Frankly, I don't give a crap. I was just pointing out another instance that shows that you aren't as smart as you would like us to think.
If you assess someone’s intellect by pointing to a misspelling in someone’s writing in a foreign language (English is my third language out of 6), then definitely your good judgement just about everything else in life is highly questionable.
The fact that you keep paying so much attention to, and spending your time on something you ‘frankly don’t give a crap’ about in the first place, is quite indicative of the value of your membership and interventions in this forum.
Argumentative contradiction of the content of other people’s views is something worthy in any discussion or debate. However, picking on the form of someone’s argument, or attempting so hardly to find ways to insult the other party in such a childish manner is quite the opposite.
That said, I would like to apologize before other members of the forum, except the few who preferred to implicitly insult me right away, for my second message, which might have sounded quite arrogant and even aggressive. I have to recognize it wasn’t the most respectful manner of reacting to your previous posts.
jinjuku, I am aware that my first post sounds like the epitome of ignorance, but it was simply meant to address a specific ‘sound issue’ which I wanted to sort out, and which I tried to put in as simple terms as possible.
Perhaps you might agree that the epitome of ignorance would be for anyone in my (geographic) situation to accept right away the view of either those who say more Watts don’t matter (“quality and control matter”, they say..), or those who say more Watts is all what is needed. Different camps, - different views. Both claim to be experts, and both claim to know the “truth”. Just like the Communist vs. the Capitalist economy planning theories/programmes during the Cold War, each claiming to have the best agendas for the world economic development…
I do listen to both, but I have to be very critical regarding all information I collect, make a reasoned sense out of it all, verify it, compare it in quantitative terms, consider possible and implicit advertisement, personal bias, cultural issues (ex: North-Americans tend to go for large volumes, large dimensions, large engine displacement in car engines, etc, while Europeans tend to go for smaller, compact and more efficient solutions), and many other factors.
That’s how I try to compensate for the lack of opportunity to go to a Hi Fi store and just listen to the equipment and make a decision.
The bottom line of my message is that if this forum is really meant to effectively and thoroughly inform people, and combat ignorance, and if a new member of this forum asks a question similar to the one I did, perhaps it would be more productive to explain why buying a lot more watts would be better than getting a less powerful amp with the so-called “excellent sound quality, which plays very well genres Y, X or Z..”, and how positively that would affect the sound, instead of saying that “here’s the truth, so accept it, and if you don’t, go elsewhere”.