If money is no object, than certainly, feel free to buy a Premium Brand. Kimber is fine, but avoid the scammers like Fraudioquest, synergistic... basically any company that tells you that they have a special solution guaranteed to make your system sound better.

If you think you want something better than Monoprice...
Belden, Canare... Mogami, I suppose.
You haven't shared what Speakers you use, or how difficult of a load they may be to drive. But unless you are using something silly, 12AWG should be all you need for most situations up to around 30' long runs.
If you want to roll your own, you can easily do that. Or contact Blue Jeans Cables and have them do the work for you.
If you really want to Bi-Wire, they'll build the cable for you to do that.
When you measure your runs, just add an extra foot on each side of the run to help make certain you aren't pulling on the connections!