Thanks, I think I've heard those ADS before, but a long time ago....and a neighbor had some fancy Polks before I was much into it, but that was before the SDAs but they sounded nice.
I've had generally good first good set was the Original Advent Loudspeaker back in 72 when I was in high school; I lusted after JBL L100s at the time but they were more expensive. I recently picked up a pair of JBL 4311Bs, tho, and that's like a trip back to high school. I had some Carver Amazing Loudspeakers that I liked a lot but a friend killed them by turning the volume knob to 11

and then had subsequent damage due to a move so didn't have them repaired (again, the ribbons had failed before). I've had a variety of speakers otherwise and like my Ascend Sierra-1s a lot as well as my Dayton BR-1 kit speakers as well as my latest JBL S5xx series (and LSR 305s). Much of the time in my earlier days I had bought into the electronics are more important unfortunately rather than speakers but I also shared living spaces so mostly just had small bookshelves for the most part. I'm more interested in diy solutions from here on out...but dream speakers like the JBL M2 or big Revels would be nice but not exactly what I'd like to budget for among other things....