Yes. That and the alden book are my favorites. Easier for me understanding Alden right now, but will be giving read number 2 to the Dickason book soon.
No doubt... but if I endeavor to that level, it will be a ways down the line, still! (so... 6mos?

... JK!)
I'm in no hurry to replace the Phil 3/BMR rig yet, considering the Phil 3 cabinets just got their final topcoat today!. I figure I've got 3-4 years before I need to start experimenting with a big, full range tower.

(Only partially kidding, there. But seriously, I've thought a lot about the challenge to myself of
being able to upgrade within 10yrs. Not necessarily upgrading, but being able to if I want, and
maybe do better. That's all.)
Shady asked earlier:
The lay answer is, maybe I don't, or more simply still: can't.
But I'd like to think it's possible! The beginning of any endeavor... any path worth following, a path which has heart and meaning to the traveler... should be predicated on challenge and reward. Maybe I won't improve on what Dennis and Jim have done. But does that mean I shouldn't try?
Anyway, this is getting far afield from the origin of this thread!

I enjoy this discussion and look forward to many, many more! Thank you to all for words of caution, words of widom, etc.
Thank you! I look forward to sharing!