I used the NHT SuperZero (similar to AbsoluteZero) for about 10 yrs and I loved the way they sounded.
Bass Response in these little bookshelf speakers is not very important IMO. You will set all of them to SMALL + Crossover of 100 - 120 Hz. I would pick the 120 Hz to be safe.
Aperion Audio gives you 10 yrs warranty - you have to check this one, but last time I checked, it was 10 yrs warranty on their speakers. Plus, you can always return the speakers w/ no fees - free shipping to you and back to them - 30 day period.
I think DefTech & NHT gives you 5 yrs warranty - like most companies - even B&W & Revel speakers.
In terms of how they compare in sound quality, obviously only you can truly make that decision, but my GUT instinct tells me that all three will be extremely similar in sound quality.
I've only heard the DefTech (PM800) & NHT (SuperZero). But others have heard the Aperion and they say very great things about them.
Why did you want to keep the same BRAND of speakers + subwoofer in the first place?
I want them to be the same brand because they LOOK better.
If you care at all about matching their LOOKS (like me
), and you have time to experiment (return if needed), you might just want to try out the Aperion 5 identical speakers + Subwoofer (10 yrs warranty on drivers, 5 yrs warranty on built-in amplifer - I think).
Any way you look at it (DefTech vs. NHT vs Aperion vs SVS), I think you will be happy.
My gut instinct tell me to go for the NHT just because I've own some for so long.
But at the same time, if I had the time, I would have loved to try out the Aperion (speakers + sub) for free.
[Aperion Bravus 8D Sub $500] + [4B $130 x 5 = $650] = $1,150