I know you don't believe in doing 7 channel driven into 4 ohm test and you don't use regulated PS for your tests. It looks like Audiovision does, and below are their SR8012 vs AVR-X8500H in output power on the bench.
Tests were done using 1 kHz sine wave, no distortions level mentioned, hopefully not more than 1%. Not too useful information, but I guess for comparison purposes it is better than nothing. Regardless, their results seem to agree with your "add 10%..." prediction, except the 7 channel into 4 ohm test, Denon output almost 24% more.
Stereo, 4 Ohms:
Denon......................... 260 W
Marantz.......................235 W
Stereo, 6 Ohms:
Denon..........................213 W
Marantz.......................184 W
5 Channel, 4 Ohms:
Denon..........................161 W
Marantz.......................140 W (or 149, it was too blurry to read)
5 Channel, 6 Ohms:
Denon..........................131 W (this one makes no sense, may be a typo)
Marantz.......................134 W
7 Channel, 6 Ohms:
Denon..........................122 W
Marantz.......................105 W
7 Channel, 4 Ohms
Denon..........................140 W
Marantz.......................113 W
Obviously this is the wrong thread for this, so may be a mod can move it to the right place.