That, I would agree 100% but in the video I thought you might have left people with the impression that you were biased against what you called the objectivist. If you follow the definition of "objectivism" by Merriam-Webster, you seemed to have defined objectivism and objectivist in your own way.
Definition of objectivism
: any of various theories asserting the validity of
objective phenomena over subjective experience especially
: REALISM sense 2a
Essential Meaning of
: based on facts rather than feelings or opinions
Definition of realism
: concern for fact or
reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary
: a doctrine that universals exist outside the minds specifically
: the conception that an abstract term names an independent and unitary reality
: a theory that objects of sense perception or cognition exist independently of the mind
There are multiple examples in at least two slides I would take exception to:
Example1: You are right about what you were saying in the first screenshot, but what is your definition of die-hard objectivist? I would think if the die-hard objectivist is truly an objectivist, he/she will tell you his/her subsequent perception of the sound system's performance will be a subjective one.
Example2: In the 2nd screenshot, if the so called objectivist falter, for the reasons you listed, then as Pogre said before, they are actually subjectivist.
Other than that, I thoroughly enjoy your video, and I always respect your knowledge in loudspeakers, thank you very much.