Received my Carnegie CSB1's today, a lot of people wanted to know what I thought...



Audioholic Ninja
how are you liking the center.... I have them in the 2.2 system and watched tv for a couple hours the other night, it runs through the avr and then to the preamp in the through mode, and they sound good, no surround, and tons of bass, but I like them for music a lot....


Audioholic Jedi
The center is a little more clear than the A/V-2 due to the tweeter, but less bass. I'm really enjoying it. I do a lot more music listening with these than movies, but I guess I already always did that :)


Audioholic Ninja
If I didn't like my 340se's so much for ht, I would definitely go with 3 of them centers for my living rooms front stage, since the finish is a lot nicer... I am some day going to have my 340s and the stands veneered... such a shame a nice sounding speaker covered in vinyl like that, lol...


Audioholic Samurai
the bookshelfs were easy to do, I tossed out the original stuff and replaced it with different stuff, now I wish I listened before and after, but I didn't.....
I could tell the difference in mine after moving the stuffing around because I spent a lot of time with them before and after. I ended up pulling a bit out based on Danny's pictures, shoved it in the back and opened up a path to the port. They don't sound extremely different, but the bass is a bit smoother. The center is sealed so I didn't really notice a difference with it.
I think you guys are moving around and replacing polyfill/stuffing but with the towers it is a matter of adding the peel and stick and that seems like it could be somewhat tricky. I have towers coming soon as well and really hope it goes smoothly.This post is in response to post numbers 136 and 138 just to shed some light, sawz.
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Full Audioholic
I wasn't aware the towers came with peel and stick, I thought it was the same polyfill as the bookshelves.


Audioholic Samurai
I will simply take my time with the added kid glove approach taking drivers out on day one is somewhat nerve wrenching lol.


Audioholic Samurai
I wasn't aware the towers came with peel and stick, I thought it was the same polyfill as the bookshelves.
i may be wrong but I thought it was a peel and stick no rez that had to be applied to some areas inside where it is missing, NowI may have mis-read , but I think thats the fix.


Full Audioholic
It does sound a bit tedious, but remember we are saving 50%, might be some consolation.


Audioholic Jedi
If I didn't like my 340se's so much for ht, I would definitely go with 3 of them centers for my living rooms front stage, since the finish is a lot nicer... I am some day going to have my 340s and the stands veneered... such a shame a nice sounding speaker covered in vinyl like that, lol...
I already thought about that and asked Danny about it and he said it would work except for one small thing: they are sloped. IMO that just means slightly different placement than if they were flat fronted and the tweeter would need to be rotated like the tower. I thought about that for a bit and decided against going with 3 identical ones across the front.


I got mine today finish is great. I immediately pulled off the front drivers and pushed back the insulation. Not sure if there is a science to this or not. I just pushed it to the lower back and little up in the corners by the tweeters. I believe I have a few inches or more of clearance behind the drivers. I think they look amazing.
I did not realize the fronts sloped back but I like the style.
I can unfortunately not listen. My amp did not arrive today as it was supposed to. I plan to call Amazon about that. I paid an additional $7 for faster shipping at it should have been here today.

Just looking and wanting to listen......
I would have to go to best buy and "borrow" an amplifier for a couple days, lol... I am very impatient... I like the sloping fronts too, it just gives them a different look, the finish is fantastic and matches my svs subs perfectly, like they wre made for each other...


Audioholic Spartan
I pulled mine out from the wall another foot or so at Danny's suggestion, (so now they're about 3' out from the wall) and that improved the sound quite a bit.


Audioholic Jedi
You saw how far I had mine, they are at least 3' from the back wall and 4-5' from the side walls.


Audioholic Samurai
I pulled mine out from the wall another foot or so at Danny's suggestion, (so now they're about 3' out from the wall) and that improved the sound quite a bit.
You saw how far I had mine, they are at least 3' from the back wall and 4-5' from the side walls.
Do you guys think this optimal positioning will also apply to the towers, sheez I sure hope not as I just dont have the extra room to be that far away from the wall 18 to 24 inches is my max.


Audioholic Spartan
Do you guys think this optimal positioning will also apply to the towers, sheez I sure hope not as I just dont have the extra room to be that far away from the wall 18 to 24 inches is my max.
Not sure about the towers but moving mine from 20" to 30" made a noticeable difference. I'd give Danny a call and ask him.


Audioholic Samurai
Not sure about the towers but moving mine from 20" to 30" made a noticeable difference. I'd give Danny a call and ask him.
Well I best let it go for now since the towers are somewhere between Carnegie and Cape May at this time, lol.


Audioholic Ninja
I didn't find them super sensitive to placement, I found facing almost straight forward {just a little toe in} worked best for my room, a couple feet off the rear wall, one is close to a corner and they sound good... I'm sure the towers are going to be fine 20" or so off the rear wall, I am curious to hear how the bottom end sounds since the bookshelfs had a good basement feel...


Audioholic Jedi
The towers are TL so their interaction to the wall will be different, and yes, I'd probably ask Danny about what he recommends.


Full Audioholic
When I asked about no rez in the towers, Danny told me I would need 3 sheets. I then assumed the towers have the same fill as the bookshelves.

I did not ask about placement but I thought the fact they are TL meant they wouldn't need to pulled way out from walls.


Audioholic Samurai
The towers are TL so their interaction to the wall will be different, and yes, I'd probably ask Danny about what he recommends.
I remember talking to swerd about this type of build and it is actually not bad for close placement to the wall behind, so 16 to 18 inches should work out just fine, but of course everyone will know soon enough just a matter of plug and play. I hope to make light work with the no rez install. work area is already set up with white felt from michaels to place speaker on , height is perfect to stand upright for work so no bending over until it is time to plug em up to my Pio, grinning and waiting.


Audioholic Jedi
I used a 100% cotton towel to cover my desk to protect the finish and handled them with microfiber cloths.

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