LV12-R review continued
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From the pics below, one can see that the new sweet spot was behind my left speaker. There was not a whole lot of room back there and I was worried that the sub’s proximity to my speaker would cause sonic issues. Brian Ding of Rythmik quickly responded to my inquiry and told me that this would not be an issue for either the speaker or the sub. I reran YPAO at this point and I was ready for my first foray into 20 Hz bass, something the PSB just could not do.
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Since my primary purpose for this sub is HT, I primarily tested it using Blu-ray’s. Before I describe what I’ve heard during my listening tests, I want to put out a point of reference to SPL. I was listening to a level where just the dialog scenes were hovering between 75 and 80db. I should have measured the output during the bass peaks but I forgot too. I just was too amazed at what I was hearing.
I loaded up Iron Man 2 and this film is riddled with deep bass scenes from the get go. The opening scene has IronMan2 flying to the Stark Expo through the volley of exploding fireworks. Each explosion left both a very tactile thump in my chest and a nice tight articulate rumble that coursed through the room. The bass was tight with no hint of sloppiness.
I immediately followed up Ironman 2 with the Avengers, another film I would use to show off my HT system. During the collapse of the laboratory facilities, my eldest daughter calls me from her cell (she’s upstairs in the kitchen and directly overhead my listening position) saying that the empty can of bake beans has rattled across the sink and fell in. From my listening position, I felt my chest rattle as the lab was collapsing. I could easily make out individual bass notes during the collapse as well indicating how articulate the LV-R12 is in its bass delivery.
In a nut shell, I both felt and heard bass that was extremely tight and tuneful with no sloppiness or booming. I was quite amazed at how detailed the LV-R12 played. Not only did I feel the bass but I could easily discern individual notes changes within the scenes hearing the pitch rise and/or fall. I whole heartedly recommend this sub. Its even more remarkable when you consider its price tag of $589