TLS Guy - Not sure what you mean by context, but it doesn't matter. The reason I'm looking for an owners forum is because I own an AV10 and have questions.
Gene - Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out.
highfigh - Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out.
Congratulations on selecting such a wonderful processor.
Check out the thread Gene linked and although I went with the Htp-1 instead of the AV10 it was a very close call and I did a lot of research on the AV10
I also spent a lot of time with owners of the AV10 so like
@William Lemmerhirt said if you have any questions let us know.
Also PM us so we can answer questions you have privately with a lot of details as well.
I can't wait to hear your experiences with the AV10 it is an amazing processor