

Audioholic Jedi
It takes awhile to really start to see how much better BD is. I think most of us who went from a good DVD player to BD wrote a thread titled "underwhelmed by Blu-Ray".
I totally missed your post yesterday. I think that I'll end up agreeing 100%. The added detail does make it more "lifelike." I was watching Curse of the Black Pearl, and sometimes it was like I was looking through a window. That is pretty darn cool. I'll check out the upscaled DVD today to see how it compares. I was just very impressed with how good the upscaled Transformers DVD looked yesterday, which makes me feel pretty confident that I'll still be able to enjoy my DVD collection on this new set-up.


Audioholic Spartan
Adam, I haven't posted in this thread in a little while, so first off, congrats!! I guess when it rains, it pours, because you already got a bdp too!! Nice, that would easily be the first thing I'd try to convince you of. Thanks for saving me the breath. :p

But, I know you know already, or at least suspect it, but resolution's impact is ENTIRELY dependent on your distance, (and of course acuity of eyesight).

I don't know how far you sit, but anything significantly greater than about 6' simply, mathematically, scientifically means that you cannot appreciate the full effect of the increased resolution. It Really Is That Simple.

Also, Transformers, at least on HDDVD is very far from demo material as far as live action. The CGI, OTOH, does look good.

Try and experiment for me. Kill Bill, Ratatouille, something of reference quality. Have display broken in, calibrated, for lights off viewing. Make space, rearrange, to have a seat placed 6.5 ft from the display. Reposition, temporarily, your speakers for adequate effect. Then tell me what you think.

If your experiences are like mine, DVD is not even acceptable anymore. Upconversion is like putting lipstick on a pig. Remember that the percentage increase of vertical lines of resolution of BD over DVD is in fact greater than the difference of DVD over VHS. Sure, if you sat 10 ft from a 27" crt, maybe the difference of 480 over 250 would be minimal, because, well, you simply, mathematically, scientifically could not appreciate the full benefit of 480p with 20/20 vision with the described circumstances.
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Audioholic Jedi
Thanks! I appreciate it.

I can tell a difference when sitting on my couch about 12' away. It's definitely noticeable and enjoyable, and I'm glad that I got the blu-ray player. I do, however, understand why people would choose to save their money for now and put off upgrading. It's not like going from black and white to color. I'm happy with the upscaling in the player (which is probably identical to that in my TV), and DVDs certainly look good enough to enjoy them. One of my worries when getting a bigger screen was that SD material would look bad, and I'm relieved that DVDs look good. I have a number of DVDs, but more important to me are the TV series and other shows that I rent from Netflix that aren't available on blu-ray.


Audioholic Jedi
Holy cow - Best Buy now has the TC-P50G10 for $1300, including delivery and hook up! Amazon has the same price, but no hook up. Plus, buy the TV along with the BD60 player and get the player free (well, up to $200 back)!

If any of you are looking at that TV, that's a good price. It might continue to drop...but that's still a good deal.


Audioholic Jedi
As of yesterday, I finally got to use one of my Sonicwave HDMI cables that I won back in 2007. I connected the blu-ray player up to the TV using one. Sure, I never would have paid the $75 retail at which they were listed, but I'll say this - the connectors are darn nice. I think that they are all metal on the outside.



Junior Audioholic
EDIT: Oops just saw the banner on thier homepage. Nice.

Wow that is a pretty good price for all that. Good reason to use my BB card out of the sock drawer and get the 3 year interest free financing.

Is this a store by store basis? BB Magnolia VS non Magnolia?

Holy cow - Best Buy now has the TC-P50G10 for $1300, including delivery and hook up! Amazon has the same price, but no hook up. Plus, buy the TV along with the BD60 player and get the player free (well, up to $200 back)!

If any of you are looking at that TV, that's a good price. It might continue to drop...but that's still a good deal.
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Audioholic Jedi
Is this a store by store basis? BB Magnolia VS non Magnolia?
I don't know, but I don't think so. I just saw it on their website. There aren't any stores in my area or my parents that have them in stock, though, so I don't know how available they are right now.


Audioholic Jedi
Okay, I'm a full blu-ray convert. It took about a day, but I'm there. :) I'm still happy with DVDs on this TV, but dang - blu-rays are the shizzle.

I can't wait to see what the future brings.


Junior Audioholic
I did a blu ray splurge and ended up with about 30 blu-rays in 48 hours through several forums it was an addiction. Trying not to double dip on titles. Don't have netflix and its been a few years since i rented from block busters. Might have to use those resources instead blind buying like i am now. The image and audio is amazing. Can't wait to get the display ISF calibrated.

Okay, I'm a full blu-ray convert. It took about a day, but I'm there. :) I'm still happy with DVDs on this TV, but dang - blu-rays are the shizzle.

I can't wait to see what the future brings.


Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, I'm hoping to avoid falling into that trap. When DVDs first came out, I was near the front of the line with a second generation player and about 100 DVDs. I then realized that I really didn't watch them all that much and that renting was a better plan for me. Hopefully I've learned my lesson. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I'm wondering if I'm missing something. I can't find any sort of TV program guide on the TV. Even my government-sponsored converter box had one.


Junior Audioholic
900+ titles later, and i am starting to realize it myself. :eek:
Yeah, I'm hoping to avoid falling into that trap. When DVDs first came out, I was near the front of the line with a second generation player and about 100 DVDs. I then realized that I really didn't watch them all that much and that renting was a better plan for me. Hopefully I've learned my lesson. :)


Audioholic Jedi
900+ titles later, and i am starting to realize it myself. :eek:
:eek: Woah. That's a LOT of DVDs. (Before people start saying how many they have, I know that some people here have more.)

BTW, congrats on having such a collection. Do you still find yourself thinking sometimes that you have nothing to watch? :D


Audioholic Slumlord
It might continue to drop...but that's still a good deal.
The prices will continue to drop ... like, used 27 inchers are now free. ;)

Okay, I'm a full blu-ray convert.
Just like GG said. Glad to see you're liking it. I have only ever seen one program first on Blu-ray and then in HD on cable and the non Blu-ray cable HD version really didn't measure up at all.

Hopefully I've learned my lesson. :)
That's highly unlikely ... oh, you mean about buying movies? ... Maybe. :)

There are titles that I would like having on hand. When I spot things like The Matrix and 300 at the pawn shop for $3, I grab them. I like having them more for the audio than for anything else. Even though I can't or won't play things loud enough to bother my neighbors too much, it's cool to be able to demo some of that stuff. Fine, it's showing off. :eek:

A couple of titles that I would love to own just for that are Mr. Brooks and Iron Man. If I had your sub I would be charging admission. ;)


Junior Audioholic
There has been some moments with movies when i could not decide but my wife then takes the chance to pick one. I also go through phases like the need to watch Forrest Gump then i am in Tom Hanks mode and gotta watch all the movies i have with him in it lol. Sad i know.

But i can watch full runs on some T.V selections. Always go back to my trusty 24, OZ Supernatural, Northern Exposure etc and sometimes feels like i am still watching it the first time.

:eek: Woah. That's a LOT of DVDs. (Before people start saying how many they have, I know that some people here have more.)

BTW, congrats on having such a collection. Do you still find yourself thinking sometimes that you have nothing to watch? :D


Audioholic Chief
The Wimbledon Final Match between Roddick and Federer is providing some good eye candy for you to watch on your new panny. It is on NBC.


Audioholic General
Hmmm. I just watched parts of Transformers on DVD (the same movie that I watched parts of on blu-ray this afternoon). The upconverted version over HDMI looks really good. Not quite as good as the blu-ray, but I can sure understand why people haven't jumped all over blu-ray. The Oppo 980 might have been a better choice for me (probably quieter and likely loads faster), but I don't regret my purchase. I would have always wondered about blu-ray, and now I know. It does look better, but I won't be buying a bunch of movies in that format. I'll sure get them from Netflix in blu-ray, though, if I can.

I tend to be one of th ones that agree with you. If you had a good DVD player to begin with, BR really is not that much of a leap in quality. What makes it worse is (as others have pointed out) that is a crap shoot sometimes with the material. Some BD's really do make a huge difference over its DVD counterpart but some DVD's are done VERY well and it is sometimes hard to see the difference in BR. Now I will agree, if you watch enough BR, over time, going back to a poorly transfered DVD's will be quite apparent with some titles.

Also, I think many are expecting HD quality video from a BR on film material. It just does not seem to work that way. HD video is just incredible ALL the time. BR film content does get better, but it just does not hit you in the face like video.

Lastly, I think that screen size makes a difference in your appreciation of BR. The larger the screen, the more beneficial the higher resolution becomes.

I too have not bought a single BR disc. Just nothing that interest me enough to pay what they are asking. Limited titles and a general neglect to remaster classic block busters keeps me renting from NetFlix. Well, used to. NetFlix jacked the price up $3 a month and I dropped it entirely. I am with you. Just a lot of loose ends and poor transfer on titles that I want to see to really be blown away.

I would challenge anyone to come to my house and tell me consistently the difference between standard definition material form BR on titles like Ratatouille or Cars. The digital transfer quality on standard DVD is impeccable.


Audioholic Jedi
The Wimbledon Final Match between Roddick and Federer is providing some good eye candy for you to watch on your new panny. It is on NBC.
Two hours into it, and I'm finally getting a chance to watch. It started here about 6am, and I was walking the pooch for about an hour and a half of that. I was cruising the forum for a bit, too. :)


Audioholic Chief
It's shaping up to be a great match.

I was never much of a Tennis fan until I spent a month working at the 2006 U.S. Open. Actually being there and following the entire tournament change my appreciation for the sport.


Audioholic Jedi
It's shaping up to be a great match.
One heck of a match, indeed. I was hoping for a different outcome, but it sure was something to see. I thought the runner-up speech was outstanding.

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