Well my uncle came over this morning for breakfast, I showed him the carnegie/svs 2.2 and he played a few songs off his phone, he is now ordering a setup for himself tomorrow morning, minus the electronics since he has an integrated amp and dock he uses...
His review was- "The high end is as pure as anything under $5K, the mids are all there but definitely the soft point of the speaker while still as good as anything he has heard for under a thousand dollars, the lows with out the subs are impressive but the svs subs are amazing, it melts together like olive oil and garlic {he's Italalian, lol}"... Then I told him the speakers and subs were only around $1600 shipped, he couldn't believe it... In all fairness he was looking for a little system for his "treadmill" room, and he is only going to get 1 sub, he wasnt going to get a sub at all but them I played it with a single on and he liked it... so for around $1000 2.1 in piano isn't too bad...
I am in my front parlor listening to my other 2.2 system rite now, and its obviously a stronger sound {the msrp of the towers was $2000 and the subs were $2100 each} but the csb1's arent far behind them, I just have grown to love these evo2-40's...