Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Spartan
I'm feeling inspired to try and reduce the amount of stuff that I have stored. there are things like old unopened mail and other things that take up space unnecessarily.
Upon finding out why his many letters were left unanswered...... Doug is now officially heart broken.


Audioholic Warlord
As proof that I stopped maturing sometime in high school...I can't stop chuckling. :D
Zebrwood is no laughing matter. If it weren't for zebrawood we wouldn't have any of these.



Audioholic Jedi
In order to straighten up my guest bedroom, I'm trying to make room in my master bedroom closet to store some stuff. Thing is, in order to clean out the closet, I need to temporarily move stuff to the guest bedroom (because I refuse to clutter up certain rooms in the house). Make a clean space...move stuff...make another clean space...move some stuff back. Reminds me of one of those sliding block puzzle games. I hate those games.



Audioholic Spartan
Geeez, so sorry to hear about your cat
This is devastating and a loss of a family member


Audioholic Jedi
It actually took me several minutes to bring out two older newspapers (one from 1997, one from 1998) to the recycle bin today. I set them on top in case I change my mind. I still might.


Audioholic Spartan
Adam, did you manage to throw away all your unopened letters?

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I replaced the food shredder assembly on my dishwasher, the old one being not only clogged but having a torn blade. It cleans properly now although the dogs are unhappy they no longer have t act as its replacement.


Audioholic Jedi
Yikes, there's a lot of dust in the master closet! But, it's getting cleaner. Plus, now I've got some clothes and things set aside to donate on Tuesday (curbside pickup - gotta love it).

I totally forgot that I bought a "gun belt" years ago. It was the strongest belt that I'd bought up that point, but it's probably not even as nice as the belts that I wear daily these days. It is a nice tan, though, so maybe I'll start wearing it.


Audioholic Jedi
In an attempt to man this thread up a little bit I'll say that I'm headed up to NH (manly state) to look at a truck (manly ride). I already decided I want it. 2000 F150 4x4 ext cab and ~150k miles. It's black too (manly color).
So, did you buy the truck? The listing that I saw yesterday morning on craigslist that I thought might be the one has been deleted by the author.


Audioholic Jedi

[Caution - Adult content...kind of.]

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Audioholic Spartan
Yikes, there's a lot of dust in the master closet! But, it's getting cleaner. Plus, now I've got some clothes and things set aside to donate on Tuesday (curbside pickup - gotta love it).

I totally forgot that I bought a "gun belt" years ago. It was the strongest belt that I'd bought up that point, but it's probably not even as nice as the belts that I wear daily these days. It is a nice tan, though, so maybe I'll start wearing it.
There's a new invention..... called a Vacuum Cleaner :p


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