The hi-def camp is a limited segment within home based entertainment electronics, within that segment you have 3 camps: low, middle and high tier consumers. PS3 appeals mostly to younger people that usually (not always) have less acquisitive power, the middle are the majority and are in a holding pattern due to format uncertainty, this group will be largest adopters (also the ones looking for dual format players to hedge their bet in case one format fails.) High tier are early adopters that fall in to two camps: adults with a large disposable income and younger consumers with less fiscal responsibities, either is not too concerned with spending money on a perceived need or want, if one format fails they'll simply switch format (vhs/beta). I agree that eventually there will be only one format, but the enticement to go and purchase hi-def
right now will be made easier by dual format players. From the studio's point of view dual players are a boom. Consumers will not be hemmed into one format. Also some studios are releasing the same title in both formats (I'm not sure of the manufacturing costs in producing each format.)Dual format players, once in market, will be a major factor in the speed in which the "war" will end.
P.S. According to this blog from cnet LG is already for sale in Comp USA in Texas:
also, BB and CC will start selling in February.