I'm interested in:
1. A comparison of HDMI receivers and whether they will be able to handle the new higher resolution audio formats of HD-DVD and Blu-Ray.
2. Any news from Sony on when a non-Qualia 70" SXRD RPT will be available, its cost, whether it will accept a 1080p input, how it will scale 1080i to 1080p, whether it will use the new SXRD chip that will be in the upcoming 50" and 60" versions, and whether it will have a variable iris. Same questions about the forthcoming LG (Spatialight), Brillian, and Hitachi 1080p LCOS RPTs, plus their contrast specifications.
3. Stands that can hold 70" LCOS RPTs.
4. Any news from Sony on an affordable version of the Qualia front projector.