I think that republicans did that is a riot. There is no doubt in my head that when it comes to the colored folk voting and them darn women voting that republicans were screaming "NO!" at the top of their lungs.
Is affirmative action wrong? Yes.
Is a privately funded scholarship for black/hispanic/other minority wrong? No, I don't think so. I don't necessarily like the idea, but I sure as heck don't see how in America that can be considered wrong.
A school should never lower expectations though for any student. So, if BU or ANY school is lowering the bar for anyone, for any reason, it is a bit disgusting and an insult to all those that got in on their own merits.
I have zero issue with a caucasian scholarship in light of the other existing scholarships that are out there. I am a bit conflicted with the concept of scholarships being used to draw minority students to colleges that they may not otherwise attend. It seems that a college worth goinig to will draw people based on its own merits and minority or not, students should and will attend a good school. If they are trying to diversify, then there are other ways to target people without lowering the bar or give them money.
As I said though - this is America and if the scholarship is privately funded I have no right to whine about where that money goes to. If I were to decided to put up 100 million dollars for scholarships for midgets only - it seems like that should be my right as an American.
I am not at all sure about schools endorsing any of these scholarships though since that does initialize a preference.