It's great you're continuing to loose weight on a steady pace.
I only asked about your scale because a typical bathroom scale might only be accurate for about ±1% of the reading. At about 250 lbs, 1% is 2.5 lbs. If your scale can really detect tenths of a lb. in the 250 lb. range it would be accurate ±0.04%. That's 25 times more accurate than ±1%. You can get scales like that, but probably not for the typical price of a bathroom scale.
To tell how good your scale might be, test it against a known weight. A quick and easy way to do that is to buy a 5 or 10 lb bag of sugar or flour. They usually are accurate to ±1% when they package the stuff. So a 5 lb. bag of sugar can weigh from 4.95 to 5.05 lbs. and be within their specs. I'd guess that most of the bags in the store will be 4.95 to 4.96 lbs. and no higher

Then weigh yourself with and without the bag of sugar or flour. What's the difference? The amount that its off from the known weight of the bag is how accurate your scale is.
So to be correct, you may weigh 260 ± 2.6 lbs.