I “advocate AVR”? Since when?
I've been reading your posts for years, and you often come out in support of using AVRs. @TLSGuy and I are usually the AVR haters, deserved or not.
I’ve owned separates (preamps, amps, integrated amps, pre-pros, standalone processors) ever since I started this hobby.
I still own separates. Even my subwoofers are separates with external amps.
I know. Amir also measures pre-pros and finds them below expectations along with AVRs, even compared to some dongles.
I am NOT being “difficult“. I am just not afraid to ask the questions.
Amir is absolutely NOT the first person to measure electronics. This has been done for the past 30+ years. So I am asking the group in general or in casual conversation - over this many years of electronics measurements, has there been a general correlation between having the best “numbers” and being the “most reliable“ or best sounding or anything else?
And I am wondering why ”everyone” is no longer doing these measurements? This happened before COVID. So does anyone truly know why? Is it simply costing too much money to continue doing measurements (personnel + equipment cost)?
Well, you'd have to ask the former reviewers, like
@gene . Stereophile still does measurements of amps, pre-amps, and DACs, though it's all about audio that I've seen. HT components are of no interest. I'm not sure why. The list price of an Audio Precision APx555 used to be $28,000, before accessories, but AP has stopped listing prices. I don't know what that means (new prices are higher, lower, or the same).
But going back to the quote in red, does Amir seem to believe that all AVR sucks?
Only the ones he's measured. I don't follow his AVR and pre-pro testing closely, so you'd have to look yourself or ask
@PENG, who is very active on ASR. For the reviews I've read, especially of Marantz products, the measurements are uncomplimentary.
I love owning pre-pros and amps and I wouldn’t mind owning preamps and amps or even something like the Yamaha A-S3200 integrated amps. But I do believe that AVRs sound just as great as separates.
I don't have an opinion on audible differences, especially for HT products. I use a cheap Marantz AVR as a pre-pro, and I don't think it has any audible deficiencies for HT. I've never tried using that system for high quality acoustic recordings, especially my own.
I thought those ASR numbers prove that AVR‘s measure as well as separates?
Unfortunately not. Like I said, Amir has commented that for digital audio there are cheap dongles that measure better than high-end AVRs.