Amp/Pre amp better sound quality?



Audioholic Jedi
I have absolutely no idea if one sounds better than the other, all I know is after I went Pre/Pro, it's kinda hard to just get rid of my amps;). The one comparison I would like to see is the Denon 7200 Receiver vs the Marantz AV8802A Pre/Pro. Since they share similar hardware and DACs, that is about as close as I can see getting to an apples to apples comparison with measurements. Any opinion I would give would be purely subjective.
Yeah, I think for the general population, AVR is fine.

But they don't call us Audioholics for nothing. ;)

Many of us own pre-pros and at least one external amp. I own 4 ATI amps and it's probably for life. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I have the 8802a and ATI amps, Martin Logan speakers Golden EarXXL subwoofers and proficient ceiling speakers, I've had many people over here listening to my system that work in the business, a lot of them say they haven't heard anything better the Dolby Atmos and Dtsx is simply amazing from movies

Sent from my VS990 using Tapatalk
Great system.

sterling shoote

Audioholic Field Marshall
I believe todays receivers, pre/pros with power amps, and integrated amps do indeed pretty much deliver similar impressions with any given speakers. This has been my annotation of it from what I've heard. What I perceive to be different is quality related to the life expectance of the product. I see offerings on ebay for vintage components, which, as listed, state the components, some made in the early 1970's, are still functioning. Referencing these components to todays components I wonder if the products offered today will still be working 20 or 30 years from now. I don't think they will since younger folks seem to be driven by a function to price ratio. They seem to be drawn to a product that does the most for the least money. Hey, isn't everybody drawn to this; but, younger folks don't seem to realize to get the most for the least expense means build quality and serviceability suffers.


Junior Audioholic
Have your speakers arrived yet? While I do love they look of the McIntosh products (and Ive owned the C26, C28, and 2 MC2255s and a MA7100), Id prefer something with on board EQ processing (ie a AVR or HT preamp). The Mac's tone controls are nice, but if your room is less than perfect and you need to apply EQ to help with smoothing they dont cut it. Its a "pretty" and "expensive" preamp and dac. If your buying for the prestige and can afford it go for it as you can afford to add the EQ components as well. Dr. Marks comments above are spot on.

Edit: The next two models above the c47 have 8 band eq available for hefty price jumps. For a fraction you can get this

such as this product??
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