This house has an open living room, kitchen, and office area. The thought I am having is maybe I should consider large floor speakers located at the TV, but connected to the computer. Then I can fill this house with good music during the day. (I work from home.)
I do a lot of planning before I buy anything. We aren't rich, so we tend to skip over the progressive improvement steps of any buying experience and go for something great the first time. Even when that means we do without entirely for a long time. For example, me and my wife lived with a used futon for years before we bought a truly awesome high end sectional/couch. By not losing money in the 'what we can afford now' stage we have more money saved for something great later. I'm right on track, the Bose Soundlink are the first speakers I ever bought, and they will likely be the last for the office.
I seriously appreciate the time you guys, especially lovinthehd, as put into helping me navigate this audio arena. It's so tough to know what you want when you can't hear any of it until it's purchased. I check out everything mentioned and linked to. I gotta say though, the miniDSP was confusing.