Audioquest Cable EXPERIENCE



Audioholics Master Chief
Which means different metals will bring out different sounds than do others. But you are right 12 ga is 12 ga.
thats a load of crapola. While Silver is a slightly better conductor than copper, simply using a tad more copper to compensate would yield identicle conductivity and resistivity. I can't believe people still expend so much energy and thought about cables (the least significant chain in an audio system). What is funny is most of the cable cult hobbyists spend little to no time fixing their room acoustics where they would benefit the most.


Audioholic Samurai
Duffinator said:
Mule, you got to give Mtry credit, he NEVER wavers from his convictions
.....The Duffinator, that which Mtry never wavers on, is what someone else thinks who got published....he also never fails to follow up someone's audible observance posted, with claims they aren't qualified to relate such gets old......


Man, I am sure glad I spoke up. Doesn't everyone like these heated arguements? Anyways, Hope I havent offended anyone, but I still stand by my posts. Thanks


Seriously, I have no life.
mulester7 said: can't describe what you heard as well as Richard Pierce could"....I wish more people would just speak up and ignore ya', bud......

He doesn't review products, so it will be a long wait for his descriptions;)
I don't mind being ignored at all. Even you have a difficult time ignoring me:D


Seriously, I have no life.
Duffinator said:
Mtry, with your steadfast convictions and discipline on sticking with science you would make a good portfolio manager. We should open up a hedge fund and we'll make millions. :D Do you know anything about financial engineering, quantitative modeling, or programming in Matlab???

Can we base the market on science? DBT? Or, the market responds to fear and emotions too much?
No, I am not into financial engineering:D Is there lots of money to be made legally? LOL. Any age cut off? May be too young, or too old, you know:p


I bought a Radioshack 12ft HDMI to DVI cable on clearence for $40... it worked better the the monstercable i tried which had these horribly pushed yellow colors (??defective) but at $79 for half the length. I will miss the massive amounts of high quality cable from radioshack that were at bargain prices.



Seriously, I have no life.
sokrman14 said:
I don't like to only go off specs and reviews. Honestly, most reviews are just biased opinions from some respected people in the audio world. The only way to know if you like something is by going out and listening to them yourself.
sokrman14 said:

Sure there is bias, that is what I bring to others attention so they are aware of it. But, do you think that going out and doing a personal audition is not prone to bias or in fact be biased??? No one has an immunity exemption from bias, including me.
But, science has shown us a method to eliminate, or at least minimize it to nil, its effects. That is also what I like to tell others so at least they are better informed and have other choices that may lead to more objective results.


Seriously, I have no life.
sokrman14 said:
I can agree with that about the better gauges. There is also how it is stranded, whether there are 1000 tiny strands braided, or maybe 10 solid strands. Also different metals are better conductors. Which means different metals will bring out different sounds than do others. But you are right 12 ga is 12 ga.

You see, this is what I am talking about, all these claims that can be tested, properly, of course. I doubt you would like the answers though:)


Seriously, I have no life.
Vancouver said:
Tell them that on the flip side if they fail the test they have to give you the more expensive speaker cable for free.

Watch them studder when you bring up the that logical, mutually benfitial win win situation.

ask him to explain why he wouldnt take the test is he says no.

You drive a hard bargain. I like it:D


Junior Audioholic
Jon@StereoOne said:
I am a new member to this forum and have some thoughts I would like to share. I have read a number of threads on high end cables are snake oil and have a few "REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES" I would like to share.
I have heard this argument more times than I can count.

For every person that claims to hear a difference, there is someone who claims to hear no difference.

Cable proponents claim that measurements alone can not quantify differences in sound. They claim that a listening test is the only way to discern audible differences in between cables. However, even listening tests are far more inaccurate than measurements. I am not aware of a single scientifically valid listening test that demonstrates audible differences in between cables that measure similiarly.

However, there are valid tests that demonstrate that a fairly substantial difference in measurements must exist before the differences become audible.

In addition, we have known for a long time how unreliable sighted tests are whenever humans are involved. That's why medical tests always use a control group.


I appreciate all of you that have heard the comparison done, and base their "opinion" on an experience rather than specs alone. This was if fact the only reason I made such a rediculous comparison of a $7000.00 T.V. to a $1500 one. Spec alone would lead some people to believe that anything that was more expensive without better specs on paper would just be a waste of money. MY OWN EYES AND EARS have indicated differently, per my perception. This is in fact just that an opinion, Joe the scientist might argue against that and I can appreciate the need for numbers only if that is your personality.
To the individuals worried about me not making friends, don't worry I have plenty of friends. Some religious some not, some democrats some republicans. As before mentioned I prefer to have an open mind and listen to both sides of all things.
A wise man once said: "Do you listen to it? Can you hear a difference? Then it is probably worth it."
Clearly not everyone agrees, a part of what makes this country great and why forums exist. My post is only to encourage people to form their own opinion. You may or may not be lucky enough to have a local dealer close to you that will take the time to set up a fair A/B comparison. For those stuck only having big box stores that don't have a proper room to evaluate for yourself, you unfortunatley miss out on finding out what your own taste might be. Can any of you really tell me that Focal Jm Lab Utopia is better than a Wilson or a Martin Logan or a B & W. These are all great products that exist simply because we all have different taste for looks, and sound. I personally prefer Sam Adams, you might like Coors. This does not make either one of us wrong.
I am in fact not a pissed of dealer that can't sell cables. Just someone happy with his audioquest, marantz, focal, and mitsubishi equipment per my taste and would simply encourage anyone to form their opinion on actually taking a TEST DRIVE. That was for the mad guy smack talking a lack of car analogy! LOL.
I would like to hear your thoughts on why so many different high end speaker company's have so many different "Measured versions of perfect tweeters" The B&W claims that on paper it measures closer to a hypothetical perfect tweeter with their new diamond tweeter. (802D) I personally think Focal's berilium sounds better. Get this another "Opinion of mine" I don't think that a guy that prefers the B&W is wrong. I hope you are begining to see my point.


Audioholic Samurai

i agree 100%,review's & spec sheet's are a tool nothing more & surely not conclusive in any way,dbt is also a tool but not the entire picture either.

i alway's advise people to hear as much different gear as they can & draw there conclusion's from what they have personally heard,preferably in their own home on their own system.


Audioholics Master Chief
I appreciate all of you that have heard the comparison done, and base their "opinion" on an experience rather than specs alone.
jon, I know this may be hard for you to swallow, but cables are the only devices you can actually determine quality of based on measured performance. Only poorly designed cables (which don't bench well in terms of RLC values, and/or with interconnects have poor shielding or non 75 ohm characteristic impedance for video) can be sonically or visually distinguisable under the right listening/visual conditions and equipment being used.
The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
gene said:
cables are the only devices you can actually determine quality of based on measured performance. Only poorly designed cables (which don't bench well in terms of RLC values, and/or with interconnects have poor shielding or non 75 ohm characteristic impedance for video) can be sonically or visually distinguisable under the right listening/visual conditions and equipment being used.
I for one had the misfortune of buying AQ bi-wires (luckily the ones without batteries) for my front three just prior to having the fortune of finding this site. Based upon the recommendation of AQ (as in I actually talked to the guy who terminated my cables) I was told to buy equal length cables of FL and FR (15ft on both sides) whereas I only needed about 6 or 7 ft max for the FR. So, in order to stow the excess cable on the right (behind my a/v furniture) I had to coil the cable -- approx 1 1/3 ft diameter. My question is does the pretty braided skin of my AQ Slates help reduce noise as a possible result of inductance?
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Audioholic Samurai
mulester7 said:
.....The Duffinator, that which Mtry never wavers on, is what someone else thinks who got published....he also never fails to follow up someone's audible observance posted, with claims they aren't qualified to relate such gets old......
Indeed, endless repetition gets very old. I no longer read any of his posts, same stuff over and over and over again.


Audioholic Samurai
Nick250 said:
I no longer read any of his posts
.....then that would be a loss, Nick....Mtry says a lot of good stuff, but doesn't relate what he hears at all.....the claim of stereo boomboxes could be true......
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Audioholics Master Chief
I for one had the misfortune of buying AQ bi-wires (luckily the ones without batteries) for my front three just prior to having the fortune of finding this site. Based upon the recommendation of AQ (as in I actually talked to the guy who terminated my cables) I was told to buy equal length cables of FL and FR (15ft on both sides) whereas I only needed about 6 or 7 ft max for the FR. So, in order to stow the excess cable on the right (behind my a/v furniture) I had to coil the cable -- approx 1 1/3 ft diameter. My question is does the pretty braided skin of my AQ Slates help reduce noise as a possible result of inductance?
Coiling cable will actually increase inductance. Given the length, the # of turns and bandwidth you use audio cables, it won't make too much of a difference in your case, but it definately doesn't help anything. There is absolutely no sane reason to keep speaker cables equal length, especially if you only need one of them to be 6-7 feet long.

The braided skin is nothing more than cosmetic. In most cases speaker cables don't require any shielding since you are terminating into a low impedance and the output impedance of the amplifier is also very low.

At the very minimum you bought a nice looking cable and paid a little too much for it. In the future, I would advise putting more of your budget into your room, speakers, or music/dvd software.


Seriously, I have no life.
Jon@StereoOne said:
That was for the mad guy smack talking a lack of car analogy! LOL.

Well, looks like my comment went way over your head. As to being mad, you bet. Too many gullible consumers being taken advantage by marketeers. But, that is also a statement on our education system that doesn't teach enough or any skeptical practices in the marketplace. But, as long as I can, I will help in that matter, like it or not.


Seriously, I have no life.
mulester7 said:
..but doesn't relate what he hears at all.....the claim of stereo boomboxes could be true......

I may be deaf. :D What I hear is meaningless to anyone else, really, except in general terms that I heard something. Why would I pull the wool over anyone about my boomoxes? I have two. At one time, another poster confirmed that. If I have anything else is irrelevant. All we need is another Polk bashing;)


Audioholic Samurai
mtrycrafts said:
What I hear is meaningless to anyone else, really, except in general terms that I heard something
.....Gentlemen, I just got a new's heavy and pretty at the same's black....I'm pretty sure it works, because I hooked it up and I heard something.....

.....anyone besides me see the folly in such a report?.....just got called to take a train to Van Buren....hold the fort down, Mtry, and carry on....don't dare accept any reports of observed sound quality with any products....

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