Can You Get Audiophile 2CH Sound from a Home Theater?



Fire is progress, a fire extinguisher is more progress. A dumpster fire, I've never seen one.
I did see the Oakland hills the next day after it burn down twice. That was no cup of coffee.


Audioholic Spartan
LOL, okay please provide your definition of audiophile. An audiophile is merely someone seeking hifi audio reproduction for the most part. Doesn't mean your preferences are special because you anoint yourself as an "audiophile". Could just be a wire crackpot with tin ears for all we know. Your subjective opinion alone counts for little in the big picture...
He is what is commonly known as an audiophool and fits right in at headfi.


Why stop now. I had 4 or 5 MORE buddies leave AG they were looking for a new home. Guys like Mr lovinthehd are nothing new to me
or them. Site bullies that think they are wise in all things, good at repeating the same old nonsense. As an old shop steward (for 8 years),
I could sift through the BS with professional Liars and buttholes and stay cool (for the most part). The few want-to-be gate keepers can have a go
if they want to try that route. This is stereo stuff. It doesn't take a genius, nor does "Everything sound the same"

I'm pretty sure the nasty post are from "bears with sore heads", pretty easy to spot. I was also a in TAP admin for a while. Teamsters. I don't Drink
or Drug. I do drink to much coffee though.

He is what is commonly known as an audiophool and fits right in at headfi.
Again with the reference to "phools" and "headfi". Quick to call names are you? I promise it won't work out. Just because I try to be
a gentleman, doesn't make me a gentle-phool or a gentle-pushover.

What is a headhi?

What is an audiophool?

Could someone explain other than my good friend "Trell". Some of the answers are just over my head I guess. I'd sure appreciate it.

If I'm breaking any rules, let me know. I went through a little deal with one site telling me I didn't break any rules "BUT". They have more
moderators than members I think. All the others sites I visit are great. I did tell Tammy at AG to F__K-off it took her 4 months and never
did return messages. I do have a habit of calling out the local bullies. I was the new kid many times.. Nothing new. The people that are
being of good cheer, good will and good natured, I thank you.

Full featured site, well maintained, no knee on your neck, and the Ignore button. They don't erase entire threads or many post for that
matter. What's not to like?

I did see something about being "Woke". I had to look that up. I don't get that either.




Senior Audioholic
Good lord, everyone that looks at the article on AH and clicks the discussion thread link is going to come to this thread? Ugh. Audio discussion clearly went out the window and its just a bunch of chest beating and nonsense now. It's one thing to disagree on something and have rational discussion, even a little jesting is fine, but now its just pages of the same thing back and forth and not productive.

Very best,


Audioholic Spartan
Good lord, everyone that looks at the article on AH and clicks the discussion thread link is going to come to this thread? Ugh. Audio discussion clearly went out the window and its just a bunch of chest beating and nonsense now. It's one thing to disagree on something and have rational discussion, even a little jesting is fine, but now its just pages of the same thing back and forth and not productive.

Very best,
What do you expect when a poster claims to have cables and speaker wires that all sounds different?


Audioholic Jedi
Why stop now. I had 4 or 5 MORE buddies leave AG they were looking for a new home. Guys like Mr lovinthehd are nothing new to me
or them. Site bullies that think they are wise in all things, good at repeating the same old nonsense. As an old shop steward (for 8 years),
I could sift through the BS with professional Liars and buttholes and stay cool (for the most part). The few want-to-be gate keepers can have a go
if they want to try that route. This is stereo stuff. It doesn't take a genius, nor does "Everything sound the same"

I'm pretty sure the nasty post are from "bears with sore heads", pretty easy to spot. I was also a in TAP admin for a while. Teamsters. I don't Drink
or Drug. I do drink to much coffee though.

Again with the reference to "phools" and "headfi". Quick to call names are you? I promise it won't work out. Just because I try to be
a gentleman, doesn't make me a gentle-phool or a gentle-pushover.

What is a headhi?

What is an audiophool?

Could someone explain other than my good friend "Trell". Some of the answers are just over my head I guess. I'd sure appreciate it.

If I'm breaking any rules, let me know. I went through a little deal with one site telling me I didn't break any rules "BUT". They have more
moderators than members I think. All the others sites I visit are great. I did tell Tammy at AG to F__K-off it took her 4 months and never
did return messages. I do have a habit of calling out the local bullies. I was the new kid many times.. Nothing new. The people that are
being of good cheer, good will and good natured, I thank you.

Full featured site, well maintained, no knee on your neck, and the Ignore button. They don't erase entire threads or many post for that
matter. What's not to like?

I did see something about being "Woke". I had to look that up. I don't get that either.


LOL for audiophool review your posts or look in tthe mirror. I don't really care what you think due to your posts, though. Talk about repeating the same "audiophile" nonsense, you're pretty good at it.


Audioholic Jedi
Audiophile and Audio fanatic / lover. They are not entirely the same thing. They do cross over but you can love and enjoy music and movie audio without having to sell a kid to have insane gear IMHO. Audiophiles are listening on a different level for those super fine details and sometimes get lost in those details and maybe look past the reason you want that fancy gear in the first place. You can't define an audiophile by how much they spent. You also shouldn't get so caught up chasing UFOs that you aren't just enjoying the tunes.

Someone that spends money on things like risers and battery powered interconnects isn't an audiophile to me. That's a tweaker, a "believer", a conspiracy theorist? tinfoil hat? Yeah. I have tried many different things and have friends who believe that stuff and have lent me various items to test. In some cases I have heard very minute differences - differences that would not justify the cost and they are what I would actually call an artifact not an "improvement" that the vendor is selling as "better". Others I heard zero difference to my surprise. Even when I expected to hear a difference, I didn't.

I see it as a hobby where that snake oil is tempting enough that people buy into it and I don't get it. No science, no thought, no sense, but people buy it. Most hobbies you can google it and there will be something telling you "this thing is a rip off" but with audio there seem to be more dumb stuff than you can shake the internet at.


Full Audioholic
First of all HUGE shout out to Gene and Anthony Grimani for their series on room treatments they posted to youtube. I followed the recommendations and it was amazing. Anthony even took time to respond to my e-mails with suggestions. So, once the room treatments were up, the speakers positioned to the nth degree using a laser pointer my opinion is that 2 channel music sounds great through a multichannel (in my case 9.2.7) setup. I find I get the BEST multi-channel music when I use the X-Box Series S as a source (you can set it to output uncompressed 2 channel, 5 channel, 7 channel, DTS and with a paid upgrade even Atmos and DTS-X). Once you set the output that is what is sent to your processor. If I am listening to spotify and I want atmos music just switch it on and BOOM, every song is now in native atmos. Gene also made a great point when he shared DTS-X is not as good as iys precursor for music, DTS-Neo-X. I prefer setting the X-Box to stream in DTS and set my Marantz 7702 processor to DTS-Neo-X and it is the best combo for my taste. I prefer it over stereo, auro 3D, atmos music and spatial audio. Once you have wide channels positioned at the recommended 60 degrees, DTS Neo-X (NOT DTS-X)is a beast. I'll post pics and measurements if anyone would find it helpful. I use the Pro version of Audyssey and it is a big step up from the consumer version.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm glad there is a site that weeds out some of the nuttiness. I also see the thread title.
If HT music sound is the end all, why the title of the thread? Why do music lovers
try to achieve "Autophile 2CH Sound"? Which means you close your eyes and the band is before you.

Personally I don't care if it takes 1 or 111 channels to make you or anyone else on planet earth happy.
I'm not here to make you happy, just me and those I choose. If others are there along the way, so be it.
If I like what they have to say, I listen, if not, I pay attention but usually from a distance. I have NEVER been
accused of not trying to understand or learn. As a retired mechanic I've seen and heard to many claims of
"They sound the same to me" and then blow up costing 10s of thousands of dollars/euros, in less than 24 hours.

I'm here learning at my own pace which is very slow (these days). If people disagree I don't have a problem with
any of that. LOL Maybe the way it's done is a little harsh. lol But I'm tough, I'll endure or hit the ol Ignore button.
Having fun and learning, I'm all in. Name calling and telling me I'm ANY type of "fool" ain't gonna fly. Like everyone
keeps saying this isn't Audio (all the way) Gon.

For the record if some one has a como of equipment that is really really good and has a recommendation that
sounds better than my current gear for 2 channel reproduction, speak up.

Some of the replies infer I'm loony, but don't offer a piece of equipment that I haven't already tried to back it up.
I know what I like to hear. Most SS gear has a tough time getting me there, before my brain just clicks OFF.

I work with, what I've personally worked through and worked out the bugs on. That took a while 30+ years ago.
When my ears were in the best shape they were ever in 30 years ago, why question them NOW when they were
just tested and prove to be worse.

I sat in listening rooms with some great amp and speaker designers at the same time. That was weird. BUT they
agreed on a voicing for his amps (at the time) through the speaker guys old monitor speakers. I still have a set of
the same monitors. QSO 808s that I always reference.

I still use the same type of drivers for my sound system. Ribbons and Planars. I chose the design for speed and detail.
Strathearns, Monsoons, BGs. AC. I like @Corian, HDF or Stonewood (apitong) front baffles in my cabinet designs.

For the most part I like it here. Some folks were a little thick, But so am I. I can fix that easy enough.

BTW I been switching between a C20/Mx110z MC225/240 with QSO monitors and a Sony ES. John Lee, "The Heeler"
There may be better, but this is as sweet as it gets to my ears. Yes the room is treated. :cool:

That's right, it's time to feed my rabbit and my chickens.

OK, there is enough criteria in this post to meet a specific DSM code.


Someone that spends money on things like risers and battery powered interconnects isn't an audiophile to me. That's a tweaker, a "believer", a conspiracy theorist? tinfoil hat? Yeah. I have tried many different things and have friends who believe that stuff and have lent me various items to test. In some cases I have heard very minute differences - differences that would not justify the cost and they are what I would actually call an artifact not an "improvement"
You can say you tried the tweak, many can't make the same claim. That is usually the only issue I have with any conclusion. I have to try it, I have to deny it.
There are things people resort to in the name of sound, that I will not. I don't have to try some things. Cable risers may change something. For me that something is it's much easier to clean under and around the cables. I'm in agreement many of the changes made by tweaks are just that, changes. Usually if it qualifies as something very positive it's not a tweak at all, it's far more likely something was broken to begin with or a loose connection "other than" changing cable types and fuses and having these wonderful outcomes. I find cable art 2-4" off the floor and at least 1/2" a part and crossing at 90s with 1/2" between cables works wonders for ALL sound systems.

Room acoustics, vibration control, and electrical grid maintenance (120vac and 220/240vac) are not tweaks. Neither is being clean or routing cables correctly. The old hook drop and flop systems sound like crap for a reason. It's usually as simple as routing cables, equipment placement, and speaker placement.

The part I don't get is why it's so important that someone else thinks it's doing anyone a favor by calling people phools, needing medication, need an education, and the list goes on. I find that rather distasteful. I usually attribute that to bad manners and that usually to some type of substance abuse. I really can't blame Mom and Dad for raising a total knucklehead if they are older than 35 or so. I'll give a lot of leeway here. But to ramble on about what they know about me, is really kind of spooky. I'm beginning to think they are right handed or something weird like that. The "Site Stalkers Twins".

This all started when I said the cables on a phono section are very important and take a long time to sound they way they will if you use my cable constructs and tone arm wire. Over 500 up to 1000 hours. Huge boutique caps, teflon, silver and cladding are all recipes for long break-ins and subtle changes over long periods of time.
The funny part was neither used a phono section. LOL Blabbing on about how a phono cables and phono section doesn't change. I had coffee coming out my nose a few times.

I've heard some fantastic stories about improvement beyond words. YET they manage to ramble off three pages of how the world changed (for the better) with a pair of cables or (better yet) a set of cable risers. I don't need magnets or batteries for speaker cables. Pacemaker maybe, speaker cables NO. I'm going solar with a BU methane gen for my pacemaker. It's fart fired and smog certified.


LOL for audiophool review your posts or look in tthe mirror. I don't really care what you think due to your posts, though. Talk about repeating the same "audiophile" nonsense, you're pretty good at it.
Again with the look in the mirror crap, I see I hit a soft spot. You don't have to give your name it is Anonymous (the meetings).
Tuesday nights are the best time to show up. They do have meeting 7 days and nights a week. Best to go sober, ay.
Apr of 82 for me and booze. I drank 26 years later at my daughters wedding and haven't since.

Your post are still a little muddled, I'll attribute that to shaky hands. That will go away you know. Please don't tell me you have
a Fentanyl, speed and coke problem too. Gambling? I fear that is the reason for the cheap gear and bad attitude. Had to sell
the goods. LOL

I don't gamble either. The wife does. 20.00 a week on Lotto

I don't call people fools for a reason. Read in the Bible what it says about calling someone a FOOL. I didn't write it, I just read it.
You may not believe in the Bible. It never hurt anyone to know what was in one either.


Audioholic Jedi
You can say you tried the tweak, many can't make the same claim. That is usually the only issue I have with any conclusion. I have to try it, I have to deny it.
There are things people resort to in the name of sound, that I will not. I don't have to try some things. Cable risers may change something. For me that something is it's much easier to clean under and around the cables. I'm in agreement many of the changes made by tweaks are just that, changes. Usually if it qualifies as something very positive it's not a tweak at all, it's far more likely something was broken to begin with or a loose connection "other than" changing cable types and fuses and having these wonderful outcomes. I find cable art 2-4" off the floor and at least 1/2" a part and crossing at 90s with 1/2" between cables works wonders for ALL sound systems.

Room acoustics, vibration control, and electrical grid maintenance (120vac and 220/240vac) are not tweaks. Neither is being clean or routing cables correctly. The old hook drop and flop systems sound like crap for a reason. It's usually as simple as routing cables, equipment placement, and speaker placement.

The part I don't get is why it's so important that someone else thinks it's doing anyone a favor by calling people phools, needing medication, need an education, and the list goes on. I find that rather distasteful. I usually attribute that to bad manners and that usually to some type of substance abuse. I really can't blame Mom and Dad for raising a total knucklehead if they are older than 35 or so. I'll give a lot of leeway here. But to ramble on about what they know about me, is really kind of spooky. I'm beginning to think they are right handed or something weird like that. The "Site Stalkers Twins".

This all started when I said the cables on a phono section are very important and take a long time to sound they way they will if you use my cable constructs and tone arm wire. Over 500 up to 1000 hours. Huge boutique caps, teflon, silver and cladding are all recipes for long break-ins and subtle changes over long periods of time.
The funny part was neither used a phono section. LOL Blabbing on about how a phono cables and phono section doesn't change. I had coffee coming out my nose a few times.

I've heard some fantastic stories about improvement beyond words. YET they manage to ramble off three pages of how the world changed (for the better) with a pair of cables or (better yet) a set of cable risers. I don't need magnets or batteries for speaker cables. Pacemaker maybe, speaker cables NO. I'm going solar with a BU methane gen for my pacemaker. It's fart fired and smog certified.
I think we all have the rights to buy and enjoy whatever we want - as long as it’s not hurting anyone and is 100% legal, of course. :D

If my own brothers believe that all wires/cables/amps/DACs sound differently, I would disagree with them, but I am not going to call them names. I would just disagree with them, which is perfectly fine.

So I would not distinguish myself from any other “audiophiles” because we all have ONE thing in common - we all love audio and/or home theater. We may disagree big time with certain things, but at the end of the day, we all love the audio/HT and we all love to talk about it.

So when I see my brothers talk about things I totally disagree with in audio/HT or other things in life (all 100% legal things that would not harm anyone in anyway), I would just say let’s just agree to disagree and both be happy with our hobby. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Again with the look in the mirror crap, I see I hit a soft spot. You don't have to give your name it is Anonymous (the meetings).
Tuesday nights are the best time to show up. They do have meeting 7 days and nights a week. Best to go sober, ay.
Apr of 82 for me and booze. I drank 26 years later at my daughters wedding and haven't since.

Your post are still a little muddled, I'll attribute that to shaky hands. That will go away you know. Please don't tell me you have
a Fentanyl, speed and coke problem too. Gambling? I fear that is the reason for the cheap gear and bad attitude. Had to sell
the goods. LOL

I don't gamble either. The wife does. 20.00 a week on Lotto

I don't call people fools for a reason. Read in the Bible what it says about calling someone a FOOL. I didn't write it, I just read it.
You may not believe in the Bible. It never hurt anyone to know what was in one either.
I wasn’t going to bring up religion because I was taught by my high-school Speech teacher to never talk about Religion and Politics. If I could go back in time, I would tell my teacher that “Audio” might be in the same group as “Religion and Politics”. :D

Until I joined audio forums, I never thought so many people could get so angry and call each other names just by talking about audio. :D
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Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
I wasn’t going to bring up religion because I was taught by my high-school Speech teacher to never talk about Religion and Politics. If I could go back in time, I would tell my teach that “Audio” might be in the same group as “Religion and Politics”. :D

Until I joined audio forums, I never thought so many people could get so angry and call each other names just by talking about audio. :D
Yep, between audio, home audio, politics or religion. Stop spying on me with those binoculars! :D or why you watching me so close? Why? Because I'm watching you watching me watching you! that's why! :D Get mad, get bushwack, get called names. It's like grade school all over again sometimes on forums All forums. Next thing you know their butt Buddy's jumping you. Grade School fights I tell you. Very childish, unethical and shows lack of virtues and integrity.
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Audioholic Jedi
Yep, between audio, home audio, politics or religion. Stop spying on me with those binoculars! Lol
I haven’t even had my breakfast and cappuccino yet this morning. So can’t spy on an empty stomach. :D

We hear about “road rage” on the streets. We should call this “Audio Rage” on the forums. :D

It’s JUST AUDIO for crying out loud, not ROCKET SCIENCE or Neurosurgery or thoracic surgery. Just audio. :D
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
I haven’t even had my breakfast and cappuccino yet this morning. So can’t spy on an empty stomach. :D

We hear about “road rage” on the streets. We should call this “Audio Rage” on the forums. :D

It’s JUST AUDIO for crying out loud, not ROCKET SCIENCE or Neurosurgery or thoracic surgery. Just audio. :D
"audio rage" gotta nice ring to it.


Full Audioholic
Does anyone want to discuss 2 CH stereo through a multi-channel setup?

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