Banana's Or Spades?



Assuming all things are equal in design and quality, what is the best connection for hooking your speakers to your amp? Many people say spades give the best connection. Are their any sonic or signal advantages between the two?

I want to hook up a Parasound A 51 to the Paradigm Signature S 4's.

Thanks. I love this site! :)


Seriously, I have no life.
wd90125 said:
Assuming all things are equal in design and quality, what is the best connection for hooking your speakers to your amp? Many people say spades give the best connection. Are their any sonic or signal advantages between the two?

I want to hook up a Parasound A 51 to the Paradigm Signature S 4's.

Thanks. I love this site! :)
Which ever is more convenient for you. If you have the playitis with cables, that is you like to constantly unplug and swap cables, of yourse you would want bananas :)
But, in the end, it is an issue of preference, not sonic or electrical.


One thing you might consider is the depth of the banana jacks on your speakers or amp if applicable. I recently bought a new pair of speakers, and they came with some very nice gold-plated binding posts. However, the depth of these was significantly less than a standard banana jack. This caused my banana plugs to not insert all the way, resulting in a wobbly, almost intermittent connection to the speaker. On the amplifier side, the same banana plugs worked just great, as the banana jacks on the amp were a standard depth so the plugs pressed in all the way. The large hex nuts on my speakers are removable, and I found some gold-plated ring lugs (like spade lugs except not open at one end, just a circular hole in the middle). I used a quality crimping tool to crimp these onto the ends of the speaker wires. The ring lugs give a great connection on the speaker side. So I ended up with ring lugs on the speaker side for the most secure connection given the shallow binding posts, and banana plugs on the amplifier side for convenience.
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
I use spades because once they are on and torqued down I can fugeddaboudit. The locking banana's do look good though. If you change things frequently I suppose banana's are the way to go. :cool:


Junior Audioholic
What are the downsides to using the bare wire leads to the binding post?

Rÿche 1

wd90125 said:
Assuming all things are equal in design and quality, what is the best connection for hooking your speakers to your amp? Many people say spades give the best connection. Are their any sonic or signal advantages between the two?

I want to hook up a Parasound A 51 to the Paradigm Signature S 4's.

Thanks. I love this site! :)
Bare wire.


Senior Audioholic
rack04 said:
What are the downsides to using the bare wire leads to the binding post?

Other than ease of connection, none really. Most "purists" don't use connectors. Bananas, spades and pins are more about convenience. I doubt there is any sonic improvement over bare wire.



Junior Audioholic
How are you really supposed to connect the bare wire leads to the binding post? The way that I currently have it is such that the bare wire lead inserts through the hole in the post and wraps around once before screwing down the cap.


Senior Audioholic
rack04 said:
How are you really supposed to connect the bare wire leads to the binding post? The way that I currently have it is such that the bare wire lead inserts through the hole in the post and wraps around once before screwing down the cap.

Sounds good to me. Actually, you don't even have the wrap the wire around the post. Just stick it into the hole and tighten down. However, the way you are doing it is fine, just makes it harder to connect and disconnect. The only thing that might have an adverse effect is wrapping the wire around to many times thus making an uneven contact? Maybe?



Audioholic Overlord
If that works for you, fine.

Just make durn sur that no stray wires ever touch another post.

An alternative method is to wrap the wire around the post and tighten it. This theoretically provides more contact area but again, watch for shorts.

Personally, I find the back of HT receivers tight for my fat fingers. Since it isn't an audiable difference, I choose banana plugs.


Audioholic Intern
One thing that is a good idea with using bare wire, is tin the ends. This just makes things a little neater and helps prevent stray wires from shorting to the other post.

However this assumes you own a soldering iron.

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