

Audioholic Jedi
Can’t argue with that! It wasn’t until recently that I saw how good the Denons look.
Oops, sorry - I wasn't trying to insult your gear! :eek: I just don't like the looks of the current Onkyos. I was a fan of their earlier designs.


Audioholic Chief
All good baby!

No harm, I didn’t take it that way;) Everyone has their opinion, I’m just used to the Onkyo look, I guess, and the 876 was $700 dollars cheaper than the 3808 when I was ready to buy…:p


Audioholic Jedi
Anyone know about a new release of the Transformers blu-ray? Best Buy has two editions listed, one is the special edition that most people have for $20, and the other is one that is scheduled to be released on July 28. Looks like there is also a version of the DVD being released that day, too.


Audioholic Overlord
I changed my mind, I don't like your gear at all!
No harm, I didn’t take it that way;) Everyone has their opinion, I’m just used to the Onkyo look, I guess, and the 876 was $700 dollars cheaper than the 3808 when I was ready to buy…:p


Audioholic Chief

You need to change the font size in the sig to make it perfect!

PS Screw you:D


Audioholic Jedi
I ended up going to all three stores (the Target by me didn't have Transformers on sale and didn't have Curse of the Black Pearl, Walmart didn't have either, but Best Buy had both and would match prices), but I now have two discs in hand and am just waiting on UPS to bring my new toy. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
... just waiting on UPS to bring my new toy. :D
Greg? Is that you, Greg? It sounds like you ... :confused:

I feel like I'm quoting myself. :eek:

When the UPS guy gets here I'm gonna hit on him ... even if he is a guy. :eek:
It get's lonely in Tucson. :D


Audioholic Jedi
What a bunch of Overlord wannabes. :p

And, lonely... :D
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Are you sure you did not miss UPS while you were out?


Audioholic Jedi
4:30pm, and no UPS. They normally deliver by noon. Hmmm. I've been lucky so far today that it hasn't poured at my house, but the clouds are rolling this way.

Come on, UPS. Come on! :D
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
UPS is here!!!
Well that is a relief. I'm suprised you did not get a tracking number and at least you could have seen the "out for delivery" notice.

I guess you'll be busy for the next few hours. Let us know how you like it. Do you have a set of multichannel analog cables for the lossless or are you just going to use optical to your reciever?


Audioholic Jedi
Wow, me likey. :D That really does make quite a difference.

Do you have a set of multichannel analog cables for the lossless or are you just going to use optical to your reciever?
The player that I got doesn't have multichannel outputs, so I'm going optical. To get those outputs, it would have cost another $75. I'd rather just get a new receiver. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Hmmm. I just watched parts of Transformers on DVD (the same movie that I watched parts of on blu-ray this afternoon). The upconverted version over HDMI looks really good. Not quite as good as the blu-ray, but I can sure understand why people haven't jumped all over blu-ray. The Oppo 980 might have been a better choice for me (probably quieter and likely loads faster), but I don't regret my purchase. I would have always wondered about blu-ray, and now I know. It does look better, but I won't be buying a bunch of movies in that format. I'll sure get them from Netflix in blu-ray, though, if I can.


Audioholic Overlord
It takes awhile to really start to see how much better BD is. I think most of us who went from a good DVD player to BD wrote a thread titled "underwhelmed by Blu-Ray".

After you watch several and then go back to SD you will see. I hate when I rent movies and all that is left is a SD, it almost kills me.

Order an AVR, I didn't know you were HDMIless.


Junior Audioholic
I also upgraded to blu-ray video and audio (from a 2002 progressive DVD player and kenwood HTIB brought from Sams in 2000) and the difference is amazing to say the least. I am going to test out some of my SD collection and see if there is much of a visual difference from the Panny BD-60 upconversion. Over 800 SD DVD's that i am not ready to give up yet.

Just finished Man on Fire. It is a must to own on blu-ray. Def' reference material.

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