$600 Thank You note



Seriously, I have no life.
A few days ago, a highschool kid comes to my door asking me if I've ever been to England. .
Was he a local high school student? Or, one of those national circuit type going around the country with that gig? A group like that was exposed on
TV some time back.
At least his mother didn't come around soliciting.:D


Seriously, I have no life.
I think she realizes the mistake she made, and apologized. We'll take it a step at a time. We come from different backgrounds where her folks gave her a credit card in college to spend as she pleased. I had a job high school and paid for any discressionary things I wanted, as well as 66% of college. Her father bought her a camaro and had T tops installed for her in high school. I drove a Chevy Vega, then a Chevy Monza. If a clutch went out, I fixed it myself. Brakes - same thing.
Boy, that explains a lot. As a kid not much financial restraint from the parents and that carried into adulthood. :eek:


Audioholic Warlord
I have nothing relevant to add to this conversation :D

Buck, we'll talk.



Junior Audioholic
Hey Buck

Imagine how many "OSU #2" football t-shirts and soon to be basketball t-shirts you could by w/ $600.

Go Gators.

On a different note - that really sucks what your wife did and to be honest, you can use this event in the future against her to cover WAF on every purchase you make.


Audioholic Ninja
I think I just need an "absolutely no soliciting" sign on my front door. My wife will buy 3 boxes of girlscout cookies from 6 different girls in the neighborhood. We have cookies on top of cookies in our pantry that no one eats. This year, a few of the girls moms came to our house by themselves selling the cookies. Can you imagine? A few days ago, a highschool kid comes to my door asking me if I've ever been to England. I tell him to get the hell off the porch before I come out and throw him off. (magazine sales - yeah, I'm going to send this jagass to England). My wife would have said "yes" and told him all about her experiences.
Not to make light of the situation, it definitely sucks all around. But I'll take the cookies off your hands :p
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Hey Buck

Imagine how many "OSU #2" football t-shirts and soon to be basketball t-shirts you could by w/ $600.

Go Gators.

On a different note - that really sucks what your wife did and to be honest, you can use this event in the future against her to cover WAF on every purchase you make.
Har har har. We're still trying to get rid of all the Nat'l Champs T-Shirts from the last loss. OSU looked great this year with a bunch of freshman, but I don't think we can stand up to the Florida men. That pony tail dude you guys have is just too tough, even if he looks like an uncoordinated chic stomping up and down the floor.

I just hope they keep it close and don't repeat what Tressel's boys did a few months back.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Separate checking accounts are the only way to go. Works well in my household anyway. If my wife gave $600 to the preschool my kids attend I'd be upset too. Glad to hear you have it worked out.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
if my wife gave 600 bucks away... I'd buy a 6000 dollar subwoofer just to make a point.

Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
Take a deep breath and let it go amigo. Your marriage has got to be worth more than $600. Glad you talked it out and came to a mutual understanding. My wife and I argued over money the first month or two of marriage, came to an understanding that's lasted thirty years next month...assuming we make it :)

Mort (who wouldn't settle for a lowly $600 sub woofer ;) )


Audioholic Jedi
Separate checking accounts are the only way to go. Works well in my household anyway.
Yep, learned that one the hard way too. Now separate accounts only. That being said, since it is a donation, at least you can write it off on taxes worst case.


if my wife gave 600 bucks away... I'd buy a 6000 dollar subwoofer just to make a point.
And I'm sure you're just waiting for that to happen. That 1812 would be sitting in your house today :rolleyes:
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
sshhhhh. [whisper] I'm waiting for her to trip up on this ... [/whisper]

:) I told her what happened to BEF1 and told her what I'd do if she did the same ... she didn't say anything ... so I'm waiting.

anyway, she agrees with me that a separate account is not YET necessary, until she did it again. trust is as important as any other foundation in a marriage. believe me, women have much more control over themselves than us guys. if a man and a woman would both say that it ain't happening again ... I'm banking on the woman.


Audioholic General
I have to almost force my wife to spend money on herself. I am very lucky to have her for 23 years.

Our communcitation is awesome. We have a rule, no one makes a purchase over $100 without the others knowledge, unless it is a bill. We even discuss purchases even smaller if it is something the both of us will potentially use.

No separate checking accounts, just a mutual understanding.

As far as a stranger coming into my home when I am not present and without my knowledge, that would be a no no too! No surprises are a key to avoid problems and as Gene pointed out, that requires good communication.


Hello majorloser. Ready for the 17 storms there predicting for us this year?
I think I'd rather have hurricanes then tornadoes.
What about you?

Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Update on situation...

Got an email from the day care center apologizing, and agreeing to return the $600. They claim they've sent a few letters out to homes about building a new building to replace the three trailers for pre-k.

I think I'll put the money towards an amp/pre amp since I'm without one right now. I was planning on budgeting $1200 or so. Now that number can mysteriously climb to $1800. ;)


Audioholic Warlord
I think every couple has money issues. I struggle personally with the concept of his and hers checking accounts. It just doesn't make sense as the money I make is ours and the money shes makes is ours. Our house and kids and family come first. We cover those bills and then the rest follows.

On the other hand, she asks me quite often if she can go buy some clothes or some shoes. I never say 'no' to her because it's our money. That is, she asks instead of just doing it. So, she wouldn't likely drop $600 or even $40 to our kid's school without first giving me a phone call.

The flip side is that my wife is a stay-at-home mom. Her only job in life is to raise our children and no amount of money I could possibly earn would be enough to compensate her for this service. As many pennies as I earn simply doesn't cover it... and realistically, since we went from DINKs to a single income money has been far tighter.

My spending money comes from side jobs - half the profit I earn I can spend on whatever I want. The other half I give to her or we put into the general banking account. If I'm lucky, I'll do about $10K (profit) in side work this year which will give me several grand to blow however I want.

I refuse to let money be an issue in my life if I can avoid it.

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