free television seemed like a far superior choice. 58" and I sit about 8' away - feels about right to me. Wouldn't want to go much bigger for multiplayer FPS's.
I appreciate your input, Sop, but this here thread is for the "poor unfortunate souls" that have to "suffer" with 50" screens or less -- you are harboring quite an advantage with that 58" screen and sitting eight feet away!

For the love of G-d, we are at 13 feet from our 50 because of necessity and room layout...:eek: :mad:


Audioholic Field Marshall
see, i would make the tv rise up in front of the screen, so you don't have to worry about the screen getting warped from being constantly rolled up. :D


Constrained by size, I bought a 42" panny plasma last black Friday. 6 months later we moved to a bigger place, and if I would have spent 150 more I could have gone up a size :( I'm sitting like 10 feet away. At least its my first flat screen, so it still kinda feels big.


Constrained by size, I bought a 42" panny plasma last black Friday. 6 months later we moved to a bigger place, and if I would have spent 150 more I could have gone up a size :( I'm sitting like 10 feet away. At least its my first flat screen, so it still kinda feels big.
I hear ya, Timmay! Thanks for checking in!

We had a similar situation as you, as we bought a 50" rear projection for where we were living at the time, then moved into a new house with a much bigger viewing area, and suddenly the 50 seemed out of place, if ya know what I mean...;)


I hear ya, Timmay! Thanks for checking in!

We had a similar situation as you, as we bought a 50" rear projection for where we were living at the time, then moved into a new house with a much bigger viewing area, and suddenly the 50 seemed out of place, if ya know what I mean...;)
I've been making due with an old CRT for a while now. I'm moving soon so I don't want to buy an LCD that's perfect for my current apartment only to realize that it's way too small for my new place. I feel your pain. meh! :(


Bigger IS Better

Sorry, but even my bedroom has a TV over 50" and it's too small.

The industry accept standard for HD material is 3 times the height of the screen to the eyes of the viewer at the primary viewing point. So if you have a 58" screen (1.78:1) it will be approximately 28" in height. Keeping with the recommended 3 times the height, a 58" HD screen should 84" or 7' from the primary viewing point.

These distances are related to viewing angle of the screen and trying to keep the angle 30 degrees. The THX viewing angle is even larger at 36 degrees which means sitting even closer.

This is the only thing I could find with a quick search:

I had something better from some CEDIA courses I took earlier this year. :(


i've been making due with an old crt for a while now. I'm moving soon so i don't want to buy an lcd that's perfect for my current apartment only to realize that it's way too small for my new place. I feel your pain. Meh! :(
:( :( :( :(


Audioholic Spartan
My main screen is only 106" and my bedroom screen is even smaller at 92". But some day I'll get a BIG screen.


I cannot imagine a bedroom screen at 90 something me, that's just insanity unless your bedroom is the size of a living room...


Audioholic General
My main screen is only 57". I dream of getting a projector for night viewing while leaving the 57" DLP for daytime viewing. It's due to budget not room.

I have a 32" in the bedroom. I'd prefer to have a 42" in the bedroom and move the 32" to the guest room where it belongs.


My main screen is only 57". I dream of getting a projector for night viewing while leaving the 57" DLP for daytime viewing. It's due to budget not room.

I have a 32" in the bedroom. I'd prefer to have a 42" in the bedroom and move the 32" to the guest room where it belongs.
Our situation is just like yours, allar -- I would love to get a projector/screen to drop in front of our 50" rear pro out of a ceiling soffit for serious film watching at night while daytime casual viewing can continue to be on the 50, but we simply cannot afford that.

I hear you on the bedroom screen, too -- we're actually still using a 4:3 Magnavox tube TV (it was my wife's from a previous apartment before she met me) that's not even 32 inches if I am not mistaken. We would like to move that one to the gym and get a new one for the bedroom as well.


Audioholic Slumlord
Remember..Size isn't everything; its how you use it that counts :eek: :p

"scooches my chair closer to my massive 47" screen" :eek:

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