Couple of pharmacist friends of mine are building a house in OK. They are going with all in-wall and in-ceiling speakers. I recommended RBH as my 1st choice, then KEF as 2nd choice. But they went with Definitive Technology. I think it's because Def Tech prices are lower and people in Oklahoma know only 3 brands - Definitive Technology, Klipsch, and Polk.
So anyway, I'm getting them DefTech speakers and Yamaha RX-A2080 for their home.
COVID might be affecting all companies. When I ordered the Yamaha A-S2200 for another client (he just hooked the A-S2200 up yesterday and raved about soundstage, imaging, SQ, etc.

), it took them about 2 WEEKS to get it in. So something is slowing them down.
Another dealer on AH just said his distributors on the EAST coast can't even get any Yamaha currently.
COVID sucks.