Can we have a rational discussion about guns and why the typical arguments for gun control and its implementation won't work?



Audioholic Spartan
Ah yes "sensible" is using a machine gun. It's a military weapon, and because your intent isn't equal to a killer, doesn't make it not dumb. The killer is the top of Mt Stupid; the regular gun owner using a machine gun is down on the lower valley of Mt Stupid. Please stop trying to justify a machine let alone the normalization of it compared to other more sensible guns. In that way, you could also say Ripleys combination of MG/grenade launcher/flame thrower is ok on the basis well I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Thankfully on the "new" production of MG the Feds banned them.
This is a thread for gun nuts and the resident misanthrope, which came apparent quite early. They want to have their guns (whatever type) and carry them everywhere with essentially no restrictions, and care nothing for all the dead and wounded people caused by guns. As long as they have their guns they do not care.
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
This is a thread for gun nuts and the resident misanthrope, which came apparent quite early. They want to have their guns (whatever type) and carry them everywhere with essentially no restrictions, and care nothing for all the dead and wounded people caused by guns. As long as they have their guns they do not care.
Huh. I think the thread creator asked numerous times to keep it on point.
Your above statement is a gross misrepresentation and not true.
Unless you have some proof of what you wrote.


Audioholic Spartan
Just because you stopped in.
I’m here for giggles for reading dumb posts, like your replies to Dude.

It’s many pages since I stopped giving responses with references to science and other reputable sources. The same goes for several other highly knowledgeable members that bowed out from this ironically named thread.

In case you ask, I’ve used weapons. In fact, I’ve done the military service in my country. Have you?
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
I’m here for giggles for reading dumb posts, like your replies to Dude.

It’s many pages since I stopped giving responses with references to science and other reputable sources. The same goes for several other highly knowledgeable members that bowed out from this ironically named thread.

In case you ask, I’ve used weapons. In fact, I’ve done the military service in my country. Have you?
My posts to dude may be hyperbolic, but I figured to communicate with one, I need to communicate LIKE one.

I have not served in our military, but many of my family members have. I have great respect for our military. I love my country, but it’s a dumpster fire unfortunately. Being in the military gives one a unique perspective on this subject, but opinions of service members varies, just like it does with civilians.
I respect you for your service to your country.


Audioholic Spartan
So trell, thanks for the dumb rating!
So you don’t think using a firearm could give perspective to someone who hasn’t? Otherwise he seems a lot like chicken little.
Your reply was to a post about machine guns. You don’t have to have any particular experience, if any, with firearms to think those should not be allowed for civilian use. Similarly, you don’t need any particular experience with hand grenades to think they are not for civilian use.
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Your reply was to a post about machine guns. You don’t have to have any particular experience, if any, with firearms to think those should not be allowed for civilian use.
Ok fair. I was lumping them together. Didn’t wanna dig through a hundred posts to find the one that stuck out. But generally speaking don’t you think that would be true about perspective? I know tons of conceal and carry card holders. They’re nothing if not reasonable. I also know “jimbob”, and he don’t give a damn about town, or anyone in it. He just wants to shoot his guns out nowhere, where nobody can get hurt. If he wants a MG, I couldn’t care less. I also know unstable people who shouldn’t be anywhere near a gun, but if they want one, they will get one.
The reason it matters, is because he seems to be saying gun owners and enthusiasts are some maniacal group of miscreants just waiting to shoot people, while not recognizing at all that the kinds of people that DO want to do that will get those weapons anyway. Bans and BC’s will just change how they do.


Audioholic Spartan
This thread just gets dumber and dumber.
Sadly controversial topics often go that route. Myself, while I am a life long gun enthusiast, hunter and competitive shooter in various disciplines I have no interest or use for machine guns or any of the many 'black gun' offerings out there.

Early on in this thread I stated my position on the subject in general and I stand by it........


Audioholic Warlord
Sadly controversial topics often go that route. Myself, while I am a life long gun enthusiast, hunter and competitive shooter in various disciplines I have no interest or use for machine guns or any of the many 'black gun' offerings out there.

Early on in this thread I stated my position on the subject in general and I stand by it........
That's me. Guns are tools to get a job done. They're not toys and entirely too many people treat them that way.

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