Understood, sorry for the confusion on the Pioneers. That is unfortunate!
The two Focal systems you listed above make me weary as I have not had any good experiences with micro speakers. Focal makes incredible high end products, I actually was not aware they made speakers like those...
I do not recommend any Polk products, period! They have a huge fan base, especially here in the U.S., but their sound quality can be beaten at every price point!
What is the actual 'shopping' experience like, in Pakistan? You listed that Desert Sound company, is there a store to go to, or are you limited to internet shopping? It is very difficult for us to know what exact models are available to you.
Given your interest in quality sound, have you considered starting with a 2.1 system? Any receiver will do fine! But this way you can slowly purchase your system, and get the speakers you REALLY want, instead of settling for lesser quality packages?