I appreciate all of you that have heard the comparison done, and base their "opinion" on an experience rather than specs alone. This was if fact the only reason I made such a rediculous comparison of a $7000.00 T.V. to a $1500 one. Spec alone would lead some people to believe that anything that was more expensive without better specs on paper would just be a waste of money. MY OWN EYES AND EARS have indicated differently, per my perception. This is in fact just that an opinion, Joe the scientist might argue against that and I can appreciate the need for numbers only if that is your personality.
To the individuals worried about me not making friends, don't worry I have plenty of friends. Some religious some not, some democrats some republicans. As before mentioned I prefer to have an open mind and listen to both sides of all things.
A wise man once said: "Do you listen to it? Can you hear a difference? Then it is probably worth it."
Clearly not everyone agrees, a part of what makes this country great and why forums exist. My post is only to encourage people to form their own opinion. You may or may not be lucky enough to have a local dealer close to you that will take the time to set up a fair A/B comparison. For those stuck only having big box stores that don't have a proper room to evaluate for yourself, you unfortunatley miss out on finding out what your own taste might be. Can any of you really tell me that Focal Jm Lab Utopia is better than a Wilson or a Martin Logan or a B & W. These are all great products that exist simply because we all have different taste for looks, and sound. I personally prefer Sam Adams, you might like Coors. This does not make either one of us wrong.
I am in fact not a pissed of dealer that can't sell cables. Just someone happy with his audioquest, marantz, focal, and mitsubishi equipment per my taste and would simply encourage anyone to form their opinion on actually taking a TEST DRIVE. That was for the mad guy smack talking a lack of car analogy! LOL.
I would like to hear your thoughts on why so many different high end speaker company's have so many different "Measured versions of perfect tweeters" The B&W claims that on paper it measures closer to a hypothetical perfect tweeter with their new diamond tweeter. (802D) I personally think Focal's berilium sounds better. Get this another "Opinion of mine" I don't think that a guy that prefers the B&W is wrong. I hope you are begining to see my point.