K, this thread has been going on so long, it won't bother anyone if I put my 2 cents in. Or will it? lol
Seatbelts are compulsory in my country. I never wear a seatbelt while driving in town, because in my opinion a) seatbelts are mainly protecting you from head-on crashes, of which there is not much chance in a busy town, at least not violent ones b) there's high chances of side collisions in towns, in which case the seatbelts are not really helping, rather the other way around and c) because the seatbelt is crumpling my clothes and I hate that. I DO wear it once I get outside the town. I know this was not about seatbelts, but I think my attitude resembles Sheep's (and as you see I got arguments too, just like he does

). Well, I've paid fines for not wearing my belt quite a few times, and I never complained about it,
because it's my choice.
I used to ride a bike to work and back too, but I gave it up years ago, because the traffic is nowadays too dangerous for that, helmet or not. All that discussion about being able to avoid an accident by pure skill, is a complete waste of time, in my opinion. An accident is by definition something unexpected, and one accident that could always happen to you is to be hit from behind. Now how on earth are you going to skillfully avoid that? Or pushed from the road by a car overtaking you. What are you going to do about that?
Sheep, I know we're talking about you riding on a sidewalk, but how could they know you were going to ride on the sidewalk the whole day? I think that was their logic there.
Bottom line is, you chose to ignore the laws, you gotta pay for it. You wanna change the law, get a few hundred people thinking like you, start a party and then lobby for that particular law change (although I got a feeling that in the process you might start getting interested by some other issues, like how to get rich quickly).