Gee, I thought I scored pretty high until I started reading the other scores
I scored 81 base and 30 additional. I didn't count the Avia test disc as an additional item, though, as I thought it meant actual equipment ie colorimeter, etc. That could have earned me another 50 pts.
It's OK, Tom, we know this isn't exact science! A 1.2 would be cool when you have the time adding some of the ideas contained herein.
I have a lot of extra gear that I may
use at some time as others have mentioned that could add points
I have a 5.1 system that isn't in use b/c of remodeling,
two reel to reels, three cassete decks, a Scott receiver, an eight track
more speakers, a DVD player, two VCRs (Beta and VHS), a 35" CRT, another Sat rcvr, a turntable and a partridge in a pear tree that are all sitting around not in use.
Thanks for the fun, Tom!
PS I didn't add some points for having my dedicated two channel system
and my HT in the same main room, either! Does this qualify me as hopeless